Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Early Morning

Longirsu, designer and sole master of terrortech in the Nexus, walked alone at the edge of the civilized world. His machines, and then his feet, had taken him across meadows, flowery fields, the barely traveled roads that winded outwards from the cities of this world, to where bashful streams curled around ever-older and taller trees, and grand canopies obscured the sunlight like tattered curtains. If he had any pleasure in being here he did not show it, easily swinging a large steel case from his right hand as he walked. The smallest part of his sensorial processing aids was filtering out the endless, harmless distractions the environment provided, such as the chirping of birds and the flutter of the breeze, lest he remember places and times that no longer had the ability to comfort him; but the rest had important things to do.

The atmosphere here was charged with potential energy of the sort harnessed for what was commonly designated "magic" in multiple systems predominant in these lands. The premises that made this possible held at least partially true to experience from his original world... but the bounty the surroundings could yield meant very little compared to the subject he sought.

Instruments calibrated to the signature that Ib had mapped and projected as resting with frequency in the radius of these woods, Longirsu could tell he was growing closer. With stealth drones surveying the forest from above, and other machines silently accompanying his trail, the characteristic lack of clarity that plagued navigation in this biome was less a danger and more a slight setback to paint over. What concerned him was the temperament of this particular subject. If they were a so-called magician, and if he was approaching what passed for a base or stronghold for them, then defenses would be coming up soon.

Fortunately, Longirsu had no intention to deal with such things. He had come to have a chat.


Longirsu was being watched from the shadows. A number of forms scurried through the underbrush, expertly avoiding detection while keeping a close eye on the man. Every elven woman watching him knew that he was far, far too powerful to make a casual enemy out of.

It was errily quiet, silent and dangerous. Not a sound echoed through the forest as he marched closer to the immense, oversized tree which Eruraviel had made her base of operations.


The quiet was unnatural. Aside from the darkness, it was simple to tell that his sounds, as well of those of an unknown number of bodies he had indistinctly picked up by the traces of their passage in other ways, were being muffled. He seemed to be within the radius of multiple magical effects - which was not ideal, but confirmed his course. The looming tree ahead looked promising.

And so, once he had walked close enough to fall under the shade of the great structure itself, Longirsu stopped. With a muted grunt he heaved his large case onto the ground, before sweeping up his overcoat and sitting upon it.

Crossing his arms and resting his left ankle on his right knee, he waited. After all, it would be rude to simply stride into someone else's yard without permission.


A short yet generously built blond elven form emerged from the darkness, glaring at him suspiciously with eyes that were able to pierce through the unnatural fog. Her eyes flashed with a red that even though the darkness, he was able to see, peering into his soul.

Waiting to see what jumped back at her. Waiting to directly read his intentions instead of dealing with untrustworthy oral communications.


His eyes lazily met that piercing glow, and a multitude of sensors recalibrated themselves, sending synapses racing and cognition enhancements blaring in his skull. As she peeked underneath the metal and flesh, peeling the physical and chemical away for the abstract and spiritual underneath, a kaleidoscopic confluence of calculations and measurements flowed into him, unpuzzling and classifying whatever waves and forces that he could gleam from that magical glare.

Longirsu straightened his back and addressed her. "Are you the master of this domain? My name is Longirsu, and I've come here in hopes of discussing my research with an individual I believe to be of great value to it."

He did not make any special effort to hide his intentions, but Eru could see his ambition and calculated desire. A sharpened willingness and preparation to defend himself, but the intention to speak and listen, and learn.


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