Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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--- Quote from: SINIB on December 03, 2020, 10:33:37 PM ---Eruraviel

Eruraviel suddenly teleported behind Jenn, wrapping her arms around her neck in a surprise hug while smooshing her chest around her back. She wrapped her legs around Jenn's abdomen and pressed her heat against her too. Underneath all of Eruraviel's fluffy bounce, she could feel powerful, dense muscles which could tear a human's arm off. "I can do more than just teach you, too~" She whispered in her ear. "My specialty is soulcrafting-I can uplift you and all your friends into powerful, immortal elves, just like me~"

She knew that giving so much attention to the apprentice would drive Christina wild, which was exactly why she was doing it. She had bigger plans for her. More than just turning her into a properly blue-blooded elf, there was far more she'd be able to plan with her...

--- End quote ---

Chris + Jenn

"Waah!" Jenn flailed a bit, struggling for a moment to suddenly support the busty elf's weight. She had to hunch over, and gagged for a moment at the arms pressing at the front of her neck, and her hat fell off too to show off more of her shock of long green hair. "H-H-Hold on a second, I didn't sign up for having my soul played with here!"

Christina descended quickly in front of her apprentice, and floated/marched up to Eruraviel to poke her in her jewel-encrusted forehead. "Hey hey hey, no taking my apprentice's soul and doing strange things to it without running it by me!"

"That's not the point, Chris!"


"Come on, it's a harmless operation! It's a once in a lifetime offer!"

She loosened her grip around her neck and cast polymorph on her. Jenn suddenly found her body morphing, her ears growing outwards into tips, something hot growing from her groin, and so much more in tune with the world of magic that had been opened up around her from her new senses.

Plus, she was really horney.

"This spell will expire in about an hour." Eruraviel whispered in her ear, leaning in and licking the sensitive tip. "Can't you feel how much this would bolster your talents and abilities? How much stronger you are?" Her purple eyes gleamed with intense interest.


--- Quote from: SINIB on December 05, 2020, 04:58:58 PM ---Eruraviel

"Come on, it's a harmless operation! It's a once in a lifetime offer!"

She loosened her grip around her neck and cast polymorph on her. Jenn suddenly found her body morphing, her ears growing outwards into tips, something hot growing from her groin, and so much more in tune with the world of magic that had been opened up around her from her new senses.

Plus, she was really horney.

"This spell will expire in about an hour." Eruraviel whispered in her ear, leaning in and licking the sensitive tip. "Can't you feel how much this would bolster your talents and abilities? How much stronger you are?" Her purple eyes gleamed with intense interest.

--- End quote ---

Chris and Jenn

Jennifer didn't look all that different on first glance, other than the pointy ears and big cock and balls hanging between her thighs now, forcing her to spread her legs a bit so she wasn't crushing them. It didn't stay dangling for long either, and the green haired apprentice was moving her hands down and whining softly as she tried not to let it just stick out suddenly! "W-W-W-Wait a minute, how did you just c-change my body like this?!"

It was easily going to be long enough to go from the elbow to the wrist if you compared an arm's length with it.

Christina gaped as she saw that massive bulge emerging beneath her apprentice's outfit. She then abused her ability to float to observe the transformation from multiple angles, turning sideways and upside down to look, which just made Jenn blush harder and shout," M-Master, stop that!"

"I can't, I need to make sure she didn't take away from my apprentice's cuteness!" Then she grabbed hold of Eruraviel and tried to pry her off so she could observe the back, too. "Or hurt you! Either of those!"


--- Quote from: Elf on November 29, 2020, 06:22:07 AM ---Emiya

"Well, considering how stubborn we both are, I don't think we're in any real danger to getting addicted," Emiya said with a shrug.

He frowned and took her hand.  "However, we might want to investigate this place in case it is causing a danger to others."

--- End quote ---


The ghost of his lover reached up and flicked his forehead. "Sorry, but that's not what we're here for today. Keep in mind our goal." Sakura puffed out her washboard and grabbed onto his arm, looking him sternly in the eye. "You understand, Mistah Aachaa?"


"Yare yare, yes I understand," Emiya rubbed his forehead with a grin after Sakura flicked it.

He wrapped his arm around her and said, "I am here to relax with you." 

His grey eyes traveled down to her modified form; his lips curved upwards in approval of her "washboard".


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