Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Northern Forest

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"Nnngggh!" Eru shuddered once more. Her own cock grew as well, thickening and lengthening until it poked out between the two girl's breasts, glistening in the water. She pressed Sage's right up against herself and began grinding her entire body up and down it.

"Yes, be honored to have the chance to commune with my royal body, draconic druid."


The moment the lightning had struck the armored man she moved. Her leg stomped down as she shot forward with surprising speed, her right fist clenched and ready to strike. But was that really the true blow? Her stance was completely absent and she was full of openings, no to say that was an understatement. A deeper look would only reveal more and more openings. More than should, more than could be. Openings that shouldn't even exist revealed themselves as she charged at him.

No words could describe this force that defied nature which had taken shape right in front of him, here at the heart of nature. It was here in this place that destiny was made.

"Your lesson begins now, do make an effort to survive it, I still need to find where your teacher is."


"Bah! Quit yapping!" He roared before crouching and putting his arms up, ready like a spring. This would be fun!


Coconut flew backwards ten meters before putting her hands out to her sides. Quickly, the pressure of magic intensified in the area as Coconut began charging up her attack again.


The molten ground shook as her foot hit the ground, earth cascading upwards like a tiny volcanic eruption, She brought her arm back surely ready to launch a blow as the distance between them shortened. Her other foot flew forward and hit the ground just as catastrophically violently as the first, every step bringing their inevitable closer to reality.

Then she lifted her first foot, determined to reach him as fast as possible, faster and faster, she raised it to build up more and more speed. The next step would be even faster.


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