Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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"Please spare the effort, you can't heal these wounds with that type of magic no matter how much mana you throw at it, Save your mana for something more useful." While the bleeding did stop, the holes in her wings still remained. She put Coconut down on a thick branch far from the ground. "Stay well out of range if you wanna help, he's dangerous."

And with that her wings flapped once, and she took off towards Vanguard, crashing down on the ground a few meters away so hard that a crater formed.

"Oh really chickens are we? When you wanted to gang up on a kid, how splendidly noble of you. Truly a knight of impeccable legend. It looks like I'll be the one to teach you manners in place of your master but do give me their number, because they're next on my list."


Because he was such a good boy, he waited patiently there. He didn't even look fazed at the crater, or the comment. He did look incredulous about it though, the comment that is.

"Ganging up on a kid? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? The only one I had my eyes set on was you, leave the brat outta this!" He pointed at the kiddo and grinned cheekily. "Seriously, relax. If you ain't up for it it's fine, but it's hella rude to just gang up on a lady like that. So why don't you try someone your own size for once?"

He paused flatly for a second.

"That was a joke." He looked at her like he was begging her to get it.


--- Quote from: Sinib on September 11, 2019, 02:48:04 PM ---Eruraviel

Eru ground herself against Sage, her butt and balls rubbing against Sage's inexperienced shaft. Her tongue found entrance, but didn't force its way in. Instead, it gently poked Sage's own tongue before retreating. She broke the kiss and then pressed her nose against Sage's, nuzzling her.

"Elves were created by the goddess of pleasure, you know? We know how to make people feel good, almost innately. It's one of our gifts~"

--- End quote ---


What followed, despite the unusual and unfamiliar feelings Eru's actions presented her with, quickly placed this interaction far more within the realm of Sage's experiences. Rubbing noses in this way left her face blushing. "That is... incongruent with my knowledge of elves."

Sage reached into Eru's hair and behind her ears with her fingers, brushing through as if trying to groom her.

"And yet with all of this, I find myself believing you."


Steam clouds hissed out of Coconut's head as Lily reprimanded her. She huffed her cheeks out and bit her lower lip. "I have plenty of mana, more than enough to beat him! Magic used to help your friends is never a waste!"

She flew upwards, taking a position a safe distance away. She opened up her hands, and lightning began to crackle between them.

"And your jokes suuuckkk!" She threw out a blast of lightning at the man to vent her emotions. She'd be surprised if it did any damage.


Eru felt the large dick stirring, rewarding Sage with a soft, sensual moan. She reached down, grabbed her own balls and began to slide them up and down Sage's shaft. Her legs remained tightly wrapped around her. She seemed very in control, but suddenly shuddered when Sage's finger brushed against the back of her lef ear.

"Ah-" She cried out softly. Sage could feel her cock throbbing harder against her, all of a sudden.

"So why didn't you come to visit the princess of the forest earlier? A cutie like you is always welcome~"


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