Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Cherry Lover:

As Sakura continued deeper into the forest, its magical nature became apparent. The sounds of the forest began to drill into her head, only her strong will preventing her from going insane from the constant noise, and the light began to fade until, eventually, it became pitch black, even reinforcement making it impossible for her to see. Worst of all, the air itself felt like it was crushing her. Recognising that she wasn't getting anywhere, Sakura tried to turn back, only to find herself getting hopelessly lost, unable to make her way out of the forest.

She continued for a little while longer, seeing if she could find anything of use, gradually coming to the conclusion that this was a waste of time, and that she should teleport back home. Before she could do so, though, someone grabbed hold of her arm, pulling her towards them before admonishing her, asking her what the hell she was up to going so deep into the forest.

"I came in here looking for someone who I heard would be able to help me, and I got a bit lost", she replied. "But I can get out any time, I just need to use my magic to travel back home."


"Stupid!" The elf kept yelling at her. "That's so naive! Your magic could get sealed—or worse, a monster could instantly kill you before you could even notice, leaving your soul to wander this forest for an eternity! You're just lucky you ran into me instead of basically anything or anyone else!"


--- Quote from: Elf on December 28, 2020, 02:59:17 AM ---Emiya

"I'll admit that I'm fond of them," his breath was hitching from Sakura's intense kiss and a red flush appeared on his bronze cheeks, making his steel colored eyes bright.

His fingers trailed to the top of Sakura's top and he smirked.  "If we keep this up, we're not going to get to dinner or the bath."

--- End quote ---


"Well, that's generally the implication with an either-or question, isn't it?" Sakura asked with a cocked eyebrow. A hand slid into his shirt and pressed it against his chest. "And I don't think I heard an answer~"

Cherry Lover:

--- Quote from: SINIB on December 31, 2020, 11:44:12 PM ---Arcaena

"Stupid!" The elf kept yelling at her. "That's so naive! Your magic could get sealed—or worse, a monster could instantly kill you before you could even notice, leaving your soul to wander this forest for an eternity! You're just lucky you ran into me instead of basically anything or anyone else!"

--- End quote ---


Sakura frowned, recognising from the girl's tone that she'd been in more danger than she'd realised.

"H..hey, I was about to leave", she said, a little bit shaken by the girl's words. "I just really wanted to find the person I was looking for, and I didn't realise quite how dangerous this place could be."

"Hang on, where are you taking me?" she added as she realised that the girl was still dragging her along.


"Away!" She exclaimed, suddenly swooping Sakura off of her feet in one clean motion, sliding an arm under hers and another one under her knees. In the blackness, she could feel the other woman's figure-she had a modest chest, was lithe, and despite her small frame, possessed immense strengths.

Arcaena burst out into a full sprint, slipping through the gaps in the underbrush and dodging the immense trees as they moved as fast as a cheetah. "There's a powerful feral vampire that lives around here—he wouldn't dare to cross my mistress by harming me, but if you caught his nose, you'd have been turned into hypnotized livestock!" She looked down, finally taking in the nicety of Sakura's body. "Or worse, he'd make you his pleasure slave. I'm taking you to my hideout, so you can tell me what in the world you were thinking!"

At full sprint, the two reached Arcaena's hideout in about ten minutes—a large tree that had had a hollow carved into and expanded into it. Finally, it was at this moment that Arcaena stopped to ruffle through her cavernous system of pockets, pulling out a small vial and popping the cork out of it. "Here! It'll let you see this deep in here."

She shoved the valuable potion into Sakura's hands.


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