Author Topic: Vampire District  (Read 59682 times)


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #285 on: July 26, 2019, 10:58:07 AM »

"Ahhh... How beautiful~"

Taking in the view of the demonesse's moment of ecstatsy, the empress proceeded to once again wrap her enormous mammaries around the second demonic meat pole, enveloping it in the sweet softness of the twin hills of Rome.

"Now, you're finally letting loose too, humu~?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #286 on: July 29, 2019, 02:32:01 AM »
The Duke

The door creaked open, two men on either side of Forest as she entered.  A man with a giant globe sized head faced the opposite direction, his hands folded over his chest.  He wore a plaid button-up shirt that stopped at his skinny forearms.  A creek washed over the air as the man turned around, placing his elbows on the desk in front of him that faced the door.  Pale white fingers held up his globe like head, a smile stretched to the inches of his face.

"Oh shit!  A pretty one!  Sometimes I get sick of looking at you ugly motherfuckers you know that!?  Go on go on sit down!" he said, secretly hoping the compliments would distract her from the fact that he is woefully unprepared for her visit.  His mind was buzzing with questions as he realized he had no idea who she was.  "So I'm happy you came here to discuss that important matter we made an appointment from!  We value everyone!"

So just try to keep him engaged in the conversation, Scott sent.  We just need him to show up, then we are done.  I'll see if we can get you out before then.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #287 on: July 29, 2019, 02:37:06 AM »

Forest's face froze to a very pretty yet very polite mask as she looked at the . . . man in front of her and his very strange visage.

What the bleeding hell? she thought before shaking off the surprise as she heard Scott's voice in her mind.

Instead she flashed her most dazzling smile - which didn't quite reach her eyes - and sat down.  She folded her hands together on the table.  "Thank you very much for your time, Sir.  I know you are quite busy so I was pleased and thankful that you took time out of your busy schedule to meet up with a newcomer to this place," she said in her low, husky voice with that crazy Scottish accent of hers.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #288 on: July 29, 2019, 02:50:31 AM »

"Yes, yes!  Now lets address your concern!"  he said, flashing his teeth in turn.  The entire office smelled like paper, freshly copied paper and old dusty books.  It seemed like he had an unreasonable amount of work.  His souless eyes seemed to stare into Forest's soul, his hands rubbing together seemingly for no real good reason."As you know this is a city hall so we do very important things in this place."

His mind quickly flashed to video games on the couch, more specifically smacking his coworkers for kicking his ass.  Another image included spending an unreasonable amount of money on mentos and soda to make fountains.

"It is for the good of vampire kind across the nexus."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #289 on: July 30, 2019, 03:36:46 AM »

Aruna's giant dark hands grabbed Valarie by the hips, securing her as she was held aloft by his massive dick.  He could feel her walls enveloping his veiny cock, the dark lines pulsating within her body.  Thumps of his heart forced breath from his lips as his ass clenched with each thrust of his hips.  Of course, this caused the other dick to be pushed through Nero's massive pale peaks.  Even at the size it was now, it was completely enveloped by her breasts, forcing them to jiggle simply from the sheer force of his thrusts.

"Your an odd woman you know that?" he said, looking at Nero.

Nero would feel something familiar and warm as precum burst from his shaft, flooding her tits.  The round orbs would soon be coated in a layer of warm white demon liquid, shimmering with the faintest light.  It caused her breasts to shine just a bit in the dim palace. 


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #290 on: July 30, 2019, 06:55:06 PM »

"Aruna you big meanie..." His dark hands were big enough to completely encircle her tiny waist, and locking her in place quite securely. Being suspended in the air like that really limited her options and she was left with little room but to complain at the unfair treatment, and with every thrust he pushed deeper, knocking bits and pieces of her reasoning away.

"I told you to be rough with her, not me! S-slow down A-aruuuuna..."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #291 on: July 31, 2019, 02:48:55 AM »

Wait, Mentos and Soda? Forest thought as she caught the Duke's thoughts.

She kept her face that pleasant mask as she read the Duke's surface thoughts.  Lord and Lady, he's like a bloody teenager, she sent to Scott.

She made a little bit of a show to bite her lip and look down at her hands.  The daylight protection ring looked rather stunning in this light and she found herself twisting it around her finger.

"Honestly, M'lord, the good of vampire kind is why I need to talk to you," she said as she looked at him with wide indigo eyes.  "I am very new to the Nexus, but within not even an hour of being here I was attacked by vampire hunters that were armed with rocket launchers.  Now, they were far from any Van Helsings or Buffys and I right kicked their arses fairly easily, but they were fairly organized.  Organized enough to throw up warning bells."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #292 on: July 31, 2019, 03:01:31 AM »
Duke Taro

The skinny man waved his hands, as if shooing her concern away.  "Yeah yeah, that sort of thing happens occasionally," he said, thinking back to another time.  The image of him accidentally shooting some criminal in the head entered his mind.

Wait so where is the trigger?  Over here?  Oh.... Wow... So thats what a brain looks like.  Boys pick up some of the blood.  We can donate that to a homeless shelter or something... Outside of the things he said during that time, another thought entered his mind.  Where did they get a rocket launcher....?  Thats a lot...

Meanwhile, Scott sent his own thoughts.  Well I did say he was eccentric.  Just don't forget he is evil.  All the while, Jarald sent his own.  More importantly he is supposed to be strong.  Just keep talking.  Its going smoothly so far.

Those lifeless beady eyes locked in on Forest's, seeming to look into her soul.  "Still handling rocket marauders is pretty good... I am surprised someone so strong has come to my front desk.  And so new....  Please tell me your here for a job."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #293 on: July 31, 2019, 03:12:39 AM »

Forest blinked as the image of the Duke shooting some random person filled her mind.  There was wondering where the trigger was, oh golly there's brains, and take blood to the homeless shelter.  This is almost completely random, she thought.

She eyed the duke and mused to both men, I don't know how strong he is.  Honestly, his most dangerous trait is he's completely around the sodding bend.  Complete random tangents.  His thoughts are so bloody random.

Forest tapped the desk with her index finger and said, "The rocket launchers and their organization is what bothers me.  Plus the little tossers tried to blow up my car . . . "

She shook her head, sighed, and shrugged.  "Honestly, I'm really bloody new here.  I'd just been here maybe two hours at the most.  A bit of work to earn a bit of coin to get a roof over my head and clothing would be bloody lovely."

Plus, I can pass information on to you if he does give me a bit of work, she sent to Jarald.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #294 on: July 31, 2019, 06:18:06 PM »
Duke Taro

A silence followed her words, the Duke's impossibly wide smile flipping upsidedown into a frown.  Two hands slammed onto the table, his body shooting out of his chair.  "So what?" he asked, grabbing his desk and throwing it aside as he approached Forest.  It wasn't long before he was practically breathing down her neck.  "You think that you can just march in here and ask for a job?!  You just take two hours of wandering around thwarting rocket launching manics makes you eligible for the position of WHATEVER YOUR APPLYING TO?!! HUUUH?!"

The man's nose, if it were human-shaped, would be rubbing up against hers.  Instead, it was inches from her face, those beady white eyes united as they stared down at her.  His frown deepened, teeth visible as his jaw was left slightly agape.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #295 on: August 01, 2019, 01:34:55 AM »

"You were the one who brought up the whole job issue," Forest said as she glared right back into those beady little eyes.

"I just wanted to warn someone in a position to do something about a group of organized vampire hunters who are decently armed before things became troublesome," she said as she raised one eyebrow.

This Duke was a bat shit crazy teenager.  If he thought throwing a table around and getting into her face would intimidate her, then he was sorely mistaken.  She slowly rose to her feet as well and glared at the duke.

"And if you're going to be an absolute brat, I'm sure someone of my talents will easily find employment with a more stable employer," she said with the righteous indignation that only British people could muster. 


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #296 on: August 01, 2019, 03:02:01 AM »
Duke Taro

If Fore could read his mind, she would be able to see the feelings of pleasant surprise running through his mind, even if outwardly, he simply maintained his frown.  The fact of the matter was that this was getting fun for him. "So what?!  You think you can threaten me?!  The Duke?!  Do you know who I am girl?  No... right your some blond upstart who has only been here for two hours.  A district is basically an enormous swash of land that might as well be a small country on of itself, city-states essentially.  Do you want to cross that?!  Huh?!"

The man stood over Forest, using his height to look down at her from above.  Those beady eyes of his were looking for something within her indigo ones, something perhaps that he was already seeing.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #297 on: August 01, 2019, 03:08:39 AM »

"I think you're mistaken with what the definition of what a threat is, you enormous git," Forest said with a smirk.

I didn't spend hundreds of years with my stupid title to get threatened by a prat like you, she thought as her smirk widened.  However, it didn't reach her eyes.  Her eyes were hard and gleaming, almost like jewels.

She shielded her own thoughts, an unreadable wall of black crystal where a murder of crows roosted and cawed.

"Yell at me again and I will put you through that wall," she said with a soft voice as her smirk twisted into a hard line.

She leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "By the way, that was a threat."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #298 on: August 01, 2019, 03:22:33 AM »
Duke Taro

The man burst out laughing.  Turning around and waving his hand dismissively.  "Ok ok I admit it," he said, his harsh tone fading into something more jovial.  "That was pretty good.  Its always refreshing in my line of work to see someone so brazen, even if it comes from naivete.  Everyone here becomes someone's bitch eventually, but I like that fire in your eyes."

A hand reached for the desk, yanking it back up with the simplest of motions.  It landed on all four legs with a thud.  "Tell me one thing girl, since you are new.  Did you know that the guards here are all skilled vampire soldiers or did you just assume we were all that much weaker than you?"

After all, many of the more brazen people who came to this city were those who were the strongest in their worlds.  With people like that, a foolish belief in their own power was common.  Then again, there were those spirits who chose to challenge authority despite their weakness, either from being stuck with no other choice but to fight, or out of genuine bravery.  He wondered which one she was.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #299 on: August 01, 2019, 03:28:48 AM »

"I sensed that the guards were decently powerful," Forest said with a shrug before meeting the Duke's eyes again.  "One on one I wouldn't be overly fussed.  However, eventually their sheer numbers would overwhelm me.  Which is why I didn't just come in like an 80's Action Hero."

"And it's not 'girl'.  I'm Forest," she said as she extended her hand out to him, "I haven't been a 'girl' in quite some time.  Just between you and me, I'm well preserved."

She did send to him to his mind, And I just don't handle being pushed around.  I tend to push back.