Author Topic: Vampire District  (Read 39724 times)


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #495 on: August 28, 2019, 03:38:00 AM »

Forest only raised her eyebrow as the Duke moved towards her, slithering like a snake.  There was something in the back of her brain that made her skin want to crawl under her suit.  She promptly told it to stop being a twat as she tilted her head at her new "employer".

She bowed her head and replied, "Well thank you.  Figure if I'm going to do this whole bodyguard for royalty thing I need to at least look the part.  Or pass as arm candy if needed."

At his words about the potential roid rage outside she leaned close and whispered, "Well, you know what happens when blokes take too many steroids right?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #496 on: August 28, 2019, 08:17:08 PM »
Duke Taro

The duke smiled and asked, "Oh?  And what is that?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #497 on: August 29, 2019, 03:36:30 AM »

He's childish, he'll probably get at least a giggle out of this, Forest thought as she leaned closer to the Duke.

"Their bits shrink.  Stump, bawbag, and all," she whispered to him, "So if he did roid out, he probably has a micro-wanker."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #498 on: August 29, 2019, 03:49:42 AM »
Duke Taro

The duke stepped back, holding his scrawny chest as he let out a bellowy laugh.  "I guess I wouldn't know," he said, wiggling his arms like a blow up car puppet.  "I haven't worked out a day in my life, well outside of sparing I suppose.  Ok... no I do workout but.... not for the muscles ya know?"

The man coughed, staring down at the ground, his giant eyes blinking as he took a deep breath.  "Serious.... SERIOUS!  SERIOUS! ........................serious."

The head tilted upwards, facing his new secretary once more.  "Well, lets get down to business.  I suppose since you are new on the job I should tell you what to expect.  See, most of the people who tend to attack me are people from other districts and people from my personal life.  I need you to humilate and beat them to an inch of their life for daring to attack me, or execute them.  I suppose it doesn't matter, so long as a brutal message is sent.  People tend to underestimate me because of my eccentricities.  I like my retribution to be in sharp contrast to those expectations."

Taro walked passed Forest and shut the door.  "Are these terms acceptable so far?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #499 on: August 29, 2019, 03:54:49 AM »

Forest nodded and said, "That actually makes quite a bit of sense.  So you need me to be a bit of a boogeyman as well, I take it."

That I can do, she thought as she cracked her knuckles before flexing her fingers.

"Now, what about the other districts?  This is a town of vampires.  Even with that Twilight twaddle, most people don't look too fondly upon us blood sucking card carrying members of the undead."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #500 on: August 29, 2019, 04:17:44 AM »
Duke Taro

The Duke simply shrugged and said, "Yes a bogeywoman.  The more humiliating and scary the better.  As for our enemies.  You would be surprised.  After all, its reasonable to assume most of our enemy districts would be those who view this place as monsters, but in reality, it is simple megalomaniacs who see the nexus as simply a place to conquer.  Those tend to be the kinds of districts that mess with us.  Despite stereotypes, much of our social services tend to provide our citizens with blood.  Most of our crime is related to overzelous traditionalists who wish to restore the pride of the hunt as they call it."

The duke's eyes suddenly began to glow red.  "As far as i'm concerned, those types of people can be buried under my office."

The duke folded his arms over his chest, before taking a deep breath and lowering them to his side.  "If i'm being completely honest, my old brain is kicking in a little bit.  Personally, I was thinking we could just hang the fallen on the wall or maybe get a cross.  Those romans I swear.  Best way to get someone to show their true colors is to hang the fallen like trophys."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #501 on: August 30, 2019, 12:38:52 AM »

The blonde vampire listened to the Duke's words with a slight frown.

Great megalomaniacs who are trying to take over are also now part of my problems as well, she thought as she folded her arms across her chest.

The part that caught Forest's ear was the part of vampires wanting to restore "the pride of the hunt".  Sort of a Deacon Frost situation then, that I can deal with, she thought before mentally shaking her head.  No, I don't know what the bloody hell is going on here.  Vampires can drink dead blood?  Without flashing themselves something nasty?  And vampires who aren't telepaths . . .

This is a completely new kettle of fish that I'm dealing with here.  So not only gathering intel for this spy group, but for myself,
Forest thought.

"Honestly, you take the head of their best warrior and throw it at their feet.  Or put the head on a pike.  If there's a head left, vampires where I come from turn to ashes when they're killed.  If that's the case, you drag the screaming body of their elite soldier or whatnot to their feet.  Then you kill the wanker while making eye contact with the Big Bad.   If you're feeling cheeky you can flip a rude hand gesture," Forest said.

Then she shrugged and said, "Unless they pissed you off enough where you have their heart in your hand and you really don't remember invoking Shiva." 


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #502 on: August 30, 2019, 01:00:00 AM »
Duke Taro

The duke let out a small chuckle and said,  "I'm so glad I hired you.  Its a breath of fresh air to meet someone from that era.  But that does remind me that you are not from here.  The vampire district is home to all sorts of vampires.  The vast majority are turned from our dear Valarie, but all sorts of vampires with all sorts of different rules attached to them exist.  The only real link between most of them is that they need blood and are weak to sunlight.  Oh and that most of them can turn normal humans into vampires."

Taro adjusted his shirt, letting it flap a little bit.  His eyes glanced at his watch before returning his gaze to Forest.  "Plenty of these guys leave bodies.  Though in truth, leaving them alive is much easier and more painful.  Regeneration is such a bother to deal with."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #503 on: August 30, 2019, 01:05:49 AM »

Forest swallowed and flexed her fingers.  Should now be a good time to mention that I regenerate?  I mean, just what happened a few hours ago would have killed a normal woman . . .

She gripped her arms and bit her cheek to keep from gnashing her teeth.  Taro would either take it as a sign of aggression or get turned on by her sign of aggression.  Neither were things that she wanted to deal with.

"So, Valerie's the sire of most of the vampires here?  That's actually bloody interesting, and either terrifyingly ambitious or incredibly sad," Forest said with a shake of her head.

She eyed the duke and said, "Where I'm from, vampires generally turn humans because they want minions, out of love, or they're lonely and wanting companionship.  Sometimes all of the above.  I wouldn't know, I've never sired anyone."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #504 on: August 30, 2019, 01:13:30 AM »

Taro's giant beedy eyes locked onto her fingers before shooting back to Forest.  His mind was racing with excitement.  Some of it was sexual, some of it was a simple desire for battle.  However, he did not call attention to it.  Instead, he merely smiled at her comment and said,

"Well she is the founder of this district.  Pragmatically speaking it was just easier to populate it herself rather than wait for others to immigrate here.  I don't pretend to understand Valarie and neither should you.  Still its interesting that you say you have never turned anyone.  Why is that?"

Truthfully, he expected her to say nothing about it.  After all, why a vampire would or would not turn another is a pretty personal question.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #505 on: August 30, 2019, 01:20:58 AM »

He didn't expect her to answer the question, that was obvious.  He was probably expecting her to dodge it and change the subject.  So her indigo eyes met his giant, almost comically beady ones.

She answered, "Because someone forced me to become a vampire against my will, so I'm not going to do the same.  Which means I'll only sire someone if they want me to sire them and I want to as well. 

"I don't want minions or followers; that's a lot of hassle to deal with.  Besides, I've found enough vampires that had been abandoned by their sires - or that I killed their sires because they were a rapist wanker - that needed help in the past that I really don't need to."

Then she chuckled and said, "And I don't really get a lot of romantic prospects falling into my lap.  Apparently I'm good enough to sexually harass, but not to court.  So, Duke Taro, that's why I've never sired anyone in my extended existence."

Every word was the truth.  She figured that being as honest as possible would be the best thing for Taro.  Plus, if he thinks I'm damaged goods then that's something I can turn in my favor.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #506 on: August 30, 2019, 08:45:11 PM »
Duke Taro

The duke tilted his huge head, the side of it brusing up against the back of a nearby chair.  "Well I can't say I would fuck you," he said bluntly.  "Though I do admit, i'd definitely consider courting you.  You talk like you don't know why all these assailants want to dick you down.  Are you really not aware of your bodies properties?  I say I don't want to fuck you, but my body disagrees."

The duke's head straightened, his pupils moving up and down, clearly confirming however he felt about her body.  "Your body has an unnatural attractiveness.  Its not unheard of in this city, but dangerous if you are not aware of it."

Still it was an odd answer she gave.  Why not sire someone when she was clearly so lonely?  Was it really just because she was afraid of abandoning them?


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #507 on: August 31, 2019, 04:16:43 AM »

Forest blinked with a frown as the Duke's words ran through her mind.

"Your body has an unnatural attractiveness.  Its not unheard of in this city, but dangerous if you are not aware of it."

She frowned as she could have pointed out a bunch of things that wasn't attractive about herself.  Like her height.  Or the fact she had the body of a prepubescent boy who happened to be an Olympic level athlete.  The only thing she could pride herself on was her legs, and she supposed her face was pretty enough, but not compared to a lot of the supernatural beings she ran around with.

Then the image of the hobos and Ryan with their cocks hard and ready to rock.

"I mean, where I'm from vampires are bloody attractive.  It's like part of being turned you become your 'perfect self'.  Physical imperfections change stuff like that.  There's really no such thing as an ugly vampire back home," she said slowly with a frown.

Her eyes narrowed and she asked, "What do you mean by unnatural attractiveness?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #508 on: August 31, 2019, 04:28:55 AM »
Duke Taro

The skinny man peeled open his buttoned-up shirt, revealing his stick like torso.  He actually had less muscle mass than she did, with a chest indistinguishable from the rest of his upper body, aside from the nipples poking out of it.  "I won't pretend like I have the most attractive body because I don't," he said, his lips curling to the edge of his globe head.  "But what if you suddenly found yourself admiring my body anyway?  You stare and stare, wondering why I am suddenly so interesting to your raging vampire hormones...  Then, through that interest, you decide you want to fuck to figure it out?  Would you not call that unnatural?"

The duke began to close his shirt, freeing her from the view of his body.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #509 on: August 31, 2019, 04:36:13 AM »

Forest watched as Taro unbuttoned his shirt to reveal a very skinny chest.

Or rather, he was built like a stick.  Part of him was so thin that he was sunk in.  She had an urge to grab him a diabetic to suck on to see if he could gain any weight from it.  He was just so painfully thin for her to look at.

She tilted her head and asked, "Do I do that?  I wasn't bloody aware that I did that . . . "