Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Kore stumbles forward, disorientated, leaning on Fu Hua for balance.

She had not expected the transfer of power to be so - intense. 

Or intimate. 

Her own experiments in such fields were an amplification and materialisation of negative emotions that were already present. Even her abilities to create those creatures in her second form was only an expansion of the original principles. This was something entirely different. 

Want, desire, possessiveness... She felt like she was drowning in them. She shuddered, resting her head on Fu Hua’s shoulder, blinking hazily. 

When Fu Hua speaks, Kore’s first answer is a confused, mumbled sound into Fu Hua’s shoulder, pressing her face into the fabric of Fu Hua’s clothes. They are soft, smooth. 

And also made of negative emotion. She was not surprised. 

Kore centres herself, and when she realises what she’s doing - she steps away, blushing. It was like she had no self-control at all, really. Embarrassing. 

She clears her throat and tried to pretend she had not just been cuddling Fu Hua, brushing her hair back into place. 

She considers arguing the point about being Fu Hua’s – even if she feels the spirit under her skin, intertwined with her down to the bones (and what an exultant feeling, to be so utterly close to someone after so long- she pushes that impulse down. This was a practical arrangement, just to make sure she didn’t have some kind of maniacal impulse and - end up like that.) 

Arguing with a spirit made of negative emotions over a turn of phrase - even an oddly gracious one - seemed liable to end poorly. 

The first words - intelligible words, rather than the embarrassing mumble of nonsense earlier - that come out are "Thank you."  She says them solemnly, and the look in her eyes is incredibly grateful, like a man in a desert being given a flask of water. 

She can go.
"I am... unfamiliar with this place - so I can’t say if there’s anywhere I would particularly be interested in. But, the city - it looked quite... modern is the wrong word, given my lack of knowledge of the historical context of this world, but similar to the cities of - my world." A wince, a grimace, a guilty look off to the side.   

A thought distracts her from her reverie, of great skylines of metal and glass, replaced by flat, dry wasteland  - "Is this a nationalised park, reserve, forest? Do you have nations? I assume you do, but that doesn’t actually speak to their form, there are so many, it’s incredible- oh, money! Currency, it’s a unit of exchange, uh, a way to exchange and compensate forms of labour via fiat? I assumed you would possess it from the urbanisation but that’s merely a generalisation, it seems like it might be possible to build a city of that scale through barter - or perhaps a communal resource pool? Oh, in the latter cases, if you formed or had corporations, they must take a fascinating form- but I am wondering from the original point-" She clears her throat, looking sheepish. "Apologies, I was... excited. On the way there, could you tell me about this place? And, ah, actually." She looks down at herself. "My clothes, would they be viewed as particularly unusual or out of place? I wouldn’t want to seem too obviously alien." 

The Demon King who brought ruin to her world, and laid low its greatest heroes, looks at the thousand year spirit split off from her other half to wander the world and act according to her bottomless desire.

Her eyes brim with eager curiosity. 


"I just hope you'll do something interesting with it, just don't bore me alright, that is the only thing that can kill me and you don't want me as an enemy." William so casually flipped from an encouraging tone to threats of violence, all while patting the head of the Elf Princess.

"Your time will come Princess, learn the value of patience and perhaps you too will fully mature."


The inventor clicked his tongue, aborting the pleased hum of affirmation he had thought to give. He'd known him for minutes, and William dying of boredom was sounding preferrable to his help. Leave it to this man to remind Longirsu like a thunderbolt in a clear sky how pointless it was to get in a good mood. He would remember that threat, but he wouldn't turn down generosity now. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

He would not be using titles with them after this, however.

"That is fine," he said, nodding to Eruraviel. He retrieved a small object from his clothes, a sealed hexagon of stainless metal as though a closed pocketwatch, and slid it across the table. A gesture for their newly founded cooperation. "I hope in due time, I will convince you this was a wise decision. In the meantime... I should ask. Would I be incorrect to surmise you're aware of the great tear in the so-called Citadel of Sorcery?"


Eruraviel's ears fluttered, and she raised herself upwards onto the balls of her toes, leaning into William's warm hand. "I can't really help my youth, you know. It's eternal and unending. Still, I think calling me impatient is a pretty bad joke."

The Elven goddess waved her hand, instantly casting a telekenisis spell and dragging the magical object to herself, floating it a few centimeters away from her. She pulled back from William and began to poke at it with idle curiosity.

"I do. They wouldn't allow me to join, on account of how powerful I am." Eruraviel's pursed lips revealed the wound she still nurtured. "It is a powerful source of magic, but hardly a nessecary one. I do not wish to bring the wrath of the Nexus down upon me as a result of my covetous nature. A more delicate touch will be needed to prevail upon my goals."


"Aware of it, now that is a fun story....heh.... I know everything...." The dark mage didn't burst into full blown laughter this time however he did chuckle just a tiny bit. An ominous foreboding chuckle that carried dark intents like a breeze of stale air.

"And I know what made that tear... But such archaic knowledge does not come without its price... A price you may not be willing to pay..." And then his attention returned to his Princess. "Don't be disheartened by the rejection of the fools who study it, for they are merely scraping at the heels of the folly which clouds true wisdom."


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