Author Topic: Vampire District  (Read 59615 times)


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #870 on: February 17, 2020, 02:45:07 AM »

Taro raised his hands and shrugged in surrender.  "Well your right," he said, smiling at Alice.  "That is the ideal scenario, but Klearjacc is powerful but pragmatic.  I doubt he will be willing to take on more than one, at least at first.  The way I see it, the fledgeling fighting him is a win win.  If it turns out she is powerful enough to beat him, we get our greatest threat out of the way.  If she loses, we get to lower his guard and duel him with more people."

Well I suppose I can go more into it, provided people aren't already looking it up.  I know Damian already knows about the whole lot.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #871 on: February 17, 2020, 03:02:30 AM »
Sakura Edelfeldt

"Feh." Sakura scoffed, pointedly ignoring that disgusting duke. She turned to face his bootlicking attendant, who was at least polite, and reasonably cute.

"Who's to say? Nobody else here is telling anyone their powers, and that Damian over there has been sizing me up the entire time."

She shook her head. "No, I'm only comfortable telling my employer herself, except where I deen it to be useful.

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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #872 on: February 17, 2020, 03:30:16 AM »

"Tell them Sakura, there is no reason to hold that back. Their strategy depends on it." Ah yes their strategy, Valerie didn't intend too much but kick back and reap all the results for all her hard work of assembling them here.


"Lord Damian always does this, especially to girls like you, he's a complete playboy. But he's actually popular unlike a certain someone else." Alice then bowed to Sakura and sat down. "I'm a knight who specialize in sword fighting and lets say my sword has magical properties. Oh and my armor is quite resilient against magic. Would that make things easier for you Lady Edelfeldt?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #873 on: February 17, 2020, 03:44:22 AM »

Why am I even bloody here then? she asked Taro, Miss Wonderland decided to start shit with me, and it's bloody obvious that I'm not part of this strategy.

She tilted her head at Sakura and said, "Considering your words and what Valerie just said, I think you might."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #874 on: February 17, 2020, 04:00:36 AM »
Damian Wayne

"Apologies miss Edelfelt," he said with a bright grin.  "Its hard to not be captivated."

He paused and said, "I have the power of being rich I suppose.  Its not hard for me to provide us with any accessory tools we may need for this little invasion."


Taro's crimson eyes pierced daggers at Alice before returning to Sakura.  "She is right," he said.  "As much as I tease, i'd rather not treat you like an expendable toy in this plan.  I do value my men, especially someone so like myself.  Although I will if you are difficult.  As I said a moment ago, I have no problems with stepping over any bodies, so long as Valarie's will is upheld and we maintain as much of our military strength as possible.  The nice thing about this plan is unlike a real war, no one will chase us if we retreat."

Thats just the downside of being with someone so unpopular, he sent back.  Unfortunetly, that is my burden for playing my games.  I am sorry to drag you down with me in this little farce.

Hera Greenmore

"I would rather we not be too manipulative," Hera finally said.  "It would sully my name as a knight to disrespect such accomplished warriors."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #875 on: February 18, 2020, 05:21:29 PM »
Sakura Edelfeldt

Sakura ignored the mild yet agonizingly familiar annoyance at being checked out and viewed as a sexual object by yet another man, instead chuckling and shaking her head a little bit. It was a familiar, practiced act from the constant attention she'd gotten from wolves at the clock tower, and it was scarcely discernable from a genuine reaction of flattery. "Hoho. Well, I'll take that bit as a compliment then." She turned her attention to the far more interesting Alice, and flashed her a genuine smile. Her long, golden hair reminded her of her sister, and she seemed like a nice enough person.

"I may be able to reflect attacks in theory, but that has not been a focus of my efforts. I can create things out of stuff from another dimension, the Imaginary Abyss. They're quite powerful, packing a mean punch and destroy all but the most powerful of magical attacks without much fanfare. I can also utilize powerful curse magic that inflicts grievous illnesses on my enemies, if that would help." She sighed, taking a deep breath before revealing her secret weapon. She reached in between her breasts into her cleavage, and pulled out a protesting stick.

"I don't want to be attacked by that scythe!" Sapphire exclaimed, wriggling in Sakura's firm grip, attempting to escape as best she could. "Come on, it's only for a moment. I'll make it up to you later!" After a few moments of thought, the stick known as Sapphire gave up her attempts to escape and Sakura flashed in a brilliant burst of purple light and fanfare, which after dissipating revealed her in a tight, form-fitting leotard that clung to her firm muscles and ample behind in a bit too revealing a manner. It had a window underneath her chest, just barely protecting her decency and the back rode up into her butt far more than usual.

The Edelfeldt heiress blushed. "S-sapphire, what are you doing?" She quickly sat down, covering herself, flashing a furious glare at Taro, daring him to comment about her. "A-anyway, i-in this form, I'm confident of my changes taking on any of you except for the king, in a fair fight. Ahem."

Quietly, but clearly discernable with their vampiric senses, the room could hear Sakura's stick chuckling to herself.

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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #876 on: February 18, 2020, 08:39:14 PM »

Her red eyes fixated on her new progeny with a heated glare. The fledgling had broken the rule and so quickly too, this deserved nothing less than a harsh punishment to set an example. She could feel the discomfort through their bond and could even vaguely tell the exact source of it. Maybe if she tied it to the illegal action itself she'd think twice before so brazenly going against her word.

"What did I tell you about using magic inside this chamber Sakura? Not even five minutes have passed and you have done so again. I let you off easy the last time but you have run all out of luck now. I want you to stop covering yourself up and to stay in that form for the rest of the meeting, and.... you will have to give one of the men here a lap dance."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #877 on: February 19, 2020, 03:38:54 AM »

Forest frowned as Damian Wayne praised Sakura.  She folded her arms around herself and thought, I want Batman to praise me, damn it.

To Taro she sent, Well, if I'm not going to be used why the bloody hell am I here?  I apparently don't have a part in these plans and the one thing I do have that no one else in the room has no one wants to use.  I'm bored and Batman hasn't even noticed me.

Then Sakura performed some magical girl transformation that would have made La Blue Girl blush.  Forest could hear a soft giggling coming from the magic wand Sakura used to perform her transformation.  Well, it - she? She's a stick.  Well, the stick is sentient.

At Valerie's proclamation, Forest muttered, "Maybe she could give Alice one instead."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #878 on: February 19, 2020, 06:42:50 PM »

"My king," Damian pleaded.  "I don't think we need to give her such a cruel and humiliating punishment.  It was clearly her magical weapon that spoke out of line."


Valarie's eyes weren't the only ones tearing into Sakura's flesh.  Taro's crimson eyes cast an aura of judgment on the girl, not for the display of her body, but the blatant disrespect of disobeying their king right after she gave an instruction.  No it wasn't just that.  The foolish fledgling actually asserted herself as the strongest in a room full of other vampires.

Rising to his feet, the ancient vampire wore a giddy smile, his lips stretched from ear to ear, his white vampiric fangs gleaming in the orange light.  "Your a cute one i'll give you that," he said, arms folded behind his back.  "I had fun teasing you before our meeting, but only because we had so much in common.  Watching you behave like this evokes a level of cringe in my body that is only matched by a human adult looking back at his shitty fanfiction that they wrote when they were ten.  I am a warrior, not a knight.  You may be able to get a 'fair fight' out of the others but not me.  If you ever are foolish enough to challenge me I will gut you in your sleep, dismember each of your limbs and crucify your body outside my office as a message to any foolish fledgeling who dares challenge me again.  Every hour i'd rip out your heart, and stomach and decorate my walls with them and only after exactly 72 hours of begging would I CONSIDER letting you live."

The duke turned around and walked back to his seat.  "Oh but with that out of the way, thank you for a comprehensive guide to your abilities.  With that I am fairly confident you should be able to defeat Klearjacc, particularly with this imaginary abyss thing you speak of, unless he bans constructs or summons.  However, we will try to negotiate that in your duel."

Don't worry, he finally sent back to Forest.  He is the type of man who's eyes wander but always returns to the woman he actually loves.  I'm fairly certain he wasn't actually checking her out.

"While Sakura is giving the lapdance we should discuss who should fight Sethrol and Ferrison.  Personally, I suggest Damian and Alice take Sethrol on, since they have a history of working together.  Forest and Hera can fight Ferrison, while I help Emilia with Seras.  Does anyone have any alternate suggestions?  Keep in mind, the dojo masters don't hold battles at the same time, so we can also play it by ear as we get there.  I just think these are the most ideal matchups, at least in terms of the ability to exploit the relationships we have built here in our quaint little district."

« Last Edit: February 19, 2020, 06:44:59 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #879 on: February 19, 2020, 09:58:54 PM »

"Quiet you, this council is or oldest and most venerable tradition, Do not presume yourself to be above the ancient laws Duke Wayne and the same goes for you Duke Taro. Cease the needless verbosity and resume a sedentary position." Her gaze then shifted to Duke Taro.

"Any Fledgling is allowed to voice their own opinion no matter how flawed it may be. That has always been the rule and so will it always be. Any perceived slight to your pride is to be reserved for a more opportune occasion is that clear?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #880 on: February 23, 2020, 12:23:06 AM »

Sakura felt like two forces were tearing her apart from the inside, clawing at her mind to the point that she unconciously clenched her hands, hard enough to dig into the skin and draw blood.

You didn't need to be a mind reader to see how utterly uncomfortable she was with what her sire had just ordered her to do. She sat there, uncovering herself subconciously, but still unsure what to do.

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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #881 on: February 23, 2020, 01:28:07 AM »

Forest frowned at Taro's threat to the violet haired mage.

She stood up, walked over to the Duke, and boxed his ears. 

"What the hell do you think you're saying, threatening her like that?  And going so bloody over the top like you're in some Eli Roth movie.  You don't come off as threatening, but as a bloody creeper.  Plus getting her to imagine what you can do is far worse than what you so graphically describe," Forest said with a sigh and a shake of her head.

Then she saw Sakura out of the corner of her eye.  The magus's movements were jerky, like a marionette's, and tension rang through her voluptuous form.  Forest didn't have to read her thoughts to know that Sakura was completely uncomfortable with this.

And I don't think it's the lap dance, no I think it has to do more with the gender of the person she has to give the dance to, Forest thought before looking at Valerie.  Well, I can sort of see the reason why the rebels want you dead, but killing the king would make things worse.  Guess I should try the whole Godfather thing . . .

"Your highness, may I give the dance in Baroness Edelfelt's stead?" she blurted out.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #882 on: February 23, 2020, 01:54:28 AM »

"You may not. Sakura has a much plumper ass that is fit for grinding." The Vampire King interrupted the blonde fledgling with a commanding tone that spared no room for argumenta. Then she reached into her pocket to extract a tiny bottle from which she swallowed a pill before stuffing the bottle away again.

"Your insolence will be dealt with later Forest... Sakura come over here and give it to me instead, I will feast on your blood and you will go thirsty."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #883 on: February 25, 2020, 10:06:34 PM »
Sakura Edelfeldt

Sakura felt all of the tension flood out of her at once, releasing a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. She nodded, a faint flush of her cheeks hinting at her joy as she got up, climbing into Valerie's lap and pressing her ample cheeks right up against Valerie's shaft, grabbing onto her sire's shoulders for support as she began moving her hips, starting slowly and methodically, showing she had practice with the act itself.

"I'm sorry-I just want everything to go well tonight." She told her quietly.

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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #884 on: February 27, 2020, 01:23:24 AM »

Taro locked eyes with Forest, calmly hearing her out through her entire lecture.  He tried his best to ignore the rapid beating of his heart, the energy running through his fingertips and the sudden urge to silence her with a kiss.  Instead, he merely turned to Sakura and said,

"Don't worry Sakura Edelfeldt.  Everything will be alright in the end.  As much fun as the game of domination is, I think the thing that would make our king the happiest is working together here.  As cringy as I find you, I don't see any reason why we can't be friends."

I suppose it was a bit much, but I was honest, he sent to Forest.  Making statements of power is seen as a challenge in our culture.  Its best she took a threat rather than having to fight someone more ruthless.  Besides, there is only so much pointless grandstanding I can take.  I'm all fine for games, but when I get serious, I expect others too as well.

Hera Greenmore

Hera looked oddly transfixed by the pill bottle, rubbing her legs together.  "My lord, my king, may I have a dick too?" she asked.

Damian Wayne

Damian's blue eyes shot to the side to lock onto Hera's body.  It was something he had always considered but never really thought he would see her act so brazen about.  It makes sense that her desire to be the perfect knight extended to a love of the more phallic aspects of that identity.