Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Eruraviel's eyes trailed down to his half clenched fist and his uncomfortable body language—This won't do. She thought to herself. I'd be a terrible host to simply ignore this and allow his discomfort to grow. It would leave a stain upon my people's honor, as well as leave him with a sour taste in his mouth regarding me.

It was better not to carelessly make enemies, in her experience. Wanton, careless disregard for the feelings of others had lead to the destruction of her kingdom and the slaughter of her people. She would not be making such mistakes this time, not when they were so easily avoidable. "Really now? In my experience, putting your feet up is a sign of relaxation. It means that you won't be attempting to attack the other or flee from the scene in a hurry." She responded to William with a curious expression. I would think no such thing, and isn't it more rude to hold a side-conversation that he's not privy to? Eruraviel asked with a pointed tone. Only a fool couldn't tell that he's a powerful mage worthy of being my ally, and you're no fool, Will. It would be good to know something of what he's doing, don't you think?

Her eyes then landed squarely on Longirsu. "I have an inkling of what you may be referring to, but I must ask you a question first. Are you aware of what I am and that which I represent, or did you simply come here searching for a powerful ally?"


"It would do you good to not refer to my wife like she was a golem." Autonomous and frees willed? Really, this stranger had some nerve to refer to her a machine, or a tool of sorts. William's tone shapened significantly, gone was the wonky delivery boy of the hats. He was regarding the scientist in a very different light now, like one would look at an annoying stain on the wall.

He may not have any real interest in this transaction, deal or whatever it was. But he definitely wouldn't allow his Elf girl to be conned or used by anyone else than him.


"I meant it only in the context of my research data, nothing more." Crossing William's gaze with an unfond look, he secured the cup meant for him solidly in his right hand and raised it to his mouth. A calm sip was taken before he lowered it again, breathing steam against the surface of the tea. Longirsu fixed his expression on his host, then.

"I came here seeking information, and an asset. I do not yet know you, but if your being and goals are amenable to me, then I am willing to be an asset to you as well."


Eruraviel tapped her heel against the strong hardwood table with an inscrutable poker face which one could only acquire with decades of careful training and practice. It failed to betray any significant feelings whatsoever, and indeed, she hadn't been terribly bothered by his choice of words.

It was clear, Longirsu was some sort of magical engineer. One whom had entrenched himself in his research to such a degree that it had seeped into how he spoke, nothing more. There was no reason to be offended when such little offensive intent had been communicated. Still, she truly did appreciate William's quick and confident defense of her honor. It reminded her of her royal guard, as if he were taking the role of a dark knight. An arcane circle began to scrawl in the air in purple runes, opening up a line which the elven princess began to scroll through.

"We have similar problems with the other, it seems." Eruraviel sang out in her musical voice ringing of a whimsical world. Of course, she wasn't telling the full truth. She knew far more about him than he seemed to know about her. "Tell me, my guest. What are your goals? I must insist on being informed of them before we are able to discuss anything further."

She leaned forwards and brought the tips of her slender fingers together underneath her chin, glowing with avid curiosity.



Petty conjurers who make their living on a small talent for seeing the future wake up sweating, an inexplicable terror roiling in their  guts at the already half-forgotten image of great pillars, shattered, of a world of gravestones.

The learned curse as great scrying mirrors shatter, a terrible shining crown burning into their eyes as it shatters. In the pattern of the broken glass, they read that something terrible is approaching -a  demon slouching towards a holy city to despoil all the sacred places of the world...

Kore spreads jam on her toast as her kettle whistles, the fragrant smell of tea (it took her a century to get the correct flavour) filling the kitchen. Her side aches, as it always does. Out of her window, she can see her crops - fruit trees, wheat, fields of vegetables, bushes of strawberries - beyond them a border of trees. All is as it has been for - centuries? Millenia? But-

The sun is shining down, bright and cheerful. Like she had never seen it gutter and die.  And beyond her small grove of trees - impressively large, in her opinion, given what she had to work with - she can see taller trees towering in the distance. She did not plant those. Which means they should not be here.

She takes a bite of the toast, and chews. She pours a cup of tea and lets it cool as she considers.

She had felt something in the space below her skin.  A skein of space-time in disorder. 

Wherever this place was, it was not where she had lived. Had been living for a long time.

As she sips her tea (she almost spits it out, it hadn’t cooled as quickly as she expected) Kore wonders - do people live here?

In tall towers of glass and steel, in earthen mounds fortified with wood and stone, travelling on animals, or plying rivers? The form of their living doesn’t matter to her. What shape they are.

Only that they exist.  That people exist. Not a hollow shell reaching for her throat - but... People who live and laugh and love-

She hisses as still too hot tea scalds her hands. She had been shaking, tremors slowly rippling through her body.

The more important question is - should she check? Does she have the right to try and pretend to be one of them? After everything?

If they exist. If they exist, she tells herself, as she finishes the tea and toast, she can ask herself that question. Consider it.

She packs a small bag of... provisions isn’t the right word, since she doesn’t need to eat.

Maybe she can use them for barter, she thinks, as she picks up, with careful reverence, the branch of not-wood that was once part of her parent. She takes a few steps, using it as a walking stick. It’s not remotely necessary, but this way she can look more normal.

Humans used to use sticks to walk through forests, she vaguely recalls, smoothing out her skirt as she steps out of her house. 

She picks a direction where she see’s less tall trees, and starts to walk.


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