Author Topic: The Great Northern Forest  (Read 34670 times)


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Re: The Great Northern Forest
« Reply #345 on: November 16, 2020, 02:13:05 AM »

The elf's eyes flashed red, and with a snap of her fingers, the mana rushing through and controlling the water was distrupted, crashing down around her with a tremendous splash. She bit her lip and grinned as the mild pain from the blowback of Christina's spell coursed through her body. "That's not a bad attack, Chris-even by my standards, you have top quality attack magic."

She clapped, and then pointed at Christina. A dangerous, icky feeling green orb coalesced at her fingertip before arcing out towards her like a fell lightning bolt from the depths of hell.


"Thank you! I wonder how much you can keep that up for?!" Christina's face was delighted now, her grin consuming it and her eyes sparkling with all the power at her disposal now. She was fast too, enough to respond to the telegraphed spell by not just reinforcing her own defensive magic, but also kicking down at the lake surface below her and causing another thick wall of water to rise up to take the bulk of whatever malicious effect was intended for her first. It allowed her own ward to harmlessly dissipate it.

Still, it left the redhead's eyes wider. "That would have been really bad! My turn!"

She started to skate around the battlefield, strafing along the surface of the water and striking out with her hand to hit Eruraviel from multiple angles. Fire, wind, lightning - no more water just yet, but it was coming out as a relentless barrage of smaller spells now.


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Re: The Great Northern Forest
« Reply #346 on: November 18, 2020, 11:13:53 PM »

When the water cleared, the elf had disappeared, leaving a tremendously powerful meteor hurtling towards Christina in her wake. All of Christina's spells slammed into each other, creating a tremendous display of magical fireworks where Eru had been only moments before.

She stood in the air behind the redhead, and with a snap, a great etheral hand came hurtling towards her from the opposite direction of the meteor!

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Re: The Great Northern Forest
« Reply #347 on: November 20, 2020, 12:35:38 AM »

When the water cleared, the elf had disappeared, leaving a tremendously powerful meteor hurtling towards Christina in her wake. All of Christina's spells slammed into each other, creating a tremendous display of magical fireworks where Eru had been only moments before.

She stood in the air behind the redhead, and with a snap, a great etheral hand came hurtling towards her from the opposite direction of the meteor!


"Watch out!" Jenn's voice came from the shore, distant to human ears yet all too clear for an elf like Eru.

To her credit, Christina's only concession to the absurdity of Eruraviel's magical repertoire was a momentary widening of the eyes. It seamlessly flowed into her next move as she all but vanished beneath the waters of the lake and propelled herself through them by briefly surging her own mana through the currents around her at speeds even Eruraviel would struggle to keep up with. You know, if she couldn't teleport. It took the young sorceress out of the path of the attacks, and more importantly provided the means of her retaliation.

Two enormous hands of ice cracked and crunched along as they rose abruptly up from the lake, back at the elf.


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Re: The Great Northern Forest
« Reply #348 on: November 20, 2020, 06:07:07 PM »

An arc of crackling lightning burst out of Eruraviel's outstretched finger, cracking through the air and slamming into the great hands of ice, arcing from one to the other, shattering them both with Eruraviel's full power before finally heading straight towards Christina!

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Re: The Great Northern Forest
« Reply #349 on: November 21, 2020, 09:13:11 PM »
Sakura Matou

With Archer in hand, Sakura emerged from a portal. They were surrounded by bright, verdant green on the edge of the forest, near its reknowned spa. She hopped onto his arm and smiled at her date. "Ehehe, so what do you want to do first?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Great Northern Forest
« Reply #350 on: November 23, 2020, 02:36:07 AM »

Emiya's vision swam as they emerged from Sakura's portal.  When she took hold of his arm, he pulled her close and leaned on her while he gathered his bearings.  Not that I could ever tell her that I get weird motion sickness from portals, he thought.

Aloud, he answered, "Try not to vomit."

His normally tawny skin was pale as he forced a smile at her and looked down at her. 


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Re: The Great Northern Forest
« Reply #351 on: November 23, 2020, 01:18:32 PM »

An arc of crackling lightning burst out of Eruraviel's outstretched finger, cracking through the air and slamming into the great hands of ice, arcing from one to the other, shattering them both with Eruraviel's full power before finally heading straight towards Christina!


There was no time to react any other way. Every jewel within her fanciful armor shined bright with power as she released it and drew it back in from the environment faster than she'd ever had to beore. With bubbles escaping from her mouth as all of her concentration shifted to defense rather than sustained breathing underwater, the redheaded sorceress used a massive outward surge of air pushed out from her body to create a space that would normally result in the water rushing back in to crush her to death. Then, the water that remained closest to her became a shell of thick, mana-rich ice that would break in layers. It created a buffer zone where the chained lightning wouldn't be conducted through the water, gave it something to channel itself into, and allowed Christina another moment to gasp for air and invoke a word of shielding around herself.

It still stung, and she still had to hold her breath when the attack eventually broke through and she was back in the water again.

She only hesitated for a moment before cutting through it, ignoring the numbness in her body from the shock and pushing through the electrified water with the half-responsive muscles.


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Re: The Great Northern Forest
« Reply #352 on: November 23, 2020, 06:57:37 PM »

What followed after her impressive yet ad-hoc defence was a ray of green, crackling energy slamming into her once again, even as the lightning coursed through it. At the same time, an immense etheral fist came crashing down into the water, opening its palm to grab Christina and drag her upwards.

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Re: The Great Northern Forest
« Reply #353 on: November 26, 2020, 03:43:56 AM »

What followed after her impressive yet ad-hoc defence was a ray of green, crackling energy slamming into her once again, even as the lightning coursed through it. At the same time, an immense ethereal fist came crashing down into the water, opening its palm to grab Christina and drag her upwards.


It was a testament to Christina's skill and power that she was not instantly disintegrated by Eruraviel's rapid combination of spellworking, and other than a momentary jolt and an exhalation of pain was largely fine. It was a reminder of Eruraviel's power that she managed to fish the redheaded sorceress out of her aquatic bunker so readily, pulling her and the remnants of the icy sphere she'd used as the outer layer of her defenses back up to the surface.

It spoke to Christina's restraint, most of all, that despite the immense power burning in her jewels, ready to oppose this escalation by the elven princess, that she didn't avail herself of their ultimate potential here. No, instead she coughed and struggled with superhuman strength against the hand's might, but was... unsuccessful.


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Re: The Great Northern Forest
« Reply #354 on: November 26, 2020, 07:38:10 PM »

The elf floated down towards Christina and rubbed her head affectionately. "See? Shouldn't it be obvious as to why I'm trying to poach you, and why you should become my apprentice?"

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Re: The Great Northern Forest
« Reply #355 on: November 27, 2020, 05:56:44 AM »

The elf floated down towards Christina and rubbed her head affectionately. "See? Shouldn't it be obvious as to why I'm trying to poach you, and why you should become my apprentice?"


Christina coughed a bit more, held it in, and then in one big blob of water removed it from her throat with a surge of magic. The bullet of it went right past Eruraviel's head at point blank range, but only just brushed slightly against the tip of her ear. "Ugh. Fine, fine, you win! Just put me down!"

Her feet were kicking in the air beneath her.


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Re: The Great Northern Forest
« Reply #356 on: November 28, 2020, 02:17:41 AM »

"Ufu~ Feisty~" She waved her hand, and suddenly, Christina found herself able to fly the same as the elf. She turned to wave at Chris's green-haired apprentice. "Yoo-hoo! You want in on this too? Since you're her pupil, I wouldn't mind teaching you as well!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Great Northern Forest
« Reply #357 on: November 28, 2020, 06:47:43 PM »
Chris and Jenn

The green-haired girl with her witch's hat, busy wiping her mouth down from all the abundant food she'd been eating, perked up in an almost startled way. She'd been staring, taken in by the vast display of power both rom her own master and especially from Eruraviel! "M-M-Me?!"

Her voice almost came out as a squeak, and it made Christina pout even as she quickly adjusted to independent flight, hovering in place with her arms crossed under her chest. She was still dripping wet, her face red, and she let out a soft growl. "You're trying to poach my cute little Jenny Venny."


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Re: The Great Northern Forest
« Reply #358 on: November 29, 2020, 03:15:48 AM »

Emiya's vision swam as they emerged from Sakura's portal.  When she took hold of his arm, he pulled her close and leaned on her while he gathered his bearings.  Not that I could ever tell her that I get weird motion sickness from portals, he thought.

Aloud, he answered, "Try not to vomit."

His normally tawny skin was pale as he forced a smile at her and looked down at her.


She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. "Come on, it's not that bad, is it?"

She looked at the resort behind her, looming buildings, towering trees blocking sight of the horizon, and a sweet, aromatic scent which was almost intoxicating filling the air. "I've heard a lot about this place-not all of them good, but..." She giggled. "I'll protect you-the springs are supposed to be absolutely amazing!"

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Re: The Great Northern Forest
« Reply #359 on: November 29, 2020, 03:20:16 AM »

"I've Rayshifted, but I was a Servant then so I guess my tolerance for that was higher," Emiya smiled as Sakura kissed his cheek.  "However, the Rayshifts themselves were a little unnerving because they called the ports 'coffins' . . . and they kind of looked like them."

Hopefully Boudica isn't trying to force too much affection onto Jack and Nursery because I'm not there, he thought suddenly, feeling a pang towards the place that was responsible for bringing him here.

"So, what bad rumors did you hear about this place?  I generally paid more attention to the slums because that's where the worse monsters tended to live."