Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Cherry Lover:

Sakura frowned at the girl's response, both confused and discomforted by the thought of what she was suggesting, and a little worried by the implication that she would only receive a second class treatment. Copying her soul sounded like a dangerous procedure, and it was also one that raised potential ethical issues, if the resultant being was sentient. Further, she would also need to ensure that Arcaena could perform the process adequately. Relaxing for a moment, she picked up her cup once more and took another refreshing drink, considering her response carefully before finally speaking up.

"What do you mean by a 'copy of my soul', exactly?", she asked, a little suspicious. "Would it be harmful to me in any way? And would the copy be alive?"

"Also, what is the difference between having you fix me and having your mother do it? Would it affect me at all?"


--- Quote from: Cherry Lover on January 07, 2021, 01:07:09 AM ---Sakura

Sakura frowned at the girl's response, both confused and discomforted by the thought of what she was suggesting, and a little worried by the implication that she would only receive a second class treatment. Copying her soul sounded like a dangerous procedure, and it was also one that raised potential ethical issues, if the resultant being was sentient. Further, she would also need to ensure that Arcaena could perform the process adequately. Relaxing for a moment, she picked up her cup once more and took another refreshing drink, considering her response carefully before finally speaking up.

"What do you mean by a 'copy of my soul', exactly?", she asked, a little suspicious. "Would it be harmful to me in any way? And would the copy be alive?"

"Also, what is the difference between having you fix me and having your mother do it? Would it affect me at all?"

--- End quote ---


"Hm hm. Good questions." She nodded three times with a faint approving smile on her face. "I'm much, much weaker than my mom, as well as being far less busy in general than her. If I do it for you, I'll just borrow her tools and she doesn't have to know about it—you get your soul restored, and I get to help out a cute human woman. And no, it won't be harmful to you at all. You won't even have to feel it! If you want her to do the operation, she'd be able to clean up your body too, but, I don't think you'd like what you'd have to offer to get her interested in this."

The elf crossed her legs, looking seriously at Sakura. "Plus, can you really afford to say no? I can't imagine that having your body like that is comfortable. I may not be an expert, but I can at least restore your original affinities for magecraft, and help you deal with the pain."

Cherry Lover:

Sakura frowned.

"Yes, it's not comfortable, but I'm used to it", she replied. "And it sounds like you wouldn't be able to remove the worms, which is a little disappointing."

"Still, being able to use my magic to its natural potential would be nice. But it sounds like your process would remove any of the abilities I've obtained as a result of being a Matou, too, which could be a problem, since my knowledge of Tohsaka magecraft is limited and my natural affinity is very niche. Would such a process really make me stronger?"

"And, as for the copy of my soul, what would you do with it? Would it be sentient, and would it suffer? I couldn't live with myself if I knowingly condemned another person to a life of misery", she finished.


"Of course it wouldn't suffer! You're my first human friend! How can you even suggest such a thing!" The silver haired elf's ears shifted downwards in agitation, frowning at Sakura with her cheeks slightly puffed out. "And if you think your magic is niche, that's also wrong. I can already tell that it has tremendous potential beyond what you can currently imagine-far surpassing whatever trifles you might be able to concoct with that pathetically grafted on affinity-but!"

One side of Arcaena's mouth curled up in a half grin before the smaller elf winked at her. I could also fix that instead. I'm not good enough to create new magical affinities yet, but it wouldn't be too hard for me to smooth everything out and make that magic truly your own, either."

The elf pressed her hands in between her own thighs, hiding her growing heat below from Sakura-she'd heard humans were far less open to casual flings than her elven kin, and wanted to respect the purplehead. Still, she leaned in towards Sakura with a big grin on her face, almost trembling with excitement.

"So? So, what do you think?"

Cherry Lover:

Sakura smiled as she heard Arceana's response, the elf's words and actions ending any uncertainty she had about the whole thing. Arceana seemed to have nothing but good intentions, both for her and for the copy that she intended to make. And the way that she trembled with excitement as she awaited the response made the thought of refusing seem akin to kicking a rather enthusiastic puppy.

"I think that it's a wonderful idea. You seem like you can be trusted with a copy of my soul, and what you are offering in return is just too good to pass up", she said with a smile, before pausing.

"But, what you said about my affinity has left me uncertain what it is that I actually want. Having my natural abilities returned would be hugely beneficial, but I'm worried about what I might lose. Would you be able to explain what the possibilities are in more detail, so I can decide which one to go for?"


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