Author Topic: Vampire District  (Read 59504 times)


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #165 on: July 02, 2019, 02:53:46 AM »

"You're male, you wouldn't understand.  Or rather you don't have to go through all the misogynistic bull shite that I've had to for the past thousand years," Forest said in a low voice.

Her fingers gripped the steering wheel so hard that leather audibly creaked.  "I'd wager a few quid that you don't have to put up with rape threats or people wanting to make you their plaything," she said.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #166 on: July 02, 2019, 03:03:39 AM »

"Rape threats?  No.  Being made into a plaything, yes.  You think I became a vampire by choice?" he asked, glaring at her.  A genuine fire lit in the pits of his cold vampire heart, the fangs hidden from her finally flashing her as he spoke.  "I didn't choose this life of violence, but it came to me.  Yet despite that, I get none of the benefits most get from being this helpless.  None of the power, none of the agency, nothing.  I'm just a weak fool clawing his way through life."

He sighed.  "Look, i'm not going to pretend to understand the struggles of a woman, but I get the struggles of a vampire and I have my own unique struggles, my own desires and losses.  How about you get off that stupid high horse of yours huh?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #167 on: July 02, 2019, 03:08:46 AM »

Forest shrugged and said, "I sure as bloody hell didn't become a vampire by choice.  Life of violence, that I was already an expert in and damned good at it.  Was it what I wanted?  No.  I wanted a family, a husband, and a bunch of fat children that I could sing to and tell stories to.

"I sure as fuck didn't get any of that," Forest replied.

She studied him for a moment and said, "Look, I get the whole feeling weak and powerless feeling, but I got up on this 'stupid high horse' because I worked my goddamn ass off."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #168 on: July 02, 2019, 03:21:26 AM »

Scott's eyes flooded with all the blood in his system, burning a crimson red with rage.  "You were an expert?  Thats all you got?  You may get to live as a victim, but you were never turned into the villain!  I never wanted to take a life!  In fact, at first, the thought sickened me.  The worst part was when I learned that I loved it, that it brought a smile to my face!  No, I accepted that.  It was part of the life of a spy, the life of a man forced to kill or be killed, or risk his life and world falling into chaos."

His leg slammed into the concrete of the ground.  "And did you not hear me earlier you self absorbed little...  I WANTED A FAMILY TOO!  Hell, I already had one!  They are dead, taken by my "master."

"You worked hard?  Thats why you get to be on the high horse?  No, you worked hard and some things worked out for you.  Maybe not the things you wanted, but something clearly worked.  Your body is strong, your mind is literally so strong it can read minds!  Meanwhile, I struggled to take down some thugs.  You know I could have lost that fight?  Huh?  Thats how weak I am.  Thats how FUCKED I was before you came along!"

He shook his head.  "Maybe we should skip this whole thing.  I don't even want to get into your whole bit about killing.  I wish I had the strength to be that soft.  I'm sure its worked out great for you too, just put them in the hospital with their mind wiped.  They will think its all a comatosed dream.  You don't even have to be a real spy, just my willfully ignorant guard."
« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 03:22:55 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #169 on: July 02, 2019, 03:35:54 AM »

"I was twelve when I killed for the first time.  I had my da's axe.  Never met him; both him and my mum died before I was born, but someone made damned sure I got his axe," Forest said with a frown.

She sighed and said, "He was a raider from a neighboring clan.  His eyes were brown.  He wanted to do things to the pretty redhead mage.  I could see what he wanted to do to her, and she was the one person who I could call family.  So I fought him.  He was bigger than me and stronger, but even alive I was pretty quick and I knew what he wanted to do before he could do it."

Her nose crinkled as she grimaced.  "I didn't expect him to stink like he did when he died.  I didn't know people shat and pissed themselves after they died.  I thought it was kind of stupidly easy.  I didn't like it, but I was good at it."

She then eyed him and said, "I don't like killing mortals.  Doesn't mean I won't.  Anything else?  If it's doing something that's hurting others?  I have a talent at the old ultra violence."

She then shrugged and said, "Honestly, I'd make a horrible spy.  I'm too honest.  However, I make a fairly descent boogeyman.  Or woman.  Scary thing that strikes terror in the hearts of evil doers, like the Shadow and whatnot."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #170 on: July 02, 2019, 04:37:24 PM »

"Humu, an appropiate greeting for a place such as this.."

The empress took steady steps along the improvised lane of bats, entering the large gates to find a wide open entrance hall, decorated with gargoyles among it's central pillars and a large bordeaux carpet draping the steps of the imposing central staircase.

Following the lead of bats up the stairs, the blonde reached the room upstairs, seeing the vampiresse and demon on top of each other.

"My, have you put on a show just to greet me? I'm honored~"
« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 06:37:16 PM by Break »


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #171 on: July 02, 2019, 07:56:57 PM »

Her crimson eyes opened as she head the steps of their approaching guest. She skid back on his lap until her back was resting against Aruna's broad chest.

It was a short bit voluptuous blonde that had found her way here, maybe it was just the attraction of the demon behind her, perhaps he had a thing for blondes.

"Of course, when guests as beautiful as you come to pay respect to the greatest King in the Nexus, then their reception need to be grand."

She turned and looked at Aruna." Is she to your liking? "


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #172 on: July 02, 2019, 11:38:19 PM »

Scott slammed his foot into the ground, the concrete shattering in the wake of the impact.  "Once again, with your assailent, you were able to beat him, feel the thrill of victory, even with your great loss.  I was helpless!  Once again, the only thing that seperates you and I is you being a woman and being more powerful.  Thats it!"

He paused, looking down at the shattered concrete.  In this moment, he realized it was an apt metaphor for his composure.  He was supposed to be in control but this woman riled something within him.  The damn pretentious... ugh!

He turned to her, glared and said, "You kill for others!  No you kill for the people in front of you.  I kill for others, the people connected to an entire organization, my peers, their families, the a society that is counting on me to take their sins!"

Finally taking a deep breath, he swallowed his pride for a moment, the mere thought felt like swallowing his heart and barfing it back up.  "You will make a great spy, one of the best.  The life of the spy is one of desperation, the will to take on the darkness of the world onto yourself and give your life to it.  We are the dark heroes of our districts.  You don't have to be honest if your scary.  This isn't the movies."

« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 11:49:54 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #173 on: July 03, 2019, 12:14:46 AM »

"Why yes my dear," he said, his crimson eyes flashing brighter than any manmade light could in the cloud of darkness flowing freely through the room.  Those clouds of pure darkness covered the ground, obscuring it from veiw.  As the blond walked towards the throne, it would be as if she was walking on air.  "I think this one is-"

Oh shit is that Nero?! he thought to himself.  Well she probably won't recognize me in this form so I shall keep going.

"Pardon.  I was merely taken with your beauty young one.  I think I might have a thing for short girls....  Tell me girl, why have you come to my castle?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #174 on: July 03, 2019, 03:07:12 AM »

I wasn't able to "beat" him.  I hit his head in with a rock and I ran, and he left me a bloody lovely reminder of himself with me always, Forest thought as she gritted her teeth.

She watched as the younger - he had to be younger - vampire had his temper tantrum.

"You might want to find another bodyguard," she said in a soft voice with a shake of her head.  "If I'm not honest, then all of this," she held up her fist, "has been for naught."

Her "lofty" morals was part of what kept her together for all of these years.  If she slid into some dark slope and lost herself to become some "dark hero" then she would have lost.  All of her training, all of her pain, and all of her loneliness would have been for nothing.

She wasn't Angel or Spike, or even that wimp Nick Knight.  She didn't have centuries of mass murder on her conscience and she was proud of it.  She didn't do what she did, become Law Unto Herself, because she felt guilty.  She did that to make sure that she could prevent people from suffering as she did.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #175 on: July 03, 2019, 05:42:31 PM »

Inching ever closer to the pair's connection port, the blonde mused.

"Why have i come? Hum, would it be fate or happenstance? Truly i was merely drawn to it..."

Something seemed familiar about this hunk, but she struggled and struggled to put her finger on it... What could it be?

"Say, do you have a sister?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #176 on: July 03, 2019, 06:09:09 PM »

Scott paused as he heard her last statement, taking a deep breath.  He couldn't keep going like this, put her down like this.  As much as he wanted an apology for being looked down on, he would have to swallow his pride.  Although, swallowing his pride was an understatement.  It felt like someone was forcing a TV down his throat.

"I don't care what you think," he said, clearly still pissed.  "I probably shouldn't anyway, but for some reason that hurt.  I like to think I am doing alright too you know?  Whatever.... Look i'm sorry for yelling.  I still think your going to be a good spy and I can do all the killing if you really want.  Its not like we are going up against baby seals and paragons of justice, we are fighting blood thirsty vampires."

He brushed his hand through the silver streak in his hair.  "If you want out, now is your last chance.  Its going to hurt the operation and back me up but its not like you are signing my death warrant here.  But I do need you Forest.  All I want is a little trust."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #177 on: July 03, 2019, 07:16:02 PM »

"Fate...?  Such a thing is nothing to a king, especially not one who reigns over the vampires!" he continued to say, all while thinking,

Oh god that is Nero!  Why is she here?

Aruna stifled a groan as he felt Valarie skid back across his crotch until her back was pressed against his chest.  He still wasn't sure why she was so damn comfortable with him, nor this whole thing.  Still, her big tight ass on his thighs, her back on his muscular chest felt nice.  For the first time in a while, he felt powerful, influential.  This throne really felt as though it suited him.

"I have no siblings," he said, resting his elbow on the arm of the throne, his chin supported by his fist.  "But I must say, especially to such a delicious looking human.... Valarie, does she not look like a treat?  Maybe we can split her 50/50."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #178 on: July 03, 2019, 10:16:46 PM »

"Indeed she does my lord, her mounds are bountiful and bigger than my own." Valerie said as she kept having to slid back since she kept slipping down, it was quite hard to maintain her place all the way back, but he didn't even bother to wrap a hand around to hold her in her place. Was he just enjoying her struggles to make it more comfortable for herself?

"But my lord, splitting her will be challangeung. Feeding on women will be much harder after what you inflicted on me.... I could hold her down for you to ravage her if you so desire?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #179 on: July 04, 2019, 01:16:49 AM »

Puffing out her already enormous chest upon hearing the two praise her, the tyrant seemed to beam with confidence.

"My, I really am irresistible, aren't I? Umu, of course, it is understandable! Who could ever resist this ultimate artwork?"

Strolling ever closer, she decided to humor this strangely familiar king, pushing down her cleavage to reveal the twin hills of Rome in their full glory.

"How could I deny the honest fire burning in your eyes, i ask? I shan't, magnanimous as I am, for i have not tasted a King's scepter in quite some time!"