Author Topic: Vampire District  (Read 59636 times)


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1080 on: October 03, 2020, 05:41:35 AM »

"Foooooooooorrrrrrrreeeeest," he said over the phone.  "My heart has been attacked by a cruel assassin."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1081 on: October 03, 2020, 05:44:51 AM »

"What the hell did Her Highness say to you?" Forest said as she tucked the phone between her cheek and shoulder as she got out of the car.

The Vampire King and Duke Taro had a . . . complicated past from what Forest saw last night.  Her cheeks filled with borrowed heat as she thought of the other things that had happened last night as well.  She walked into the building.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1082 on: October 03, 2020, 05:48:39 AM »

"She went to fight without me Forest," he said.  "I wanted to kill things too but she's gone!"

One of the guards greeted her at the door.  "ID please?" he asked.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1083 on: October 03, 2020, 05:50:37 AM »

"What did she go fight?  Are we at war or something now?" Forest asked as she looked at the guard.

"Taro, this cockwomble wants ID.  I don't have ID yet."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1084 on: October 03, 2020, 05:55:58 AM »

"No... her majesty probably just wants to assert dominance... probably," he said.  "The information is still new.  But thats not the important part.  She didn't take me Forest!  She didn't take me!  Wait, i didn't get you an ID?  Bah, just throw him aside or something I don't care.  You won't get in trouble.  I want hugs.  HUGS FOREST!  YOUR BOSS DEMANDS HUGS!"

The man was rather bulky, wearing a suit.  It was actually a pretty spiffy fashion choice, perhaps a sign that Taro was not well.  "Ma'am?" he said, raising an eyebrow.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 05:56:35 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1085 on: October 03, 2020, 05:59:38 AM »

Once a conqueror, always a conqueror, Forest thought about the female vampire king with a shake of her head as Taro prattled on, causing her to grin despite herself.

However his demand for hugs made her blush darken even more as she rubbed the back of her neck while looking at the guard.  "Duke Taro is demanding hugs and saying I could just yeet you off the side or kill you or something.  Maybe just standing aside would be a good idea," Forest told him with a large smile and bright pink cheeks.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1086 on: October 03, 2020, 06:05:20 AM »
Security Guard

The man shook his head.  Why is she blushing about a hug?  Is this one of Taro's weird muses?  Still, its weird that he assumes some random kink hooker is better than us guards,  there was annoyance in the voice of his thoughts.

"If you don't leave i'm going to have to escort you out."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1087 on: October 03, 2020, 06:09:00 AM »

"Random kink hooker? First off, shaming sex workers was bloody 20th century twaddle.  Secondly, I'm his new secretary.  So step the hell back or he'll pop his pants with a stiffy when he hears you hit the ground," Forest said raising an eyebrow at the random guard.

"Taro, next time we're hiring guards, I'm doing the interviews," she said into the phone.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1088 on: October 03, 2020, 06:19:42 AM »

"Sure sure," he said.  "Well if you are going to fire him, just throw him out now and head inside.  I'll fire him later. I WANT HUUUUUGS!  I don't wanna talk to anyone else right now!"

Well that sounds like him, he thought.  Still the man merely folded his arms and said, "Yeah well you talk a lot of shit for a secretary.  How about you go back to your car and get some damn ID before stepping back into this place."

The man placed a beefy hand on her shoulder, prompting her to turn around.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1089 on: October 03, 2020, 06:26:04 AM »

Forest sighed as she felt the beefy hand on her shoulder.  Eyebrow raised, she grabbed his thumb before pulling it towards her as she spun away from him.  Free of his grasp she said, "Taro is requesting my presence and when he doesn't want to talk to anyone else he won't bloody talk to anyone else."

She stood at the ready, without form and ready to move in an instant.  "This will be your last warning.  I really don't want to get blood on my new clothing."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1090 on: October 03, 2020, 11:45:42 PM »
Early Evening

He stared up at the building, eyebrows climbing up his forehead with impressive nonchalance. Scoffing, Yusho clapped Roman in the back, pushing him through the gates. "She turned you into a vampire and babied you, and I'm a guest. If we're not welcome, she must have very strange standards."

He didn't mention how he hadn't worked out Valerie's expectations yet, and followed only one step behind him.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 11:47:10 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1091 on: October 04, 2020, 02:43:57 AM »

A young woman wearing a white hoodie and black leggings exercised, without a care for curious looks of passerbys. After all, it wasn't just simple jogging, a fad popular among some of youths trying to keep fit. Squats, pushups, breathing exercises, on repeat without breaking any sweat. The training regimen looked fairly serious, but there was no tension, no fatigue. The girl looked relaxed, and in fact this was more like going through motions, basking in the sunlight on this pleasant day.

After all, she didn't need to exercise herself in this manner, for she was a creature of the night. Or rather used to be, from a certain view. The rays of sun didn't bother her anymore, thanks to an acquisition of certain marvelous trinket, a ring she was wearing on the fourth finger of her left hand. She would never grow feeble and only improve herself as years and decades and centuries passed, and this series of exercises wasn't anything more to her but subtly gloating that she could do it again under the gaze, like in her mortal days as an athlete.

Eventually, she stopped, took one final deep breath to finish her routine, and looked at the old wristwatch on her right wrist. Still quite some time until sun would set, and indeed she wasn't a pile of ashes and cinder. One mountain conquered, even if that was something more akin to climbing Mount Everest in a summer, with guidance and all equipment guaranteeing survival.

Nika usually didn't care too particularly about seeking out other bloodsuckers, as sometimes the unlife just caught up with her, for predators could recognize other predators on a glance. Given the vistas that opened before her, she'd normally rush headlong into sampling how mortals lived and had fun these days, in this city that seemed so unrecognizable to the place where she laired for decades long slumber. But the fact that others like her could brazenly ignore the curse that weighed down all of her kind inspired to give it a try and explore the area where she coerced a weaker vampire to give up the ring and tell what it was for before she let him go. Magnaminous deal for both sides, even if she was careful to test the veracity of his claims.

Walking through the bustling streets in the direction of the district, she took in the scenery, her hands in the pockets of her hoodie just in case someone tried to slip off the ring from her finger. The urban layout: idiosyncratic. Crowds full of people of different races, some that seemed to be different from people living in the period she came from. Indeed, a brave new world ready to be sampled like a glass of a good wine. She'd enjoy exchanging stories with more agreeable immortal. She didn't expect the whelp to be taken seriously by his elders. She had this hunch he'd be laughed off for accidentally messing with his betters. Anyway, she'd probably take a gamble and approach the first vampire she chanced upon.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1092 on: October 04, 2020, 03:10:38 AM »

The security guard's eyes widened.  That was oddly quick for a sex worker.  Still, strength mattered in this district.  He wouldn't back down.  "You sound like a teenage girl trying to bullshit her way through the club.  You know how many people pretend to have appointments with Taro?  Let me guess, thats him on the phone right?  Comeon, hand it over."

Without really waiting for a response, his hand drifted towards her wrist, attempting to snatch it from her.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1093 on: October 04, 2020, 05:15:59 AM »

The blonde's eyes narrowed and flashed red as she darted out of the way of the guard.

I'm quite a bit faster than this bawbag, Forest thought.  She tapped her left temple with her index finger in a bit of a salute before running full tilt into the building.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1094 on: October 04, 2020, 07:05:36 PM »

A young woman wearing a white hoodie and black leggings exercised, without a care for curious looks of passerbys. After all, it wasn't just simple jogging, a fad popular among some of youths trying to keep fit. Squats, pushups, breathing exercises, on repeat without breaking any sweat. The training regimen looked fairly serious, but there was no tension, no fatigue. The girl looked relaxed, and in fact this was more like going through motions, basking in the sunlight on this pleasant day.

After all, she didn't need to exercise herself in this manner, for she was a creature of the night. Or rather used to be, from a certain view. The rays of sun didn't bother her anymore, thanks to an acquisition of certain marvelous trinket, a ring she was wearing on the fourth finger of her left hand. She would never grow feeble and only improve herself as years and decades and centuries passed, and this series of exercises wasn't anything more to her but subtly gloating that she could do it again under the gaze, like in her mortal days as an athlete.

Eventually, she stopped, took one final deep breath to finish her routine, and looked at the old wristwatch on her right wrist. Still quite some time until sun would set, and indeed she wasn't a pile of ashes and cinder. One mountain conquered, even if that was something more akin to climbing Mount Everest in a summer, with guidance and all equipment guaranteeing survival.

Nika usually didn't care too particularly about seeking out other bloodsuckers, as sometimes the unlife just caught up with her, for predators could recognize other predators on a glance. Given the vistas that opened before her, she'd normally rush headlong into sampling how mortals lived and had fun these days, in this city that seemed so unrecognizable to the place where she laired for decades long slumber. But the fact that others like her could brazenly ignore the curse that weighed down all of her kind inspired to give it a try and explore the area where she coerced a weaker vampire to give up the ring and tell what it was for before she let him go. Magnaminous deal for both sides, even if she was careful to test the veracity of his claims.

Walking through the bustling streets in the direction of the district, she took in the scenery, her hands in the pockets of her hoodie just in case someone tried to slip off the ring from her finger. The urban layout: idiosyncratic. Crowds full of people of different races, some that seemed to be different from people living in the period she came from. Indeed, a brave new world ready to be sampled like a glass of a good wine. She'd enjoy exchanging stories with more agreeable immortal. She didn't expect the whelp to be taken seriously by his elders. She had this hunch he'd be laughed off for accidentally messing with his betters. Anyway, she'd probably take a gamble and approach the first vampire she chanced upon.

Sakura Edelfeldt

After leaving the battlefield at Halloween Town, Sakura had decided to continue exploring her king’s domain-what was the culture like, what daily life was like, what the humans felt like, and how the vampires would treat her. As she wandered the streets, a blond woman caught her eyes.

“Hey.” The purple-haired fledgeling walked up towards the exercising woman with a toothy grin, inadvertently showing off her pronounced fangs. “What’cha up to, working out in a place like this?”

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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