Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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"Not another one! Lily, what are we going to do!?!"

Coconut flew upwards, further into the sky. She wanted to expand her distance from these freakish jumpers.


Coco shouted at her, warning her about the second presence, but she had already been aware of that even before she heard the scream, and would have moved out of the way if she needed to.

Except she didn't.

The fundamental flaw in the strategy of the the now two individuals diving straight into her fireball, was their assumption that she would be at the center of it, seemingly neither of them had taken into account that she might be able to manipulate it's shape.

And now the both of them were not heading straight for her, but rather straight towards each other. She didn't respond to the obvious taunt with words, that would have given away her position. Instead the flames pulsed to greet the new challenger.


Even with her sight obscured by the flames surrounding her, Nanako couldn't miss the newcomer's arrival. Coconut's reaction, the crack of thunder thrumming in her bones, and the sound of a big heavy something flying through the air would've said plenty even before the man opened his mouth. More importantly, it sounded like he was heading right for her, and Lily wasn't where the squirrel girl had thought she'd be.

Surprised, the squirrel girl twisted in the air, turning so she'd hit whatever she was headed for with her feet instead of her head.


His body smashed into the fireball, hot hair blew on his face, only for surprise to show when his fist didn't stop! He reflexively turned his body while his fist crackled, before pushing even further beyond! The fire around him began to crack, splinter like glass-work before shattering. It was as if lightning was splitting it, dispersing in a thousand orange shards only for it all to fade into oblivion.

Everyone's positions were now revealed.

His momentum pushed him above the three, but he managed to stop, fist brandished and grin flashing as he shared a quick look to Nanako. She wasn't too far, near enough alright. But the kid and the red hair lass...


Coconut kept flying upwards until she was just above the tree line. Then, she held her arms out to the side, and two pulsating orbs of magic began expanding in her outstretched palms.


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