Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Concern ran through Eruraviel's mind-there were so many things which could go wrong, even were they able to recover her son's body. It could have been mutilated beyond repair, he could have been used to repair or create a powerful arcane item, or simply destroyed by some fell magik bryond her current area of experience. Even then, the divining could fail, and they'd be back to square one, without the smallest of clues.

She kept all of that to herself, and chose to embrace her fellow elven warmth. "It's here." She replied with a tight squeeze. "Just reach into my chest and you'll find it. I keep a small demiplane inside there."


--- Quote from: SINIB on October 19, 2020, 05:30:18 AM ---Eruraviel

Concern ran through Eruraviel's mind-there were so many things which could go wrong, even were they able to recover her son's body. It could have been mutilated beyond repair, he could have been used to repair or create a powerful arcane item, or simply destroyed by some fell magik bryond her current area of experience. Even then, the divining could fail, and they'd be back to square one, without the smallest of clues.

She kept all of that to herself, and chose to embrace her fellow elven warmth. "It's here." She replied with a tight squeeze. "Just reach into my chest and you'll find it. I keep a small demiplane inside there."

--- End quote ---


The green-haired 'elf' reached into Eruraviel's chest immediately, her hand plunging between her abundant cleavage from below in the midst of their embrace. She grasped with a fearsome intent, her concentration absolute and for a moment terrifying. Sage sought her prize without regard for any other item she might encounter, fumbling about until at last she grasped the orb in question. "Yes, yes, here it is...!"

Her eyes gleamed with an emerald power as she pulled away from Eruraviel, and reflected off the great crystal sphere she held up in her hand. The true elf here could sense the forest around them growing agitated, aroused from its shared sorrow in response to Sage's manic energies. For indeed, already the dragon was imposing her will upon the great relic, and it swirled with her power. "Reveal to me, the blood of my child - the stain of it upon his killer's hands, that I may free him of their despoiling grasp!"

--- Quote from: SINIB on October 22, 2020, 07:48:58 PM ---Thorra

A great shockwave wrecked the store's merchandise as Thorra impacted Nanako's gut. Shelves collapsed, pulverized by the sheer force of being next to Thorra's impact. Afterwords, Thorra came hurtling back into her body's hand after slamming into Nanako. She clasped her fist around herself and shook her head. "If this is the best you can offer me, I'm not interes-" Thorra paused. She felt something attempting to look at her and probe her location. She wasn't exactly sure what, but...

Electricty coursed through her hollow veins, and she poured her divinity into fighting back the intrusion. Despite her best efforts though, Sage would be able to see who she was looking for, even as the location remained fuzzy in her mind.

She shook her head to clear away the momentary distraction. "Sorry, something just came up. Talk to you another time."

Thorra flew out of the shattered frontal window, searching for a sutiable place to scry the runes of fate herself. Something was coming, and she wanted to know what.

--- End quote ---


An absolutely vicious grin, full of teeth and seething with vitriol scarcely held behind them, spread across the green dragon's elven face like a sickness. A reptilian hiss escaped from her throat as she, and soon Eruraviel, witnessed the big bountiful blonde on the other end of the act of divination. More importantly they witnessed what she was wearing.

Green. Leggings.

"I will find her, Eru." Her head snapped so violently toward the actual elf present it appeared as though the force could have broken it.


"Nnnn..." Eruraviel shook as Sage so roughly plunged her into the chest and bit her lip. She stared silently at the beautiful goddess, and immediately could tell that she was similar to herself. Eru's ears trembled, and she suddenly pulled Sage into a hug.

"Be careful. She's strong."


--- Quote from: SINIB on October 25, 2020, 03:03:27 PM ---Eruraviel

"Nnnn..." Eruraviel shook as Sage so roughly plunged her into the chest and bit her lip. She stared silently at the beautiful goddess, and immediately could tell that she was similar to herself. Eru's ears trembled, and she suddenly pulled Sage into a hug.

"Be careful. She's strong."

--- End quote ---


That, at least, seemed to give the elder dragon pause. Her arms slowly wrapped back around Eruraviel's shoulders for a moment. "I did not survive so long without care. I will come back."

Then Sage pulled away, and stepped back once, twice, three times with long supple legs, before finally turning and taking flight on feathery wings, just another bird in the sky seeking prey.


Continued from The Citadel of Sorcery

In the next moment, they immediately felt the oppresive increase in the ambient mana. Her two human friends probably hadn't ever been this far out. Normally, one would need a full combat-ready party of mages and warriors in order to have a solid chance of a successful expedition. For a moment, they couldn't even see anything. The only bearing they had was the elvish woman's ironclad grasp upon their arms.

Then, they felt a rush of her magic, and Eruraviel's enchantment took effect, granting them the ability to see within this magical darkness as if they were in broad daylight. Trees soared up into the heavens, the skyline completely invisible underneath the dense brush, and in front of them, there was a crystalline, pure lake directly out of a painting. It glistened with mana the same way the air, and everything else out here was, and would most certainly serve as a powerful spell component in its own right if collected. A keen eye could pick out countless rare herbs growing around its basin.

"This, my fellow ladies, is my home." She let go of them and hopped forwards, spinning around in the air and landing with a bow. "I swear on the honor of house Lavinnia that you will be treated with the utmost respect as guests for the duration of our date. What's mine is yours to gather."


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