Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Meanwhile Lily was bouncing another rock in her palm, carefully looking over the destruction wrought by the out of control beam. It hadn't quite reached her, but its destruction had made things far more visible and she was now tracking the path of of the squirrel girl.

She calculated her speed and trajectory before throwing the rock with extreme force at a tree right in the squirrel girl's path. It should shatter that tree with explosive force right before she reached it, and the results from that could be really fun.


Coconut groaned. She felt hot liquid dripping down the side of her face, bleeding into here eye. It stings. "Ugggghhhh..." She put her hand to the side of her head, pushing herself out of the tree. Through her painful headache, she imagined a soft bandage, pressed against the side of her head. She felt the magic thrumming against her fingertips as it materialized, wrapping itself around her.


Then, she turned to see what the squirrel girl was up to.


Safely out of the area of devastation, Nanako grabbing a piece of the semi-molten earth near the edge, drawing closer to a tree, getting ready to start her ascent again, when the trunk suddenly exploded right before she could. She could smell her by now, whoever it was, high in the treetops above, but well within range. Her mind raced with all the new information, but her body didn't stop moving, the squirrel girl lobbing the still searing hot piece of earth right at the source of that beam. The tree started to fall over, but that was just fine by her, Nanako catching the tree in both hands, slowing down for a couple steps before caber-tossing the mighty, slightly shortened tree with a grunt of effort.

"ORAAA!" she shouted as the tree went flying from her grasp, right up at the source of that unfamiliar smell, picking up the pace again after she did.


--- Quote from: Panda on August 22, 2019, 02:14:46 AM ---Nanako

Safely out of the area of devastation, Nanako grabbing a piece of the semi-molten earth near the edge, drawing closer to a tree, getting ready to start her ascent again, when the trunk suddenly exploded right before she could. She could smell her by now, whoever it was, high in the treetops above, but well within range. Her mind raced with all the new information, but her body didn't stop moving, the squirrel girl lobbing the still searing hot piece of earth right at the source of that beam. The tree started to fall over, but that was just fine by her, Nanako catching the tree in both hands, slowing down for a couple steps before caber-tossing the mighty, slightly shortened tree with a grunt of effort.

"ORAAA!" she shouted as the tree went flying from her grasp, right up at the source of that unfamiliar smell, picking up the pace again after she did.

--- End quote ---


Coconut groaned again, but then her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates when she saw the piece of wood hurtling towards her. The massive, several ton tree hurtled towards her face!

If this hits me, I'm going to die!

She flew upwards in an attempt to dodge the projectile, putting her hands out in front of herself and blasted the tree with a beam.


Fiery wings sprouted from her back right after she threw the rock, and with a mighty kick she took off to where Coco was hiding. Unlike the squirrel girl, Lily had the luxury of taking the direct path, which saved her a bit of time. Even so, she flapped her wings as hard as she could to build up enough speed, enough speed to intercept the massive log that Nanako had just thrown.


The fire elemental spun around and kicked the log off course, letting Coco's beam pass by her and head straight towards the squirrel girl.


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