Author Topic: Vampire District  (Read 59459 times)


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #75 on: June 15, 2019, 05:21:29 PM »


She wrapped her legs around his waist, trapping him inside, and drawing that massive shaft ever deeper inside. Its newfound girth actually evoked feminine sounds she wasn't aware she could even make as her slick walls hugged him desperately, and it was so embarassing, she had no choice but to keep mocking to maintain control.

"It is okay~ You can let it all out, I will not laugh too much, since you are inside me after all~"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #76 on: June 16, 2019, 09:02:55 PM »

Just as Forest got out of her car, another rolled into the parking spot next to her.  It was a 2019 Genesis, gleaming in the moonlight even despite its coat of slick black paint.  A neon green light beneath the car illuminated the ground.  The door swung open slowly and a man stepped out at about the same pace, his head twisting to either side before locking onto the young blonde.

"Oh...." he said, on reflex.  He didn't expect to see someone this pretty in a place like this.  But then again, he heard vampire district girls were especially pretty.  "Well... can you give me directions?  I need to find the duke."
« Last Edit: June 16, 2019, 10:22:18 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #77 on: June 17, 2019, 01:59:39 AM »

Another car parked beside the classic Pony Car, noticeable due to the neon green underglow it sported.  The door opened and she heard a man say, "Oh...."

She stopped and turned towards him as he said, "Well... can you give me directions?  I need to find the duke."

She slid her hands in her pocket, quirked her right eyebrow at him, and answered, "I don't even know where the bloody hell I am.  Nor do I know which Duke you speak of.  Bowie's been dead for quite some time and Duke Ellington even longer."

She tilted her head and said, "Also, instead of barking demands out like some entitled wanker, a simple 'please' goes quite a long way into getting the information you want."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #78 on: June 18, 2019, 12:53:35 AM »

That voice, it urged his demonic instincts.  If she insisted on mocking him, he would give her more than she could handle.  He groaned as he felt her legs wrapping around him, his body attempting to break free.  But alas, he could not.  His cock forced its way to the end of her moist tunnel, poking at the back.   No, instead, he began pumping, the veins pushing against her tight walls as his shaft expanded once more.  Any second now, the dam would burst, showering her with twice as much cum as last time. 

"I hope your ready," he said, locking eyes with her.

The dam exploded, flooding her insides and causing his juices to spill out from her lips.  That was only the first pump.  The second unleashed a force equal to that of a fire hose, blasting her insides with enough force to render a human unconscious.  His large demonic hands grabbed her by the thighs, holding her in place with all of his strength.  He began to chant, his words silent even as he whispered in her ear.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2019, 12:56:37 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #79 on: June 18, 2019, 01:31:40 AM »

The man's brown hair gleamed ever so slightly in the darkness of the afternoon, the silver streak running along the side almost seeming to flash as it reflected the little bit of light present through the clouds.  He glared at her with cool sapphire eyes and said, "I would say Bowie would fit in fine here, but really, this is more of a Micheal Jackson place.  You shouldn't shout stupid things like that out loud in this part of town.  You know you are in the vampire district right?"

In truth, he was telling a half lie.  While this was the vampire district, there wasn't actually a huge issue of crime.  For the most part, it really came down to petty crime, with the biggest issue being overly enthusiastic bloodsuckers.

The man shut his door, the arms slamming the door flexing slightly through the tight compression shirt and even tighter compression pants.  It looked like he was a sports jock ready to go on a run anytime.  He had a lean build, much like many top runners, with muscle mass no bigger than her own.  However, it was clear to see, especially in the suit he was wearing.  He had strong toned legs, a light four pack and a chest just a bit bigger than the span of her hands.

"People around here eat weak little girls like you for breakfast."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #80 on: June 18, 2019, 01:37:23 AM »

"Vampire district eh, I was feeling that this looked a bit World of Darkness.  It has this whole industrial goth vibe down pretty well.  I'm almost expecting a killer synth soundtrack at any time," Forest said as she folded her arms across her chest.

The man speaking to her was attractive enough.  Lean, nice eyes, but his words made her fist itch to punch that smug face.  She had half a mind to gesture to her wardrobe: black leather duster, black pants and shirt, and her heavy steel toed boots.  Well, I do sort of look like a vampire gunslinger, which isn't too far off the mark, she thought.

"People around here eat weak little girls like you for breakfast."

Forest's right eyebrow went up at that and the blonde tilted her head.  Her smirk didn't reach her indigo eyes as she replied, "Well, they are more than welcome to try."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #81 on: June 18, 2019, 02:21:49 AM »

"You are nuts!  What do you want to get jump-"

Before he could even finish mouthing the rest, a voice echoed through the mostly vacant parking lot.  "You should probably take your own advice Scott!  Probably isn't too smart to go running around in such a nice car."

Four figures emerged from the only other cars in the lot, creeping towards the pair brandishing guns and knives.  A rocket barreled into his car, forcing Scott to act.  His survival instincts taking over, he leaped across Forest's beat up little car in an attempt to protect himself from the shock of the explosion.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #82 on: June 18, 2019, 02:35:29 AM »

"You should probably take your own advice Scott!  Probably isn't too smart to go running around in such a nice car."

Forest raised her eyebrow as four toughs approached.  They were human, but decently built and well armed.  They look too organized to be just a simple gangs.  I'd bet a couple of quid that they were mercs, the blonde thought to herself.

Then she saw that one of the wankers had a rocket launcher.  Her chest tightened as she realized how close her beloved Camaro was to this.  "Not my car, you bawbags!" she yelled as she charged them.

She heard the whistle of a rocket and smelled the propellant.  The sound of the explosion rang through her ears and she felt her eardrums shatter because of it.  Blood leaked out of her ears, but she didn't look at the explosion as she rushed the guy with the rocket launcher.

Her fist hit his face before he realized what was going on.  She pulled the blow at the last instant, but the force of the blow was enough to send him reeling.  Her steel toed boot pushed the rocket launcher behind her as she pulled out her gun. 

Her eardrums were healing, so she didn't quite yell out, "I just got here, but if you wankers hurt my car I will cause you grievous bodily harm."

Then she held out her .44 and added, "And don't make me quote Dirty Harry."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #83 on: June 18, 2019, 02:49:39 AM »

Scott stared at the explosion, his plans already in flames.  He just needed a little more time.  He was so close yet so far.  The worst part was just how out of reach this situation was.  Sure he could take one, maybe two of them, but four in an organized force?  No way in hell!

At the very least, he could make one final stand.  He stood up, surveyed the landscape and...

Wait what?

When he looked towards the assalilent, he found one guy lying on the ground, with the blond girl standing over him, a gun aimed at his chest.  The man had been knocked to the ground by something and the victum was just as confused as he was, the only evidence of being hit being the sore feeling in his gut.  "We don't want you!  We want Scott!
 Back- I mean leave us be!"

One of them aimed their gun at her, while the other two rushed to flank her from either side, both brandishing knives in their hands.  "Stop sounding like a whimp Tom!  We are assasins for god's sake!  Back off blondie, or we will be forced to consider you collateral damage."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #84 on: June 18, 2019, 03:02:48 AM »

You know, firing this thing is going to cause all sorts of problems.  If the police hadn't been alerted due to the fact that they shot a bloody rocket launcher.  So hide the gun and take them out with hands and feet.  As long as I don't get shot in the head, I should be dandy. 

That's a 9mm, so that'll go clean through me and the rest of these blokes have knifes. 

Almost too easy,
the vampire thought with a smile.

She holstered her gun, slid out of her duster, and charged the one with the gun at full speed.  A black and golden blur hit him in the chest before she hit him on the back of the neck, just wanting to KO him.  Then she rushed one of the guys with the knife.

She slapped it out of his hands and caught it before it could fall.  Then she leveled the blade at his face with a smirk.  "Look, I know he's a bit of a wanker, but you throwing rockets around my car isn't something that is going to go well for you," she said as she deftly spun the blade before pointing it at his eye.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #85 on: June 19, 2019, 12:58:58 AM »

Scott saw it this time.  Although, saying he witnessed the event was a bit of a stretch.  Really, it looked more like a golden wind attacked them, knocking the one with the gun down and taking out the second one in the same movement.  Even crazier, she somehow managed to disarm him.  The man stared up at her and yelled,

"Do you even know him!?  Why are you helping him!"  His voice cracked in frustration and a slight hint of fear.  "Its just a stupid car!  It looks like a dumpster with wheels anyway!"

Realizing she was too dangerous to threaten, the last remaining knife assassin rushed her now that her back was facing him, cocking back his arm to wind up a slash to the back of her neck.  Meanwhile, the man wielding the rocket launcher gathered to his feet, his movements stunted by the fact that the air had been knocked out of him.  He waddled over to the launcher on the ground and began loading it up to fire.

This is where Scott finally made his move.  His form did not blur as Forest's did, but he was more than quick enough to bolt across the parking lot before the man could even get to the weapon.  Standing over the man, Scott kneed him in the stomach, forcing him to double over and fall to his knees.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #86 on: June 19, 2019, 02:35:30 AM »

"Dumpster?  Did you just call my precious 1967 RS Z/28 Camaro a dumpster?" the blonde asked, her eyes flashing crimson as she did.  Her eye teeth were starting to throb as red began to bleed into her vision. 

She heard someone approaching her from behind, and she pivoted back as the knife came towards her neck.  The blade managed to slice a few strands of long, blonde hair but her skin was untouched.  Her eyes narrowed at the man who just attacked her back.

"You bloody wanker," she said before snap kicking him in the face.

Again, she held back most of her strength, but this time she let the blow connect.  The steel toed boot hit under his chin hard enough to break his jaw and shatter several of his teeth.  She then almost casually backhanded him, sending him reeling back before turning towards the bawbag who had the audacity to insult her precious Camaro.

"You look like a dumpster," she snapped before picking him up with one hand and then throwing him back.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #87 on: June 19, 2019, 05:53:16 PM »

"Hnnngg.... Good boy.... keep going, fill. Me. Up, completely~"

Despite her teasing tone, the vampire had completely lost control of her legs behind him, and she was kicking the air wildly, one of her kicks hit the desk behind him and she flipped it over with a loud thunk.

He was simply too thick.

If you glanced down towards her exposed stomach you could clearly see it, the tube going up her stomach and even past her belly button, it moved with every thrust he made and only got more defined as he grew within her.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #88 on: June 20, 2019, 01:00:03 AM »

Try not to choke, he thought, spraying her insides with nothing less than full force.  It was enough to fill her lunges, flow through her entire system and flood every opening.  He began thrusting inside her, with enough force to break an ordinary woman's back.  A veil of darkness surrounded his body, freeing him from the confines of the light.  Strength flowed through his entire body as if a dam broke in his blood stream.  Everything felt lighter as his thrusts were suddenly strong enough to send her flying into the ceiling, unable to control the new well of strength running through his demonic muscles.  Realizing what he was doing as he was doing it, he grabbed her shoulders in an attempt to pin her to his hips.

No way in hell was he going to stop before he finished.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #89 on: June 20, 2019, 02:41:49 AM »
Scott and thugs

Scott reached down and wrapped his hands around the man's neck, slowly lifting him off the ground.  "Are there any more?" he asked the man.

"You know the answer you filthy ant!"

"Disappointing," he responded as a snapping noise filled the air.  It was strange, a simple motion of his arms was all it took to take a human life.  He imagined that by the time he turned around, she would already be done.


"How could it not be its from 1967!"  He said, his eyes widening as he watched her turn into a blur once more.  "Oh shit!"

The man sneaking up behind her did two otherwise elegant backflips into the air before falling.  Teeth and blood erupted from his mouth, splattering onto her shirt.  Before he could hit the ground, he was struck by a simple back hand, sending him falling head first into the ground. 

The other man simply saw a blur, nothing more and nothing less, so when he was picked up off the ground, he simply stared blankly.  The last words he heard were, "You look like a dumpster!"  His next sight was the blond's powerful follow through stance as he was flung into the very wreckage he and his team had created with the rocket launcher.

And back to Scott

Finally finishing his turn, Scott smiled as he had successfully thrown off an otherwise successful assassination attempt.  Looking at her, he realized, he was still a long way away from his goals.

"Alright Blondie, I'll give you this.  You can take care of yourself in a fight at least.  Whats your name?" he asked, closing the distance between them.