Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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"Then, please call me Eru. It's what my friends call me." She smiled at Sage, but her eyes wandered down Sage's body, taking in every curve, hill, and valley. She waved her hand, and two lithe elvish women stepped out of the woods, beginning to disrobe Sage after bowing. They wore identical white dresses, and looked to be twins. Their chests were modest and their stature fair, but they were by no means unappealing to look at. Their silvery hair flowed down to their feet.


"Coco?" She didn't shift her gaze away from the armored warrior for even a second as she responded to Coconut. "Stay back! He's dangerous!" Shit, she couldn't guarantee her safety at this distance, not when that man was wicked quick and had that of all things... There was only one to do...

She latched onto Coco suddenly and shot of the ground with apectalurar force. Her fiery wings spread out as they took flight with Lily carrying Coco. Those wings were noticeably more battered than before with visible holes in them, no doubt a result from that strike she'd taken earlier. They needed to get far away, she wasn't ready...

"Are you alright Coco?" She asked even as blood still poured out of her mouth and eyes.


--- Quote from: Sinib on September 11, 2019, 04:46:31 AM ---Eruraviel

"Then, please call me Eru. It's what my friends call me." She smiled at Sage, but her eyes wandered down Sage's body, taking in every curve, hill, and valley. She waved her hand, and two lithe elvish women stepped out of the woods, beginning to disrobe Sage after bowing. They wore identical white dresses, and looked to be twins. Their chests were modest and their stature fair, but they were by no means unappealing to look at. Their silvery hair flowed down to their feet.

--- End quote ---


The grass caressed the feet of her host's servants, much the same way their fingers brushed against Sage's silken skin. She glanced at each of them and grinned. "Are we friends then, Eru?" She ran the tips of her fingers down the front of her body, following the valley between her breasts and coming to rest below her navel, preserving a modicum of her modesty. Her legs crossed one over the other. "I would like to believe so. To think I would wake up and find so fair a maiden as you living in my forest."


The two elven maidens quickly stripped all of Sage's clothing off of her. One of the raised an eyebrow at the other, which the other reciprocated, but otherwise quickly retreated.

"This part of the forest is my kingdom, Sage. You're not the only owner, but you are my friend. Now, enter!"

She stared at Sage, waiting for her to reveal her cute petit frame.


The monstrous maiden slid her way into the warm water, standing proudly with her perky chest above the surface. "As long as you mean the balance no harm, I see no reason not to share - there are many far older than you or I here." Sage smiled as she all but glided through the pool toward her host, feeling the rugged algae beneath her toes speak of the elf before her.

Thus, she stood before her with her bosom hanging near Eru's face. Something below the waist was missing.

"Thank you for the welcome then, Eru!"


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