Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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--- Quote from: Cherry Lover on January 03, 2021, 07:38:05 PM ---Sakura

Sakura looked at the girl with uncertainty as she hopped backwards and forwards, wondering what she would do next. However, when she heard Arcaena's response, a smile formed on her face for a moment, until it was once more replaced by a look of annoyance as the girl reached out and, without asking permission, drew some kind of magical rune on her neck.

"Hey!" she said, only to be cut off as the girl giggled before speaking up once more.

Sakura began to smile once more as Arcaena explained in more detail who they were looking for, mentally rolling her eyes at the overly-grand introduction, but not allowing her feelings to be visible on the surface. Her smile broadened as the girl finished off, beaming with pride as she stated that they would be able to fix her issues, her words also making Sakura aware of the reason behind the rune that had been drawn on her neck.

"Thank you!" Sakura replied, immediately, overjoyed at the possibility of being cured of the final reminders of her years of abuse at the hands of the Matou, only to pause momentarily as she realised that the elf would surely not provide such a service for free.

"Actually, what would your mother want in return?" she said, a little wary of what the elf might want in return. "I have some money back home, but I didn't bring anything with me, and I don't know if it would be enough to pay for a procedure like this."

--- End quote ---


"Oh no, she has no interest in your money. If she ever needed anything she could just sell some magical items or transmute some rare metals, you know?" Arcaena's conic earlobes swiveled to directly face Sakura. "Do you think you might have anything more concrete you could offer than that? Like manatite ore, for instance? If you don't, it's fine—we can discuss alternate methods of payment too."

The small elven lady turned around, gesturing at Sakura to follow her. "Come, sit down so you can think a bit. I'll make you some-ah, what do humans call it-tee? Tea! So make yourself comfortable and I'll be right back!"

Cherry Lover:


Sakura frowned at the girl's words. She didn't possess any manatite ore, or anything else that she suspected that this "Eruraviel" might want, and the thought of what "alternate methods" of payment might mean to someone with no apparent concept of her personal boundaries sent shivers down her spine.

"No, sorry, I don't have any of that", she replied.

Still, despite her reservations, Arcaena didn't seem like she had any ill-intentions, so Sakura saw no reason not to follow after her, relaxing into the seat as she considered whether there was anything she could offer.

"A cup of tea would be lovely, thank you", she said. "I'll try to think of something I can offer whilst you're back."

As she waited for the girl to return, Sakura thought hard about what rare or unusual things she might be able to offer until, finally, she came to a realisation. There was only one thing that she or her husband could do that was truly unique, and that was Shirou's ability to trace swords. She wasn't totally sure whether it would be enough, especially since his swords tended not to last very long, but it was at least something she might be able to offer. Continuing to ponder whether or not it would be enough and how to raise the idea, Sakura waited for Arceana to return.


As Sakura pondered her dilemma, the soothing aroma of boiling tea wafted through the air, tickling her nose with its gentle woody fragrence. Soon after, the elf returned with two mugs filled with heady green water wreathed with steam. "No luck?" She asked, cocking her head while she reached down and handed Sakura her cup. "There are a few options, even if you're destitute." The white-haired elf giggled, sitting next to Sakura and scooting right up against her. She'd never met a human before! It was so much different when they were alive and well! She wanted to ask Sakura about the mysterious city, but she would wait. This woman had interesting magic, magic she was sure her mother would be interested in playing around with.

Magic she was sure to present to Eruraviel as a gift. Perhaps she'd be rewarded with an increase in magical potential for a find this valuable.

Cherry Lover:

Sakura smiled at the Elf as she gratefully took the cup, taking a small sip before responding.

"Well, I did have one idea. My husband is capable of making copies of any sword he's ever seen, your mother might be able to find a use for that. They don't generally last that long, though, unfortunately, so I'm not sure if it would be useful", she replied.

As Sakura spoke, she felt the girl scoot up next to her, pressing close in a way that made her feel somewhat uncomfortable. However, not wanting to upset her host, she hid her discomfort, instead simply reaching for her cup and taking another drink of the tea.


The elf scratched her chin, looking up into the air. "Hmm, well, that doesn't really sound particularly useful. It's not like we'd be able to copy your husband's magic just by studying it for a little bit, and after that, it'd be gone forever—how about this? I'll make a copy of your soul so we can study the effects of your magic in detail, and I'll fix you up using my magic. If you want my mother to get involved, you'd probably need to offer a lot more as collateral for it to be worth her time right now."


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