Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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"Mou, who said anything about being jealous! I was just thinking of how convinent it would be to use it up in an ascension ritual." Eruraviel complained with a pouty hmmph at the end. Her eyes were closed, but she opened one of them to regard Longirsu. "And you-I take it you haven't made contact with the Succubus King at the Pleasure Palance?"


"Hah. Keep your secrets then, mad hatter," he scoffed. That was all he could say to not slobber at the information being offered, but his dry distaste was as sincere as it got. Relying on an ambiguous exchange from an even more ambiguous figure? Not a chance.

Longirsu pointed blearily at the device he'd given Eruraviel. "A communicator. No one should be able to easily intercept the wavelength," he said, as his eyes refocused on the sorceress. "No, I have not investigated this Succubus King yet. My current target is the power plant in Columbia. The unease with its neighbors and former parts is set to intensify in the time to come, and I intend to take advantage of that."

The woman's pointed ears stood out to him. Jiral's fixations would not be sympathetic to Eruraviel, nor she to them. Longirsu was not unaware of this, but he had no true allegiance to the militant city-state. They were a means to an end, a shining example of humanity's worst tendencies he was glad to exploit, and once his power base was secure and they could not tear their eyes away from the wars they desired and had made themselves reliant on him to continue, they would be easy to discard.


"Now don't be like that princess, this is merely part of your irresistible charm." If the Elf thought she had slunk out his grip then she thought wrong cause he reeled her back into a gentle hug. "And you inventor, stay away from the Pleasure Palace. A man like you would get swallowed up by their appetite in the blink of an eye, and then you'd never be the same again."


Unlike any communicator she'd ever seen, but no matter. Her magesmiths would get working on dissecting the tech inside for her. She hoped that it would prove to be a valuable experience for them.

Eruraviel contented herself with nuzzling William's pecs and feeling up his hardened abs. "I would be careful investigating her the way you've talked to me-she may well take offense at your manner, as she is a proud goddess herself."

Eruraviel turned her head, flattening her ear against William to stare at Longirsu seriously. Her eyes glimmered with passive interest at his thoughts-she would send her best ranger to follow him secretly, no, not her. If she got caught, it would prove to be a bother, wouldn't it?

I'll have to send her instead...

She would find out what connections he had with the despicable slaver state of the river. If needed, it would prove to be a good excuse to declare a jihad against their existence.


So many warnings. Worry about the danger of a rival, extending to a new partner? Or merely polite caution from entreating with someome who was as suspect as any of them in their power?

"I don't make a habit of consorting politely with the unreasonable, but I will keep that in mind," he responded, clasping his hands in front of him with a long intake of air. "I will have enough to keep myself busy soon, at any rate. War is a profitable occasion for many things, and I would like to learn more of the expertise you possess with... life and death."

As an exchange, ideally, not a pittance. But as far as bargaining chips went... His instruments and research were made to cut to the strata of all things, but their means were inextricably linked to Longirsu, and that did not make them easy to repurpose. He thought of her house and how she identified herself. If the manner of her abode too, spoke of a measure of pride, a clear point of persuasion presented itself. The inventor was aware of many slaves in Jiral whose features and ancestral traits were similar to Eruraviel's, and likewise identified as elves. He couldn't imagine it would be difficult to bring a number of these captives into his custody and arrange to redeem them into the sorceress's watch in secret. Would she welcome that? Or would she find it a burden? He needed to know her better.

His irises whirled mechanically towards her, and he chuckled dryly. "I would like if you could suffer to not scrutinize me every moment with those eyes of yours, but the impulse is understandable."


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