Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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"... so you don't."

The creature grew still once more with a thick and wheezing exhalation. Then, slowly, the rains thinned to a noxious drizzle. Slowly the vast expanse of the beast's form began to lessen in scale, to soften and lighten, until the elven sorceress found herself catching in her arms the familiar green-haired form of her lover.

Sage shuddered again in Eruraviel's grasp, and her voice came out soft and fragile. Like a broken note in a song. "My Astalan. Someone killed him here, and took his body with them."


Eruraviel pulled her lover into a hug, then turning her head and flicking the tips of her ears against Sage's own. "Your Eruraviel is here to be with you now." She cooed in a soft, musical tone. "Do you not have a scale of his? A whisker?"


This time it was eyes that rained, and a throat which rumbled in pain. Fingernails dug into Eruraviel's soft dress for but a moment before its magical effect discouraged Sage from persisting in such. The momentary pain seemed to give her focus, enough to sniffle and speak. "T-There may be something of the sort nearby, yes. Are you... offering to help me find his body?"


--- Quote from: Aiden on October 18, 2020, 01:27:07 AM ---Sage

This time it was eyes that rained, and a throat which rumbled in pain. Fingernails dug into Eruraviel's soft dress for but a moment before its magical effect discouraged Sage from persisting in such. The momentary pain seemed to give her focus, enough to sniffle and speak. "T-There may be something of the sort nearby, yes. Are you... offering to help me find his body?"

--- End quote ---


"Mhmmmnmmm." Eruraviel answered. "If I can find his soul, or even a part of it, there's a chance I can repair it and put it inside of a new vessel." She replied. "I have a crystal ball I can lend you, too. I'm not the best at diviniation magic..."

The tone of her voice made it sound as if it were a sore spot for her.


--- Quote from: SINIB on October 18, 2020, 04:27:49 PM ---Eruraviel

"Mhmmmnmmm." Eruraviel answered. "If I can find his soul, or even a part of it, there's a chance I can repair it and put it inside of a new vessel." She replied. "I have a crystal ball I can lend you, too. I'm not the best at diviniation magic..."

The tone of her voice made it sound as if it were a sore spot for her.

--- End quote ---


Sage's eyes visibly brightened with Eruraviel's answer, and the elf found herself being squeezed all the harder for having given it. "One item of power which my collection so sorely lacked, the one I need most, and you provide it now?!"

The elf found herself on the receiving end of a series of quick kisses pressed all over her face, and then the dragon-in-elf-form released her. "Please, bring it to me quickly. The sooner we can find where they took my son's body, the sooner we may return him to me!"


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