Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Smiling, the giant crashed straight into the ground, cracking it all over around him with an explosion of dust. Only a shimmering, flickering blue light could be seen from within the cloud, before a lazy wave of the hand whooshed it away. Inside, from up close, she could see the armoured man hacking and coughing the dust from his lungs, wiping away the bad air.

" *Hack!* *Koff- chough chough!* Hell-*cough!* Why hello the- *hack!* *wheeze*"" He gasped and pounded his chest with an armoured fist, expelling a gust of dust from his nostrils. Finally, he managed to grin, playing it cool nonetheless.

"Yo!" He saluted her with two fingers on his forehead.


Nanako tore another similarly sized branch free as Coconut dodged, almost closing the horizontal distance as the girl launched another projectile, this one disarmingly small yet almost certainly deadly. Deciding that this wasn't getting anywhere, the squirrel girl threw the new log straight at Coconut as the ball came hurtling at her, before promptly turning around and running, darting from tree to tree as she zipped away and down, keeping an ear out for the girl as she all but dared Coconut to come after her.


Coconut lithely dodged the new attack before throwing a ball of fire at the Squirrel-girl. To her surprise, though, the girl turned tail and fled. Panting, she didn't shoot her gift horse, flying downwards towards the Lily and the Armored man. "Lily! Are you ok!?!"


She didn't respond to him. Not because she didn't want, but rather because she couldn't respond to him. Her gaze was locked at his feet at first, only to rise which revealed her face that was covered in shadows.

A twitching hand raised the sword overhead slowly as assumed a slashing motion...

But then her other hand shot up and seized the hilt of the sword. Her body shook and the ground cracked beneath her as she forced the sword down and in front of herself. Then with a sudden motion she twisted the sword around and plunged it into her own chest.

She accepted the embrace of her sword and they became one, there couldn't be any pain.

And the sword was gone.

"You should be thankful. Without my sword, you two might just be decent enough warm up."


The big man blinked, wide eyed at her declaration... no, the whole thing. Then he smiled.

"Great! It wouldn't be much fun if I could just walk over you." He didn't even doubt her, instead he met her declaration with one of his own. A massive foot crashed on the ground, cracking it all over while his stance lowered and his arms stretched.

"Come on!"


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