Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Nanako rose along with the tree she'd thrown, leaping between more trees as she followed her nose. The squirrel girl's eyes widened as she spotted Lily literally blazing a trail directly towards the source, the flames propelling her making her hard to miss. Made it much easier to find her opponent too, Nanako at last getting a closer look at her opponent for the first time in this whole fight, and she was a little surprised by what she saw. Still, this was far from the first time she'd gone up against some pint-sized powerhouse type. They were surprisingly popular in a couple of the underground rings, though they weren't usually much for beams, but that was food for later thought.

With the half-molten rock still in her hand, she watched as Lily kicked the tree aside, frowning a little as the girl's beam sailed on towards her, but Nanako was already hopping to another tree, curving around the two. The squirrel girl tore into a tree as she passed, tearing it free of the rest of the trunk below her before tossing that at Coconut as well once she was to the girl's side. Not stopping there, however, the squirrel girl quickly tossed the half-molten rock as well with a gunshot crack, not aiming for Coconut or Lily, but instead the log Lily had kicked off course, the thrown rock carrying enough force to explode a good section of the trunk and send wooden shrapnel raining down on them from the other side.


Thankfully, Lily appeared. She kicked the tree away from her, saving her from the several ton projectile.

Coconut ignored the splinters, forcing her eyes to stay open and ignore the surface level pain inflicted by the splinters bouncing off of her, and focused. She imagined a large icecal forming above her, launching itself towards Nanako at supersonic speeds.


Lily didn't even blink as the hail of splinters assaulted her, such a pathetic distraction wouldn't even reach her feet. Indeed, the tiny wood fragments begun melting the moment they entered her range and evaporated just before her skin.

What a foolish girl, using something as flammable as that against her.

The heat intensified further and her whole body was engulfed in a raging fire, hiding her exact movements from the view of the squirrel girl, then she took of to cut off her escape path from the icicle that she felt Coco form behind her.

What form would her attack take? A kick, a punch a tackle, a grab? Maybe all three? The incredible blaze spread behind her and ignited every tree in her path, spreading the stench of burning wood. Her flight was unstoppable and she easily cleaved through the second tree that the squirrel girl had thrown and continued.


The squirrel girl didn't take long to decide what to do, between the icicle forming above Coconut and a massive ball of fire moving to block her escape, charging headlong into the fireball instead, her chest bouncing wildly, freed from the confines of her clothes by the rigors of the fight. The fire crackled and broke apart around Nanako as she charged into it before closing up behind her again, trying to hide her along with the redhead in its midst from Coconut.

? ? ? ?

A bright blue light flashed over the woods for a second. Suddenly, an explosion shook the earth and skies alike, and the light soared towards the flaming girl like a comet. No, a lightning bolt...


It was a massive armoured knight flying towards her at rocket speed! Surrounded by lightning, arms posed to the sides powerfully and a slasher smile shooting from ear to ear. His body rushed past the trees to tackle her straight to the front! "Got room for one more, punk!?"


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