Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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It is an - offer. (A part of Kore that sounds entirely too much like her parent calls it obscene.) 

She wants to - she wants to so much. Fu Hua is powerful - with that power bound to Kore, she is sure Fu Hua would defeat her. She wouldn’t have to fear (an ache in her side that almost makes her wince) herself. That she might decide to once again take the world in her hand, and break it.

Never have to wake up to an empty world.

Kore breathes, softly. She looks at Fu Hua again, eyes searching for - something. Justification, perhaps. A reason to trust...

An excuse.

 Fu Hua’s nature is clear, of course. Negative emotions, an evil spirit - cast away? Maybe, she wouldn’t know. Suspicious.

(She remembers those she had dealt - manipulated. She had manipulated them. The "taste" of rage and grief and despair made manifest. She compares the tastes.)

Fu Hua was mercurial, but- Even that was more than the monsters she had created. Perhaps the most stable form such negative emotions could take. And - charitable? That would be the most unexpected aspect.   

There was no reason for Fu Hua to offer such things to a just-met stranger. A reason to go - there. 

She closes her eyes and thinks.

Fu Hua’s hands are nice. Her finger on Kore’s lips is nice. Why should she be permitted to go there? Why shouldnt she, just to check, to see how things were? Visiting would be a pleasure she didn’t deserve.

And then what? Should she destroy her plants, pass them on? She enjoyed those as well, after all. But this and that were separate things - those were a relic, a reminder of her past and what she had destroyed. This would be something new. A chance to escape her sins. Throw them away like so much worthless rubbish.

Her stomach roiled. That she would not do. But - throwing away such a generous offer...

Fu Hua might have ulterior motives. But such a mercurial being might make such an offer merely out of a moment’s kindness.

She opens her eyes and looks into Fu Hua’s, red, like rubies. Pretty. 

Fu Hua is waiting. 

Calmly, patiently. For a choice.


Kore does not say anything. The words choke in her throat.

She nods, an almost unnoticeable incline. She looks ashamed.

And presses her lips to Fu Hua’s finger.


--- Quote from: SINIB on February 21, 2021, 07:09:37 PM ---Eruraviel

Eruraviel puffed out her cheeks in an exaggerated pout. She forced the tips of her ears to lower just a few degrees, and all of a sudden, she looked as if she were sad. "Interesting. I had the opportunity to work with it for a little while, but the more you speak about it the more interesting an item it becomes. Perhaps I would be able to integrate some of nature's great works into my own designs, hmm?"

She rubbed her hands together like a greedy banker lusting after money.

--- End quote ---


Oh sothat's how she wanted to play it? Bargain with his emotions by making herself look cute and vulnerable, too bad she couldn't even keep the act up for 5seconds before looking like one of those greedy merchants....

He hated merchants.

And that is why he moved the lacrima to dangle in front of the Princess for a second to get her hopes up, before crushing them altogether by offering it to the other man. "I never said replicating them was impossible. From my recollection these lacrima were originally formed over time by certain rocks being infused by the mana rich air of my home world, mana that carries the traits of our type of magic. It shouldn't be impossible to recreate those conditions on a smaller scale, I simply haven't seen the need for it before."

Umbra of Chaos:
Fu Hua

The indecent ecstatic sensation of Fu Hua's energy sweeps through Kore's body without the slightest resistance. It weaves into her flesh, slips into her bones, nestles itself into the crevices of her spirit. There is a strange warmth in the feeling, filling the green-haired girl's cheeks with red. It is like being embraced, hands wrapping around her neck arms wrapping around her waist. Who in all of heaven and earth has ever wanted her so much? She can feel the depths of Fu Hua's hunger, the intoxicating ocean of desire she has let spill into her. The phoenix will never, never let her go.

Fu Hua will crush her to death in her claws before she ever escapes.

But how bad can such a thing be? Fu Hua's touch, and her hands hold Kore's now, is soft and gentle. The power that pulses in both their bodies recognizes itself, adores itself, draws them closer together. She can feel Fu Hua's hand caress her heart. Yes, if anything else, Kore will never be alone again. Even if she were to be lost again in that empty void, the hollow world constructed by her own hands, she would never be alone. Because Fu Hua is with her.

"So then," and there is an undeniable smugness in her voice, "there is nothing holding you back now, is there? What is it you want to do first, Kore? I am willing to give you the first choice. You are mine, so anything you want can be yours."


Fascinating. Longirsu took the crystal in his hand and set it carefully on the table before him. Small-minded, if William had never seen the need to obtain more of these even though he had a clear direction to begin doing so. Perhaps merely indolent, if his goals did not necessitate such a thing, if he did not wish to go out of his way to offer this resource to the people of this world.

But he was getting distracted. The lines of his forehead creased in unfocused displeasure, twitching as Longirsu became aware of the dryness in his throat and made a sound to clear it.

"Well. You have heard my intent, I have heard yours. And you do not sound disinclined to what I could bring to the table, nor to being in the know of my progress. So what do you say to the matter of our association... Lady Eruraviel? Sir William?"


"Hey!" Eruraviel shouted, trying in vain to try to grab it out of the air before it reached Longirsu. "Mumumu!" She puffed out her cheeks in a pout and leaned in towards William in a huff. "Meanie! Meanie meanie meanie!" Eruraviel's fists pounded in vain against his chest as if she were a petulant child throwing a tantrum, far from the image of an all-powerful goddess which desired worship. Her ears trembled, and she rested her face against William's chest.

"I'm not opposed to working with you, no. I am a goddess of magic, and your goals seem amenable with my own... Humu... At the least, I won't be in active opposition with you. Real trust takes time and effort to build up."


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