Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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"Hmmph." His lips twitched in the ghost of a smile, as he slipped his hands into the folds of his coat, leaving the sample soul safely inside. "Just wait. We will have ourselves a bounty."

Longirsu had not interacted at length with souls as materials, despite his words. Observation was entirely different beast, and one he had only seized a while after rebuilding Ib... but with the ideas he had gathered here, and an object employed by this woman for these purposes to reverse-engineer, he was confident in his chances.

He closed his eyes and reached for the crystal instead. His hand withdrew as if it had touched something too hot, before he put it away too. This was for Ib. Whatever foulness he touches, it will not be her burden. Only his. Only him.


Several months later

The crimson haired Fire Elemental/Succubus Lord hybrid had been enjoying some free time with her girlfriend in their room. They'd been all set to go out and enjoy themselves, Coco had been doing remarkable progress in their lessons lately and Lily felt that the young girl deserved a reward.

If only she hadn't been teleported away suddenly mid conversation...

This place was different, she couldn't recognize any of it but some part of her felt more at home here than back in the metal tower that was the Pleasure Palace. Raw Nature magic coursed through this place, it was a place of the land and not of man. And with every breath that became more clear.

Lily took a step forward....And almost fell over. Weird.... She was wearing heels now but she hadn't been doing that just a moment ago, and her body felt far more restricted. A glance revealed she was wearing the familiar uniform of the girls who worked at the PP, it fit her perfectly of course, and showed off all the best points of her naturally flawless body.

"Hey daddy what's the meaning of this? Since when do you force contracts like this on your daughters?"


"Eh? Eh! EHHHHHHHHH!!!" Coconut grabbed her hair, collapsing to the ground with her usual melodramatic flair. "What's going on! Why did daddy suddenly send us here! I mean, she's the only one who could do something like this, right?"


My children are my property, and thusly are mine to do with as I please. Lily could practically feel her adoptive father scoffing at her with superiority over their mental link. Then, her tone softened. An important business partner and friend has achieved the first step towards one of her dearest goals. I have selected you two to serve as a congratulatory present. Elizabeth sounded upset, sad even. As if she were in mourning. Treat her as if she were myself-on her part, I doubt she'll disappoint you. Meet her at her house, up ahead." then, the mental link went dead, leaving Lily alone with her immature partner.


Coconut stood up, running over to Lily and protectively grabbing her in her arms while her sister-husband chatted with Elizabeth. She looked around the darkened and mana-rich forest, glancing around repeatedly, expecting an ambush at any moment-this was surely a test, a way to make them both stronger and deepen their relationship which had been devised by their father-a dangerous gamble, to be sure.


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