Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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"Sure but I didn't think you'd be that starved to one your own family, what a perve...." Lily chuckled as she stood still, waiting for Liz to do whatever this was, She also lowered her killing intent so that Coco wouldn't be inadvertently affected by it.


Her tail elongated into a spike and began to draw an intricate magical circle around them. "You aren't my family-yet." The pinkette responded. "This ritual will change that."

As she drew the circle, spacetime warped around them. It shimmered, forming a closed space. Nobody could go in or out without Elizabeth's aid. Still, she continued to draw in the grass under their feet. "Mmmm... This is going to make Vanilla really angry. You're pretty good at that, Lily, hahaha!"


"What can I say, she's such a brute." Lily shook her head mirthfully as she kept waiting. "Even when she was taking me earlier, it felt more like she was trying to knock me out, I've never been fucked that hard before, it was pretty creepy but... I hope you're better Liz... Actually Cocopuffs wouldn't shut up earlier about her butt being the best." The redhead wasn't even paying attention to the ritual anymore.

" Maybe you could give a hand and make a fair judgment daddy~"


She reached around and squeezed Lily's butt. "You should know as well as I by now-my youngest daughter loves to hyperbolize about almost everything. She's a massive show off, but she hasn't grown out of the idea that bigger is always better."

She chuckled, and the ritual circle suddenly burst to life under their feet. Lily felt the full unfathomable force of Elizabeth's magic suddenly slam into her at once, and while it looked like they hadn't moved, Coconut had suddenly disappeared from view. It was as if they had suddenly entered inside her and dove right into her gargantuan reserves. It pressed down on her, invading her body and threatening to crush her. "And Vanilla? She has very intense mood swings. One day she'll be all lovey-dovey and the next she'll be raring to go, begging me to give her another kid."

Elizabeth suddenly lifted Lily up into her arms and planted a kiss on her lips. But don't worry. Everybody knows I'm the best. You two can have fun competing for second place.


The rush she flet when her butt was grabbed was a fleeting pulse of joy enforced by what Liz was saying. Having her most prized feature complimented in a roundabout way by the one she desired to surpass made her heart beat jump. It was abundantly clear just how much she enjoyed it the next moment as all her hostility dropped and she became more docile and submissive in Liz' arms.

Of course the next moment an enormous pressure slammed into her and she clung to Liz as much as she could, seeking shelter with her new father despite them being the source of it, no it was precisely because she was the source.

"I'.... I've never had a daddy before...."


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