Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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It was only Sage's relative inexperience with the elvish form that permitted Eru to so thoroughly bamboozle the dragon in this manner. The only thing that defended her from retaliation was how rather nicely the sudden grappling felt. Her red eyes widened as Eru pressed their lips together.

And stole a dragon's first kiss.


Books had not prepared her for this.

She felt Eru's hard nipples poke against her own, and Eru's purple eyes glistened with delight over her control of the situation. She'd never splept with a dragon before!

Her soft thighs tightened their grip around Sage's back, and Eru began to massage her back with her feet. A tail slunk down, tickling Sage's leg as her tongue pressed against Sage's lips, asking permission to enter.


Were all elves so amorous as this?! Sage's fingers inexpertly found their way into Eru's hair, sliding between luscious locks but yet uncertain whether they wished to push her away, or pull her yet closer still. Her own nipples grew hard as they were rubbed and oh my.

She opened her mouth as if to speak, which just allowed the tongue in like Eru was hoping for.

How do elves get anything done with bodies such as these?!


Eru ground herself against Sage, her butt and balls rubbing against Sage's inexperienced shaft. Her tongue found entrance, but didn't force its way in. Instead, it gently poked Sage's own tongue before retreating. She broke the kiss and then pressed her nose against Sage's, nuzzling her.

"Elves were created by the goddess of pleasure, you know? We know how to make people feel good, almost innately. It's one of our gifts~"


--- Quote from: Bern on September 11, 2019, 04:50:35 AM --- Lily

"Coco?" She didn't shift her gaze away from the armored warrior for even a second as she responded to Coconut. "Stay back! He's dangerous!" Shit, she couldn't guarantee her safety at this distance, not when that man was wicked quick and had that of all things... There was only one to do...

She latched onto Coco suddenly and shot of the ground with apectalurar force. Her fiery wings spread out as they took flight with Lily carrying Coco. Those wings were noticeably more battered than before with visible holes in them, no doubt a result from that strike she'd taken earlier. They needed to get far away, she wasn't ready...

"Are you alright Coco?" She asked even as blood still poured out of her mouth and eyes.

--- End quote ---


Coconut placed her hands on Lily's face, a look of desperation and fear marring her childlike features.

"No, no, no! This isn't ok!" She exclaimed. Her own magic started flowing into Lily en massee. It was almost overwhelming. The sheer volume of magic that she was being fed could only be compared to being in the direct presence of Elizabeth. It carressed her wounds, making them ache a bit less, and staunching the flow of blood just a bit. Her magic was soft and smooth, soothing in the extreme. It was filled with care and worry.


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