Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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--- Quote from: Cherry Lover on January 10, 2021, 09:04:45 PM ---Sakura

Sakura smiled as she heard Arceana's response, the elf's words and actions ending any uncertainty she had about the whole thing. Arceana seemed to have nothing but good intentions, both for her and for the copy that she intended to make. And the way that she trembled with excitement as she awaited the response made the thought of refusing seem akin to kicking a rather enthusiastic puppy.

"I think that it's a wonderful idea. You seem like you can be trusted with a copy of my soul, and what you are offering in return is just too good to pass up", she said with a smile, before pausing.

"But, what you said about my affinity has left me uncertain what it is that I actually want. Having my natural abilities returned would be hugely beneficial, but I'm worried about what I might lose. Would you be able to explain what the possibilities are in more detail, so I can decide which one to go for?"

--- End quote ---


She proceeded to do so, listing off various modifications or enhancements she'd be able to make to Sakura, all to sweeten the deal further. She wanted a copy of Sakura's soul to give to her mother, as a gift. She knew that having gained such a high-potential tool would boost her prestige in her mother's eyes, as well as giving her the materials required to make another one of her sisters.

The reward was more than worth the cost of forging a new soul from scratch.



Oh yeah enough time had passed and he could finally go and collect what was necessary to advance his plans, the final missing pieces that couldn't be left behind, and now that he had them things would finally all fall in place.

Because the dry cleaners had finished up.

Thus he returns in full glory with the tower of hats, and he carried them under his arm despite their reality defying size. The hats all warped in on each other creating a whole that was both larger and smaller than the sum of its parts. It was a perfectly ordered chaos and the end of a circle.

He floated, no danced into the room to the beat of an inaudible tune. No there was definitely a dramatic fanfare hailing his arrival, With every swish of his robes, another dramatic note played. And when he came to a stop, so to did the music.

"What is the meaning of this? Are you holding a tea part without inviting me? How rude, I'll see to issuing a formal complaint right now with the Elven Princess Union! For shame my Princess, for shame..."


He was archiving his thoughts before retrieving the right words to respond, while engaged in beaming analytically at the craftsmanship and magic that shaped the building, when the yell suddenly interrupted them. Contemplation snapping to a halt, Longirsu cringed at the attention-drawing entrance that followed.

But an instant of seeing him was all it took to set sharp strings on edge inside the inventor. He furrowed his eyebrows in confused unease and looked at Eruraviel for help. "And this is...?"


Eruraviel straight up burst out laughing, chortling at William's cringeworthy entrance—of course he'd return like this! And why so many hats! It was absurd, yet it fit her impression of him completely. She spun the tips of her ears around in a few quick circles to calm herself before answering her confused guest's call for aid.

"This is William, the newest member of my harem." She replied, patting on her lap for him to sit down. "Come, accept my lap as an apology for your imagined slight. He came all the way out here to see me, so I was simply showing him some hospitality."

Cherry Lover:

Sakura listened with interest to the options available to her. She didn't really want any of the physical changes, but some of the enhancements that were on offer sounded extremely tempting. Improved senses, darkvision, faster healing, a stronger immune system, all of those sounded extremely useful. And, whilst she wasn't aiming to raise a child right now, the thought that she would be able to do so one say was extremely appealing. Plus, a part of her was intrigued by the idea of increased sensitivity, wondering exactly what that might mean.

"Some of those things sound very interesting, thank you. Darkvision would be extremely useful, as would improved aight and hearing, faster healing and a better immune system. And, whilst I don't want children right now, I would like the option one day", she said.

"Would all of that be possible? I don't really want any physical changes, I'd like to remain looking much the same as I do now. Nor do I want life extension, unless you can offer the same to my husband and any children we might have. The idea of outliving everyone I know and love doesn't appeal to me at all."

Then, Sakura blushed slightly.

"Oh, and you mentioned something about increased sensitivity. Could you explain that further, please?" she said, thoughts of having even more fun with her beloved husband filling her mind.


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