Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Emiya's vision swam as they emerged from Sakura's portal.  When she took hold of his arm, he pulled her close and leaned on her while he gathered his bearings.  Not that I could ever tell her that I get weird motion sickness from portals, he thought.

Aloud, he answered, "Try not to vomit."

His normally tawny skin was pale as he forced a smile at her and looked down at her. 


--- Quote from: SINIB on November 20, 2020, 06:07:07 PM ---Eruraviel

An arc of crackling lightning burst out of Eruraviel's outstretched finger, cracking through the air and slamming into the great hands of ice, arcing from one to the other, shattering them both with Eruraviel's full power before finally heading straight towards Christina!

--- End quote ---


There was no time to react any other way. Every jewel within her fanciful armor shined bright with power as she released it and drew it back in from the environment faster than she'd ever had to beore. With bubbles escaping from her mouth as all of her concentration shifted to defense rather than sustained breathing underwater, the redheaded sorceress used a massive outward surge of air pushed out from her body to create a space that would normally result in the water rushing back in to crush her to death. Then, the water that remained closest to her became a shell of thick, mana-rich ice that would break in layers. It created a buffer zone where the chained lightning wouldn't be conducted through the water, gave it something to channel itself into, and allowed Christina another moment to gasp for air and invoke a word of shielding around herself.

It still stung, and she still had to hold her breath when the attack eventually broke through and she was back in the water again.

She only hesitated for a moment before cutting through it, ignoring the numbness in her body from the shock and pushing through the electrified water with the half-responsive muscles.


What followed after her impressive yet ad-hoc defence was a ray of green, crackling energy slamming into her once again, even as the lightning coursed through it. At the same time, an immense etheral fist came crashing down into the water, opening its palm to grab Christina and drag her upwards.


--- Quote from: SINIB on November 23, 2020, 06:57:37 PM ---Eruraviel

What followed after her impressive yet ad-hoc defence was a ray of green, crackling energy slamming into her once again, even as the lightning coursed through it. At the same time, an immense ethereal fist came crashing down into the water, opening its palm to grab Christina and drag her upwards.

--- End quote ---


It was a testament to Christina's skill and power that she was not instantly disintegrated by Eruraviel's rapid combination of spellworking, and other than a momentary jolt and an exhalation of pain was largely fine. It was a reminder of Eruraviel's power that she managed to fish the redheaded sorceress out of her aquatic bunker so readily, pulling her and the remnants of the icy sphere she'd used as the outer layer of her defenses back up to the surface.

It spoke to Christina's restraint, most of all, that despite the immense power burning in her jewels, ready to oppose this escalation by the elven princess, that she didn't avail herself of their ultimate potential here. No, instead she coughed and struggled with superhuman strength against the hand's might, but was... unsuccessful.


The elf floated down towards Christina and rubbed her head affectionately. "See? Shouldn't it be obvious as to why I'm trying to poach you, and why you should become my apprentice?"


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