Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Eruraviel stuck out her tongue in an intentionally bratty manner. "If you had insurance such as this, surely you'd be taking full advantage of it too. Still, I feel I've learned what I needed to." She closed her eyes for a moment, willing her unique ability to turn off. Then, she opened them, and her usual purple irises had returned. "If you can provide me with a plentitude of souls, I would be happy to put on a small demonstration for you and your mechanical consort. But, another time."

She pulled off of William and turned to regard Longirsu seriously, looking up at his towering form. "I command the art of the soul, so naturally, life and death, form and function are simple variables for me to tweak in the quest for perfection."


He shrugged in, for once, careless sympathy. That was true. It wasn't as if he hadn't been analyzing everything he could without causing obvious offense. If his eyes were as sharp as she implied hers were... but that was a train of thought for another day. The holy grail wouldn't be fashioned in a single noon.

"That can be arranged," Longirsu said, mouth curving thinly at the suggestion. "Your flexibility is enviable. Were it so easy for all of us who seek something untouchable. But I digress. I might be able to show you something else of interest, when I bring you these... materials. Do you have preferences? If all goes as I suspect, the most easily obtained souls shall be by necessity those of armed combatants."


--- Quote from: YOLF on March 12, 2021, 03:15:18 AM ---Longirsu

He shrugged in, for once, careless sympathy. That was true. It wasn't as if he hadn't been analyzing everything he could without causing obvious offense. If his eyes were as sharp as she implied hers were... but that was a train of thought for another day. The holy grail wouldn't be fashioned in a single noon.

"That can be arranged," Longirsu said, mouth curving thinly at the suggestion. "Your flexibility is enviable. Were it so easy for all of us who seek something untouchable. But I digress. I might be able to show you something else of interest, when I bring you these... materials. Do you have preferences? If all goes as I suspect, the most easily obtained souls shall be by necessity those of armed combatants."

--- End quote ---


I need souls of all types-not simply those whom are the strongest. To fashion something power, I need wit, intelligence, a smattering of charisma-" Eruraviel paused midsentence, prancing over closer to Longirsu and hopping back up onto the wooden table. "-you need to mix it all together in the correct amounts to create a perfect lifeform such as myself, ufu." Her eyes shimmered with joy, and as she chuckled, her twin peaks trembled with her pent-up delight.

"Of course, I am perfectly capable of working with lower-grade materials too. Quantity is a quality all of its own."


His gaze contemplatively lowered itself. That made sense. A diverse array of samples and high-qualities attributes for experimentation would ensure a better understanding of the variables involved and how they interacted, in work of this kind.

"I'll see what I can do. It won't do to have subpar subjects because the materials were lacking," Longirsu said, before meeting the elf's mien through lidded, purposefully mundane eyes. His idea of a perfect lifeform was far more mechanical. But synthetic was synthetic, whether a masterpiece of flesh or gears. What mattered was the inside.

Not that he would ever allow himself to catch Ib in such oddly cut clothes.


Eruraviel simply raised her hand, snapped her fingers and pointed at his forehead. "That's a good viewpoint to have, but it's too limited. I also desire those subpar ingredients as well. Knowing how to make do with lesser tools is a much-overlooked skill. I'll leave it to you to figure out how to transport and store my souls. You should be able to handle that, right?"


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