Author Topic: Vampire District  (Read 59655 times)


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #240 on: July 16, 2019, 02:01:24 AM »

Forest waved at the guard and called out, "Thank you!  I really appreciate it."

To the blond driving the car she sent telepathically, Simple mind tricks honestly.  Projection, low level mass hypnosis, basic mental influence really. Like some comic book villain said, the weak willed are easily manipulated.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #241 on: July 16, 2019, 02:09:49 AM »

The engine roared, no purred as the car shot forward, stopping at the red light ahead.  The man turned, the small cloud covered sun reflected in his shades as he finally faced Forest.  Oh thats a nice trick.  The voice in his head was far louder, far more confident sounding.  In fact, it was far more reflective of his actual outward appearance, radiating with pure energy.  It was as if he spent all his energy thinking and not enough speaking.  Let me show you mine.

One hand held onto the wheel while another held a typing position in mid air just above the radio.  He began typing furiously, drawing neon blue lights to his finger tips.  The energy formed an etherial laptop made of pure energy.  His fingers flickered faster than the human eye could see, blurring into a blob of skin as his fingers made mini machine gun fire with his typing.

Now you have an appointment with the Duke in 10 minutes.  Try to think of a story.  Also, be a little disruptive to give Scott some cover.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #242 on: July 16, 2019, 02:13:49 AM »

Forest raised her eyebrow at the driver and said aloud, "Stick around, I'm full of them."

She watched as he brought up some . . . magical laptop and studied it.  What sort of magic is he using? she thought to herself, screening her thoughts so he couldn't hear her.  She bit her lip as he typed furiously, wondering what the hell was he doing.

"Ten minutes, bloody hell, I really suck at this whole spy game," she said with a groan and rubbing her forehead.  "Should I still continue to play the distressed damsel?  Or should I be a bit more competent?  And I'm wearing this bloody stupid get up."

She gestured to the body suit in tatters on her slim form.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #243 on: July 16, 2019, 02:23:02 AM »

The driver sighed and said, "Jarald."  It really did sound like it was annoying for him to speak.  There was a long pause before he even said his name as if he was considering whether or not to speak.  He eyed the uniform, smiled then returned his gaze to the road.  The car turned a corner, finally completely out of the view of the guards.  "And don't worry.  Scott thinks I suck at it too."

If she read his mind, she would instantly be able to understand his magic.  It was a computer that could break through firewalls instantly, a supercomputer crafted from magic that was designed to dig into heavily defended networks.  However, the action he preformed was simple: delete and reschedule an appointment without anyone or anything noticing, replacing something or other with Forest's appointment.  It was listed as unspecified but urgent, hence why she would have to craft her own story.

"Just.... do whatever is comfortable.  You don't have to change who you are to succeed at this job....."  Once again, he sighed, his energy sapped from making that sad excuse of a speech.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #244 on: July 16, 2019, 02:28:57 AM »

Forest tilted her head as she heard Jarald's discomfort in his voice.  From the rapid fire method of his mind, she wondered if telepathic communication would be easier for her.  She did say, "I'm Forest."

Honestly what's comfortable is telling the truth and punching the bad guy in the bollocks.  Even though I don't know who the bad guy is in this story.  I don't know who's the victim who needs saving.  All I know is that Scott makes me uneasy and his methods are too orthodox for my tastes, she sent to Jarald.

Part of me just wants to answer this Duke truthfully.  I'm new, I'm lost, and I need a place to lay my head and a regular income so I can by clothing and music and what not.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #245 on: July 16, 2019, 02:37:37 AM »

Everyone maybe, Jereld responded in his mind.  It sounded somber, reflective, the thoughts more intensive on account of being tainted by anxiety and sadness.  It wasn't that he was afraid or insecure, but simply that thoughts in the mind could not be painted with tone to mask what he truely felt deep down.  I've tried to keep my killing to a minimum, but yeah Scott is.... damaged.  I think he takes it too far sometimes.

He placed the free hand on his chin before continuing.  The blue glow faded, leaving behind only the dim lights of the car, more specifically the radio.  It reached another red light. You can answer with almost all truth, but I would keep our organization out of it.  You know almost nothing and it goes without saying that you will be fired if you are found out.  The best lies are ones where the lie is hidden within the truth, the kind we as people make every day, even to those closest to us.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #246 on: July 16, 2019, 02:42:18 AM »

Honestly I know jack and shit about your organization.  The fact that I don't even know it's bloody name is ominous enough, Forest sent as she gestured with her hands.

She did nod at his idea of a lie within truth.  She'd been around enough Fae to know how that bloody worked, even though it wasn't her forte.  So these wankers try to jump me with rocket launchers as soon as I bloody arrive, I defend myself, and heard some wanker talking about the Duke, sound clear enough? she sent to Jereld.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #247 on: July 16, 2019, 02:52:04 AM »

I suppose so.  If you can, try to get him to spill where Valarie is and what her life is like.  There are things about a person you can't find with data raids.  Also be very careful and try not to piss him off.  I hear he is kind of dangerous.  Reach out to me psychically if you need any help and check on Scott every once and a while.  You may need to bail him out.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #248 on: July 16, 2019, 02:55:52 AM »

Aloud she asked, "Who's Valerie?"

She bit the inside of her lip at Jerald's other words.  Right, don't piss him off and keep babysitting Scott, got it.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #249 on: July 16, 2019, 03:21:34 AM »


The empress of whores pondered, her famous inability to read the mood in full force,

"I'm not sure. I might have, i might not have, it's hard to tell with some, But i *was* looking forward to the experience... Do you think he'll be able to pick himself up again?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #250 on: July 16, 2019, 11:35:57 PM »

She ignored him.

"Funny," he said, thinking to himself.  "I gave a similar speech just a little while ago..."

He wasn't looking to see if she could surpass him.  No, he knew humans could do so.  He was looking for her fear.  But perhaps that girl had surpassed the average human long ago.  Perhaps Valarie already knew somehow.  In that case, he would have to thank her later for saving him from the embarrassment.

"Whatever.  You really want it that bad?" he asked, turning to Nero.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #251 on: July 17, 2019, 12:05:50 AM »

As the car turned another corner, Jerald reached out to push the hazard lights.  The car pulled up next to a parked car.  Then, Jerald turned to Forest, pulling up his sunglasses to reveal sea blue pupils.  Valaire is the true ruler of the district, the puppetmaster to the duke.  She is our true enemy.  Did Scott not mention her at all? he thought to her.  She is by far the most powerful vampire in the district, both politically and physically, fitting for the ruler of this place.

The man looked down at her outfit before looking back up at her face.  Are you going to change or keep this beaten up look?


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #252 on: July 17, 2019, 12:46:08 AM »

Forest scowled, folded her arms across her chest, and sent, No, your esteemed colleague did not mention anything about this Valerie.

One thing that was making her gut knot up was the fact that not only had Scott left this important bit of information out, but that she was only getting her information from these people.  She didn't like Scott; his whole being screamed tragic edge lord. 

Jarald seemed decent enough in a shy, anxious, brilliant nerd sort of way.  At least he seems he's more on the up and up, and Scott doesn't like him, so that's a good endorsement there, she thought.

Aloud she sighed and said, "Well, my other clothing is at the car.  Scott said I had to wear this get up, and proceeded to kind of leer at me once I had changed."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #253 on: July 17, 2019, 01:23:16 AM »

Jarald paused, the stream of consciousness coming to a sudden halt as he realized something. Maybe he hid it from you so that you wouldn't get too involved.  Then, he smiled as he took in that pouty annoyance.  Well it is our work uniform.  Normally i'd keep this to myself but your reading my mind so i'll just out and say it.  The outfit makes your hips look pretty sexy, and it highlights your tits.  They look nice and firm.  So naturally, I don't blame him.

The man covered his sea-blue eyes with his glasses, shaking his head.  Even edgelords like something nice to look at.  You don't have to wear it for disguise missions though. Was there anything else that you wanted to know, or have I said too much already?  Despite his wording, there was no anxiety in his thoughts, at least in regards to picking the right words.  No, he was more worried that she would get more involved than she was comfortable with.  More importantly, she said she was a terrible liar.  He still belived, as Scott did, that anyone could be a spy, but someone not confident in their skills was prone to mistakes.  They couldn't afford to let her make big ones.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #254 on: July 17, 2019, 01:43:54 AM »

Forest eyes widened at Jarald's frank appraisal of her body.  She normally didn't think anything of her breasts other that they were "small" and her nipples liked to point too much.  And then there was the whole thing about her hips.

Legs she could have seen. 

However, she generally thought of her body as a really athletic prepubescent boy's: lanky and lean, but with all of her muscle tone to go along with it.  Generally the opposite of what people thought as Feminine.  She wasn't soft curves and rounded where she was supposed to be rounded.

She fidgeted with a lock of her hair and sent back, Well, thanks.  I think . . .  Do you have any normal clothing back there?  And a hair brush?