Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Umbra of Chaos:
Fu Hua

Kore is given time to savor, to enjoy, to experience. Life could be so rich, if you allowed it to be. One of the shades by the gardener's side was lifted up by the ground beneath her. Just enough so she could reach the taller girl's chin and lick the dripping juice that trailed from her mouth. Sweet, as always.

It was the other that began to pick at the bag Kore held, almost greedily swallowing up whatever was offered. But the original was before Kore as well, only a blur and a rushing wind before she found the white haired woman before her. Then, Fu Hua simply rests her hands on Kore's shoulders, a rising root keeping them eye level.. "I'm not usually so forward," she admits, as if she has not had been caressing the other girl within her spirit since they met. "But you seem to be a... reticent person. A bit of prodding can help with that."

The shade cleaning the slight mess Kore made of herself lets out a slight huff of displeasure when there is nothing left. So she simply rests her head on the girl's shoulder as the original continues. "You seem unused to people. Though you are right. You are taller than me. I can appreciate that. But before I tell you anything else, let me ask you something. " Then she points at the bitten fruit in Kore's hand.

"Did you enjoy that?"


The things she mentioned were extremely promising, if they were true. Longirsu could be seduced into thinking this trip wasn't a huge pain, and the social burden neglegible, compared to a hint at something as overwhelming as a collection of all knowledge! He couldn't just take her words for it, he told himself. If he was to have his due, he needed to curb any excessive enthusiasm. Manipulation of life and death was not something familiar either to magicians of his ruined world, or indeed any better than dubious and worrying theories, so how could she call it simple? The Terrortech Orchestrator would not be led on, but it wasn't impossible in the face of it that this was another divergence in the logic of the Nexus.

When she had that vial brought out, his eyes widened, with naked fascination painting over the doubt. Was that a soul? She wouldn't have had to say anything else to get him to finally lean forward, and he might not have even given her question to her suspicious partner careful thought if not for what followed. Unfortunately, William's complete flip soiled his mood.

"If you've lost your wits," he said, scoffing icily at the man, "Then take it somewhere we won't be bothered."

What was this... lunatic of unclear age meant to know about Longirsu? He had no right to say these things. Most aggravating of all, he didn't even seem to be looking at Longirsu. As if he was merely a reminder of, what, trauma, a joke? Maybe this meeting was a mistake.


 Kore lets out a meaningless, confused noise in response, mind still whirling at what just happened.




Was that normal here? She hoped not - she doesn’t think she can handle it. Her cheeks are already burning and she feels distinctly like prey to Fu Hua’s very hungry predator.

It’s the cool wood of her belt under her fingers that jogs her mind from the whirl of confusion, reminding her that the situation could rapidly become dangerous.

She settles herself as best she can, remembering half-forgotten meditation techniques she had learnt as a passing interest  on Earth. Given the Fu Hua pressed against her, and the original looking in her eyes, it’s a difficult task, but she manages to focus.

She’s still blushing, but at least she isn’t thinking of how nice Fu Hua feels against her.


She clears her throat (in the distance, a chorus of birds, hunter and hunted, sing a song of praise without words).

"Thank you for your hospitality, Ms. Fu Hua. I did, it was much sweeter than most of the food I’ve been able to grow." She considers the tingle on her tongue. "Perhaps too sweet, actually, I’m not sure I can eat anymore - it’s been too long since I had such flavours. I’m glad to see my own offerings were... So well received?" The bag of food she was holding feels substantially lighter. The Fu Hua clone(?) that ate it seems very satisfied, at least.

"I am not entirely unused to people, but it has been quite some time since I’ve had the opportunity for conversation. And your customs are unfamiliar to me." She glances at both of the Fu Hua’s that are touching her. "Might you tell me where I am, though? And where people - besides yourselves? Might be?"

She pauses, lets the questions settle in the air. She wants to leave it at that, but her other senses - the not-sight that her human body can only interpret as sight - do not let her forget. They remind her of what Fu Hua is - of  past mistakes. Her face settles into a grimace against her will. "And I must ask again - what are you? My past experiences with... beings that were composed of such malice..." She starts to say something,  anything. A lie, perhaps.

But she does not.

The pomegranate slips from her hand.

The silence hangs in the air, like the moment before a guillotine falls.


--- Quote from: YOLF on February 08, 2021, 04:50:06 PM ---Longirsu

The things she mentioned were extremely promising, if they were true. Longirsu could be seduced into thinking this trip wasn't a huge pain, and the social burden neglegible, compared to a hint at something as overwhelming as a collection of all knowledge! He couldn't just take her words for it, he told himself. If he was to have his due, he needed to curb any excessive enthusiasm. Manipulation of life and death was not something familiar either to magicians of his ruined world, or indeed any better than dubious and worrying theories, so how could she call it simple? The Terrortech Orchestrator would not be led on, but it wasn't impossible in the face of it that this was another divergence in the logic of the Nexus.

When she had that vial brought out, his eyes widened, with naked fascination painting over the doubt. Was that a soul? She wouldn't have had to say anything else to get him to finally lean forward, and he might not have even given her question to her suspicious partner careful thought if not for what followed. Unfortunately, William's complete flip soiled his mood.

"If you've lost your wits," he said, scoffing icily at the man, "Then take it somewhere we won't be bothered."

What was this... lunatic of unclear age meant to know about Longirsu? He had no right to say these things. Most aggravating of all, he didn't even seem to be looking at Longirsu. As if he was merely a reminder of, what, trauma, a joke? Maybe this meeting was a mistake.

--- End quote ---


Eru looked at William with a slightly cocked head and a raised eyebrow, refraining from commenting on his antics.

It was part of what made him so interesting, what was so attractive about him to her. She couldn't read him. He was an enigma.

It was exciting.

She turned her attention back to Longirsu, her ears focusing forwards upon him instinctively, still playing with the valuable soul in her hands. "Come now, there's no reason to get cross. He is simply being William." She reached into a hole in her chest, and pulled out a second vial, tossing it through the air at her guest. Inside was a perfectly ordinary human soul, less than a loss were he to steal it from her. "Yes. It is what you think it is. Yes. I do have that power."


"Ripping out souls like that is so crude princess...Why not just convert their whole being to raw mana and store that, so much more efficient..." The man had stopped giggling madly just long enough to drop a comment that was somehow even more absurd. The art of drawing out souls was considered a very rare ability here, yet he had dismissed it as a simple and crude strategy. "Lacrima is so much better."

To prove his point, he pulled out the now empty translucent orb that used to contain one of his companions. His aura flickered and the orb grew slightly darker with an unnerving blackened light shining out of it. "It can be charged nigh endlessly with raw power for later use, or you may even shape a prepared spell and store it inside for late use. Oh and no matter how long you charge it, all of it can be unleashed at the same time." And as he spoke, the glow of the orb was slowly intensifying with each passing second as he pumped more and more power into it.


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