Author Topic: Vampire District  (Read 59510 times)


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #900 on: March 05, 2020, 01:08:18 AM »

"Oh are you jealous Taaaaro?" The blonde knight shuffled her chair closer to Damian's and then leaned into him while grabbing hold of left arm. "My husband gets all this attention from amazing women, and he doesn't even have to try." They could have become the representative any time they wanted, it's not like he could say anything against their combined influence. But who honestly wanted to be responsible for this circus? In a way that did make that fool the most fitting.

"But he does have a point... is it better than mine?"


"Indeed you did my cute little Fledgling, but please take a seat while we listen to Duke Taro's suggestion for how we should approach them. I do hope he does not give me a reason to humiliate him further, I quite like sitting here."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #901 on: March 06, 2020, 03:02:11 AM »

Forest sent the mental equivalent of a gentle grin to Sakura.  She replied, I don't doubt that.  You're honestly the most dangerous one in the room.

She moved so she was sitting beside Taro.  She made no move to help him with his pants, crossed her legs, and then folded her arms over her chest.  An eyebrow did arch up as the vampire equivalent of Bruce Wayne got flustered with the King perched upon his lap.

"And his wife has to share her husband with all of these amazing women," Forest said with a shrug.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2020, 03:02:53 AM by Elf »


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #902 on: March 06, 2020, 06:16:33 PM »
Sakura Edelfeldt

Sakura's cheeks flushed at the approval, turning a light shade 9f pinkish-red, but she didn't let her body's strange affinity for Valerie to cloud her judgement. She had deep respect for Valerie, but she had negative respect for Taro, and would happily have watched him get humiliated further. She gave her sire a wry smile and shrugged. "If you wish to hear his ideas, who would I be to argue? While I don't see it, you must understand something I don't about this disgraceful fool."

She turned to glare at him, eyes beaming with murder, practically daring him to try something, anything against her. Something to give her a just cause to retaliate with more than mere words.

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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #903 on: March 06, 2020, 06:59:21 PM »
Duke Taro

"Well none of my plans will work unless we can goad them into fighting us as we wish," Taro said with a shrug.  "The most dangerous stage for us is the diplomatic stage, as each participant must agree to our terms.  This may be a hard pill to swallow, especially for many of us who have lived our lives as proud strong warriors, but I think we should do our best to appear slightly overconfident.  We need to show power, but the kind that is just inferior to theirs.  More importantly, we must appear to their foolish martial artist ego.  If we can convince them that its fair to fight multiple opponents, we can achieve victory.  If not, I would suggest we back off and come up with another plan."

Taro's eyes scanned the room before continuing.  "Personally, I think we should see how it goes with the first dojo member and go on from there."

Forest, can you influence a person's comfortability and ego with your mind? he sent to her.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #904 on: March 06, 2020, 09:11:21 PM »
Damian Wayne

"I'm not answering that," he said, turning away from Alice.

The answer was Valarie.  Taro's words felt muted, blocked out by his own inner voices, screaming at him to penetrate his king's tight pants with his cock.  He couldn't do it, not here in front of everyone.  Thats what he told himself, that the exposure of fucking her in front of everyone would manifest itself in shame after the act was done.  He had to tell himself that.  After all, that anxiety was fading.  This kind of blue ballsing was torture, the sheer intensity of it was worse than the torment of a god.

Damian could still remember that night.  The pouring rain, smell of blood still on his coat and the overwhelming despair of losing everything.  His cheeks were flushed, puffed up from crying hard enough to last a lifetime.  A headache and a depression impossible to comprehend made the act of taking each step feel like he had a solar system strapped to his back.  After a while he stopped moving.  The young boy told himself he needed to go home, back to his cushy mansion in pine guardian but what was home without his parents?  Two men came up behind him, the familar sound of a gun being cocked.

Its odd.  Even then she looked beautiful.  Her fair skin gleamed in the moonlight, those ample curves accentuated by the shadow she cast.  Inside of that shadow, the boy was able to claw at the remnants of safety.

Thats why whenever she was in his lap, he hugged her as tight as he could.  Yes, he trained hard so that he could become so powerful that criminals in the vampire district would fear him as he once feared them, but he also wanted arms that could comfort his master as she had comforted him.  But no one could ever know that.  Thats why he could never make love to his king in public.  That is why he had to resist her in this little game!

Damian's hands were around her stomach, playing with the details of her tight little belly.  It was something to hold him over for now.  Yes, at the moment, he could settle just for being close to her.  As long as he didn't touch anything more.... exciting everything would be fine.

"If that is the case Taro, why don't we send Emilia?  She is fairly strong but she doesn't represent our full strength.  Her personality naturally is suited for being underestimated but shes strong enough that beating her might inspire cockiness on their part."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #905 on: March 06, 2020, 10:08:27 PM »

"That is settled then!" The king of the vampire's suddenly perked up after hearing Damian's suggestion. "Too much talking and theorizing in this room is not gonna let us figure out how they will respond, so just send the Idol to charm them!"

She stood up and pulled Damian up with her. "But she cannot go alone, any good Idol needs a manager and I think you fit the image of that perfectly Duke Wayne."

"Whaaaa- But my King, he's a super playboy!" The pinkette complained even as her cheeks flushed as a rosy red. What Valerie said would mean that-

"Yes she is your subject now, do not abuse her too much now...But I expect to see some growth from her now~"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #906 on: March 08, 2020, 03:05:14 AM »

Forest tilted her head at Taro's sending and gave him the impression of a mental nod.

I can, it can be tricky though.  Go too far one way and we're in a right mess, Forest sent back.

Telepathy was tricky; or rather human minds were tricky.  There were ones that were easily manipulated and she could go around like Obi-Wan around some Stormtroopers without issue.  Then there were ones that would break under the slightest pressure.  The breaking could be messy; the poor person could come out a vegetable or like tempered steel.  Then there were minds so filthy that she didn't want to touch.

It's a real balancing act.  Erasing and rearranging memories is decently easy.  However manipulating thoughts on the fly is precarious.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #907 on: March 08, 2020, 11:39:09 PM »

Sakura sullenly settled back into her chair, doing her best to quiet her irritation at the greater situation and waiting for her instructions.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #908 on: March 09, 2020, 01:26:16 AM »

Taro merely sat in his chair with that stupid smile plastered on his face watching the argument.  I see.  If its unreliable then perhaps its best to use it only when we have no other options.


"But my King," Damian added.  "I already have my hands full with Wayne enterprises.  I don't have time to be a manager.  Besides..."

His voice trailed off, already realizing the futility of his protests.  All he had to offer was an excuse.  He didn't want another new sidekick or another Alfred.  The dark knight works alone, even if he appreciated the company.

Damian stood up and walked towards the door. "Whatever.  Lets go."  With that, he opened the door and left the room.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2020, 02:33:34 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #909 on: April 07, 2020, 06:50:07 PM »

Aruna took in the cold hollow air of the vampire district, perhaps the closest thing in this city to his home.  He looked back at Valaire and said, "Played with your minions huh?  That does sound like a good time.  You... want me to be your consort?  You just met me."

This vampire king.  He still did not know much about her, despite laying with her in the past.  Although there was one thing he knew for sure, even with such little time spent together.  She probably the most forward person he had ever met in his life.

"Is this the price for staying in your castle?"

Continued from the great dojo district
« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 11:10:28 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #910 on: April 07, 2020, 11:54:32 PM »

"In the old day, beaking the fangs of another is a sign, that they are now submitting to youof your. I am sure your people have similar custom when it comes to plucking the wings of your contenders. Now think back on what you did and not just what but how you did it... You snapped mine with your majestic cock....."

Valerie then climbed  the rest of the way up the chain until she could cling to him directly. There was no way she was gonna dangle below him like a piece of meat."So why would I not want to court you? You appeal to me both physically and emotionally and... Your presence might invite other races to move in..... Basically I want to spend more time with you, am I wrong for wanting that?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #911 on: April 08, 2020, 12:15:22 AM »

Aruna's head tilted downward, away from the castle and toward's Valarie's harsh eyes.  Indeed, he did find breaking those entrancing, fun.  "I.... you," he said suddenly chuckling.  Yes, she really was the closest to someone like himself.  Maybe, he could just be himself around her, good or bad.  Even so...  "Just want to spend time with me?  I may not look it, but I'm not some pup under a century.  I've lived long enough to know that everyone wants something."

The castle was getting bigger.  They were pretty close now.

"The other races.... You said my presence would invite other races to move in.  You really think one dark angel would invite others to move in alone?"
« Last Edit: April 08, 2020, 12:19:30 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #912 on: April 08, 2020, 06:12:50 PM »

Her eyes shimmered with joy at his response. Yes, it looked like he was having a good response to this so she should go on with it.

"I already told you that it is you I want. And yes, your position would let you influence me directly with your devilish charm and even more so if you grant me an heir. Your powers would be an immense boon for my bloodline. Of course you may reject this proposal if I am not good enough for you but.  You would be giving a new home, a true home for yourself."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #913 on: April 08, 2020, 11:28:36 PM »

Mating with a vampire.... There were many different types of vampire species, rising and falling with the march of time and the ire of humans.  Last he heard, bearing a child of a vampire would just make another human, but perhaps this was different.  No reason not to trust in that statement.  However....

"I won't say no, but its not a yes either," Aruna said, flashing his sharp demonic teeth in a toothy smile.  "I'm not just going to go at your pace.  Its terribly human but.... I've always found it charming.  When the daylight fades and the moon is out, I'll take you out into the city."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #914 on: April 09, 2020, 03:35:57 AM »

"Oh so you are charmer now, will this include a violin composition and an orchestra too? Perhaps some fireworks while you recite poems for me that you did not compose yourself." She was definitely mocking him now, but she wasn't done yet.

"If you wish to impress to me you should try for an outing thay is not too terribly human, I have lived far too long to find any dinners romantic."