Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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--- Quote from: Elf on November 29, 2020, 03:20:16 AM ---Emiya

"I've Rayshifted, but I was a Servant then so I guess my tolerance for that was higher," Emiya smiled as Sakura kissed his cheek.  "However, the Rayshifts themselves were a little unnerving because they called the ports 'coffins' . . . and they kind of looked like them."

Hopefully Boudica isn't trying to force too much affection onto Jack and Nursery because I'm not there, he thought suddenly, feeling a pang towards the place that was responsible for bringing him here.

"So, what bad rumors did you hear about this place?  I generally paid more attention to the slums because that's where the worse monsters tended to live."

--- End quote ---


"Mostly that it's well, really addicitve. People with weaker minds often just-stay... I don't know that much myself, really."


"Well, considering how stubborn we both are, I don't think we're in any real danger to getting addicted," Emiya said with a shrug.

He frowned and took her hand.  "However, we might want to investigate this place in case it is causing a danger to others."


--- Quote from: Aiden on November 28, 2020, 06:47:43 PM ---Chris and Jenn

The green-haired girl with her witch's hat, busy wiping her mouth down from all the abundant food she'd been eating, perked up in an almost startled way. She'd been staring, taken in by the vast display of power both rom her own master and especially from Eruraviel! "M-M-Me?!"

Her voice almost came out as a squeak, and it made Christina pout even as she quickly adjusted to independent flight, hovering in place with her arms crossed under her chest. She was still dripping wet, her face red, and she let out a soft growl. "You're trying to poach my cute little Jenny Venny."

--- End quote ---


"Wahahaha!" Eruraviel suddenly raised her hands to the sky. Lightning arced upwards from her hands as if she were a sith lord, laughing maniacally. "I'm trying to poach you, her, and anyone you can convince to bring along and found a new mage order! One where you won't have to fight over access to the scraps of power you can gather from the omphalus!" Her ears twitched with delight. "I need followers, you need power-I can open the path to magic you never even dreamed of!"


--- Quote from: SINIB on November 30, 2020, 08:48:58 PM ---Eruraviel

"Wahahaha!" Eruraviel suddenly raised her hands to the sky. Lightning arced upwards from her hands as if she were a sith lord, laughing maniacally. "I'm trying to poach you, her, and anyone you can convince to bring along and found a new mage order! One where you won't have to fight over access to the scraps of power you can gather from the omphalus!" Her ears twitched with delight. "I need followers, you need power-I can open the path to magic you never even dreamed of!"

--- End quote ---

Chris + Jenn

To Christina's credit as a teacher, Jennifer took a moment to squirm, conflicted and obviously excited by the delicious display of delightful sorcery, before returning to look up at her teacher once more. She silently asked, with her eyes, far below, what she should say.

As for Christina? She gulped, and then crossed her arms under her chest and blushed. "T-That does sound very nice! I'll need to talk to my other apprentices and see who's up for it, and gather my belongings..."

But then, she turned back to face Eruraviel again, and smiled in defeat. "I can't really turn the offer down, can I?"


Eruraviel suddenly teleported behind Jenn, wrapping her arms around her neck in a surprise hug while smooshing her chest around her back. She wrapped her legs around Jenn's abdomen and pressed her heat against her too. Underneath all of Eruraviel's fluffy bounce, she could feel powerful, dense muscles which could tear a human's arm off. "I can do more than just teach you, too~" She whispered in her ear. "My specialty is soulcrafting-I can uplift you and all your friends into powerful, immortal elves, just like me~"

She knew that giving so much attention to the apprentice would drive Christina wild, which was exactly why she was doing it. She had bigger plans for her. More than just turning her into a properly blue-blooded elf, there was far more she'd be able to plan with her...


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