Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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Eru frowned, suddenly clearly upset. She was quite perturbed indeed. "Sage..."

She sighed, and then stood up with a loud splash. The warm water rained off her perky breasts, and a shiver ran down Eru's spine as she felt the cold air nip at her.

Eru's body was the pinnicale of beauty. Large, brown areaolae covered a fair amount of her breasts. And her perky nipples stood at attention in the cold air. Her large thighs brimmed with muscular energy, and her waist belaid the musculature hidden underneath.

But, what she was sure sage was looking at was the flaccid penis that hung to her knees. The two large testes unrestrained by anything, each the size of a large orange. "Have you never seen an elf naked before, perchance?"


Wait, had she somehow insulted her host already? What did she do wrong? Sage was clearly wondering these things, confusion more than evident in her lovely red eyes, until her eyes further down Eru's gorgeous little body. The part-time elf this time blinked in confusion. "Rarely. I did not take you for one favored by the Spider Queen - your skin is far too bright and soft!"

But then Sage smiled, clearly unperturbed despite her blush of interest. "Tis' quite the blessing."


"Eh?" He just stood there and blinked, his smile and stance still as a statue as the lass... just fled.

The knight sulked. Did he go too hard too fast? He put his fingers together and pouted, looking back at the fiery comet that seemed to get smaller and smaller. Only then did he put his hands by his mouth and roar.

"Oh man! Don't gang up on one girl like a bunch of chickens if you're going to skedaddle the moment it gets tough!

Patch yesself up and get back here!"

This was just way too craven.


Eru's ears noticably twitched. She stared into Sages eyes, and half smiled. "Yes, it is quite the blessing, Sage, but all elves have one. Most aren't as impressive as myself, though."

She sat back down, settling back into the water.


Sage's own ears twitched, as if in mimicry, as she reached down to place  hand over the mound of her pubis. "Is that so? How odd - I had believed only Drow had such a thing. Well, thank you for bringing this to my attention."

She closed her eyes and concentrated. With little fanfare one precisely as large as Eru's began to grow from the appropriate location.


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