Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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"No no no..."

He twirled around and around until he reached the beautiful Elf, but instead of sitting on her lap as suggested it was the tower of hats that found its place seated on her.

"I need somewhere perfectly safe to store my precious so could you please hold onto to them for now Princess?" Then he twirled around with much suddenness, and faced the guest or whatever Eru had called him. He glanced over him once before uttering something absurdly insightful.

"You're not of this world."


His eye twitched. Harem? Was that a peculiarity of these Wood Elves? Was she just wanton and greedy in her relationships to warrant that? Did that make her superior to this man, if she had the leading role in this... arrangement? Some part of him bristled at the thought of how one would organize such a relationship, but no, that wasn't any of his business.

Longirsu scowled back at William. "An astute observation. Are you?" He said. "I am aware there are many vagrants in the Nexus, especially as of late."

Thrown by circumstance or some incomprehensible destiny into a realm entirely unlike their own, foiling anything that awaited them there or that they themselves had planned, for the forseeable future.


Eruraviel didn't miss a beat, or at least, she gave no indication that she was surprised by William's idiosyncrasies. The blond elf simply plucked a black tricolor hat from the stack and placed it upon her head, placing the remainder inside a magical bag she calmly pulled out of her bare chest. "You need not worry, William, for I shall keep your treasured hats safe from harm." She slipped the bag back into the hammerspace between her mounds. "As long as I live, your hats will be protected with my life."

Eruraviel refocused her gaze at Longirsu with a wry smile, her large eyes closing for a moment, reopening with their natural purple hue. she crossed her legs and leaned back into her chair, kicking her feet up onto the table. "Nor am I a native, although I've been here for longer than a week. But you wouldn't come out here simply to say hello, would you? What do you have on your mind, friend?"


"Thank you Princess, but you should be aware..."

He stepped around her and grasped her legs, only to lift them off the table. "That in Human culture, putting your feet on the table in front of guests is considered a grave insult. for an Age I have watched over the rise and fall of civilization in this place and not once has this fact change." His attention then shifted to their guest. "But you are not entirely correct, there's been many periods with a large influx of travelers and they all lead to times of great upheaval."

"You call him "friend" yet you show him your feet, Is that because you view him as below you?" His voice reached the mind of the Elf, he wanted to see if she thought of him as a potential ally or someone to exploit.


Longirsu's fingers ached to wrap around a weapon that obviously he hadn't brought, or at least a wrench or welder, wanting for familiar grounding. Something he couldn't hear was passing between the two seated before him, and he didn't like that. It had been a long time since the inventor had spoken at length with anyone who wasn't Ib, but he was certain that polite conversation was not supposed to include a second secret stream of conversation right in front of everyone else.

And nothing that ever smugly spoke of watching over the world for an Age was trustworthy. But the information yielded was curious, and those who smugly spoke of watching over the world for an Age, hinting at plans just as old, did not in his experience tend to lie about such basic information. It would be easy to verify later, at any rate.

Longirsu coughed into his hand. "My research concerns the potential of functionally endless sources of energy, and their correlation to physical laws." Staring directly at Eruraviel, he paused for a shallow breath, before resuming his response. "You yourself appear to be one such source, albeit autonomous and free-willed, and I wish to inquire."


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