Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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--- Quote from: SINIB on November 09, 2020, 03:49:09 AM ---Eruraviel

Eruraviel's eyes seemed to sparkle with a joyful impishness, glowing with a faint purple hue as a result of the magic that naturally ran through her when she got excited. She grabbed onto both of their arms, and with blinding speed, pulled them both up against her. "Oh, cheating. My kind are a lot more open to this sort of thing, so don't worry." They felt Eru's divine powers rush through the three, and they winked out of existence.

--- End quote ---

Chris + Jenn

Ordinarily, there were enchantments in place to prevent strange mages from grabbing hold of spellcasters of Lapidarian caliber - teleporting poor schmucks into lethal traps was a classic threat and one that anyone of note did their best to protect against. Despite these this mage and her apprentice were both unceremoniously pulled past any such defenses, dropped into a totality of unnatural darkness while feeling as though they had been immersed unprepared into a mystical environment of primordial proportions. To say that Eruraviel nearly found herself thrown off of Christina with superhuman strength was to understate the matter - fingernails had already dug into her skin, and she had the startled cry of the less experienced Jennifer to go with it.

But then the magic came again, and they could see, and they pulled back with, respectively, a shiver and gasp. Christina pulled the energy nearby about herself and her apprentice like a poncho against the rain, and took stock of their surroundings. "That's-"

"- wow." Jenn finished for her, eyes wide while she fixed her witch's hat atop her head. "That was amazing!"

"Terrifying." And yet, Christina gazed out at the magnificent lake, beneath the shadow of the great boughs, and flushed. "You weren't joking when you said goddess, did you? All this for a date?"


Eruraviel crossed her arms underneath her breasts and puffed it forwards. "Hohoho, it'd be a pretty pathetic lie if I wasn't a goddess, wouldn't it? I mean, I'd look like a total jackass who was completely full of herself! Well, the latter isn't completely wrong!" She continued laughing as she made a joke at her own expense, reaching out to her side at about hip level. With her palm down, a table with a veritable banquet of delicious-looking foods materialized out of the elf's magic. A great roasted leg of pork surrounded by an array of grilled veggies and a bowl of rice laid atop an ornate tablecloth.

"And, well, I brought you all the way out here because I wanted to show that I genuinely respect your powers. Feel free to take whatever you like from here-I'm a magnanimous goddess. All I wish to do is be allowed to spend some time with you and for you to listen to what I have to offer." Finally, her smile faded, and she lowered her arms down to her sides with her palms facing outwards, where the two humans could see them. "No tricks."

Chris + Jenn

Both of the ladies were looking over everything, examining the table of food, and more of the lake, and glancing back and forth between it all with varying degrees of enthusiasm. It couldn't last forever, of course. "I don't know, master..." Jenn finally said after visibly gawking over everything. She'd pulled closer to her redheaded instructor, and they were whispering really softly now. "Can we really take her at her word about this? She's some kind of faerie!"

But Christina, she nudged her apprentice in the side, who let out a soft 'hey...' in response. "If she wanted to hurt us, she would have placed us at her mercy already. Don't be so suspicious, alright?" And then that being said, she turned her attention back to Eruraviel and smiled. "Okay, but only for a night! After that if we're not interested, you have to let us go, okay?"


Eruraviel's ears were twisted, facing automatically towards the source of the only noise-the two talking. The elf brought her hand to her mouth and chuckled. "I'm an elf, not a fairy. You'll need to talk quieter than that for me not to be able to hear you, for future reference."

She suddenly disappeared with a puff of pink smoke, reappearing between the two floating in the air. She grabbed their shoulders and gently squeezed them. She turned to look at the cute green-haired witch and smiled. "I don't get offended by slights the same way a fairy would either, so everything's still cool! I'll be sure to send you guys back as soon as you want to leave!"

After that, she teleported back to her original spot, minus her clothes and facing the other direction. Her long golden hair shone with the magic of this place, glistening with power. It triled down to just above her butt, which was covered by some form of form-fitting black boxer shorts which clung to the contors of her ass and kept it from jiggling too much as she walked. Her thighs were pale, too thick to wrap ones hands around. Not just from fat, but there were also strong, dense muscles hidden inside of her which betrayed her full physical prowess. Her feet had a soft, flawless sheen to her soles which they could catch a glimpse of as a result of her standing upon her toes. She leaned over and cupped a handful of the water, transmuting it into an aqua-blue bikini top which she proceeded to cover her chest with. Then, finally, she turned around and waved at them. "Come on! Do you two want to just gawk at me, or have a good time swimming in my secret alcove?"

As a result of her finally turning around, they could also see just how much she was packing downstairs, held tight against her body by her underwear. Even flaccid, it dwarfed the size of any human male, and her balls were about the size of their clenched fists. "Or do you want to eat first?!" Eruraviel cocked her head, and flicked her ears with curiosity.

Chris + Jenn

"That sounds like the sort of thing a fairy would say to trick someone!" And then Christina was covering Jenn's mouth, and smiling brightly, and nodding her head at the highly impressive and casual display of teleportation and levitation right in front of them. "What she meant to say is, I'll be sure to let you know when we're ready."

What followed next gave them plenty of reason to gawk as the deceptively youthful elf, yet more casual a display of sorcery, and of the superhuman beauty which Eruraviel gave little thought to the immensity of. Jenn was the first to snap out of their shared eating of eyecandy when her stomach loudly rumbled, and the greenhaired witch's hand went to her stomach while she blushed in embarrassment. "I-I might have to take you up on that second offer."

Christina meanwhile, was unconsciously licking her lips. "It's not like it won't be there for us when we're done, right? You don't want to swim on a full stomach!" She moved closer to the lake herself, running over in ways that only her nice fancy armor and bodysuit were preventing from giving the elf a very interesting show. "You just did something really cool with that water! Let me see..."

She knelt down by the water herself and, drawing upon the very same mana contained within the lake to start shaping it into something resembling clothing. "Hmm... I can get the shape down fine." She took another moment, and refined the texture of the water then too, working it with both hands until it was a much more refined design, but still fundamentally a liquid held in place by the manipulation of ambient energy.

Jenn was watching with exasperation.


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