Author Topic: Vampire District  (Read 59633 times)


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1260 on: November 15, 2020, 04:33:34 AM »

He knows this dance, she thought with a smile as their movements flowed into one and another.  It was almost eerie how much they were in synch with each other in the dance parodying battle.  Her cheeks flushed as he pulled her to his chest.

She looked up at him as he smiled down at her.

She stood en pointe to press a kiss to his lips.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1261 on: November 15, 2020, 04:44:32 AM »

A finger came to Forest's lips, blocking them.  The smile on his face stayed.  "Ah bup bup!  Not in front of the little girl," he said, looking around.  "She didn't die here, but I like to think her spirit stays in the home I made for her.  This isn't the place I wanted to show you.  More importantly, she will get jealous."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1262 on: November 15, 2020, 04:47:09 AM »

Forest pouted against Taro's finger as he blocked her, smiling down at her.

Then her eyes widened as he spoke of the little girl.  So she let herself down (her toes were starting to cramp anyway) and straightened her hair.  "Sorry . . . . It was . . ."

She shook her head and met his eyes again.  "So where did you want to take me?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1263 on: November 15, 2020, 05:12:30 AM »

Taro's hand brushed her pretty blonde hair, straightening it even more with his own hands.  No, he just wanted an excuse to feel it.  "Don't apologize.  Its nothing to be ashamed of."

The duke said nothing on the matter after that, grabbing her hand and walking down the alley.  After several minutes of walking, they happened upon an old abandoned construction site.  There was a shack in the center, with a tree and grass for some reason.  It was almost as if someone had destroyed a childrens playground, left the tree but made a construction site around it.  The shack wasn't really a shack but a small house.  It had windows, but was only big enough to hold a couch, a bed and a counter.  The tree had a line of bare wood, the bark completely stripped from it.

"This is my little getaway."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1264 on: November 15, 2020, 05:17:55 AM »

Forest felt an irrational surge of glee when Taro straightened her hair and leaned her head into the gentle caress.

They were quiet as he walked her down the alley, his fingers intertwined with hers again.  She blinked as they came upon an old construction sight with a tree and a patch of grass, as if the work had been abandoned at that point.  There was also a small house, and it was oddly quiet here.

"Your Fortress of Solitude."  She studied it and then looked at him.  "When the office gets too much you come here?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1265 on: November 15, 2020, 05:26:15 AM »

"Not quite."

Taro let go of her hand and walked over to the tree.  Getting on one leg, he pressed his pointer finger into the bark.  "Everyday I trained, practicing my strikes against the tree.  With each new martial arts style I mastered the base began to lose an inch.  Eventually I would chop down the tree with my bare body.  Then i'd have it replaced.  This was the last tree I trained on."

Taro looked behind them, his mind reaching for the office.  "I left this humble life to take care of the king's burden's and shoulder her responsibility.  One day, when she no longer needs me, I will return to somewhere similar.  I come here to remind myself of that.  Nothing ever stays the same, and what goes up must come down."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1266 on: November 15, 2020, 05:35:39 AM »

She walked over and ran her fingers over the tree with a thoughtful expression.

"Do you want to return to that?" She looked at him.  "Free of the responsibility of your king?  Free to do whatever you wish with whoever you wished at your side?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1267 on: November 15, 2020, 05:38:25 AM »

Taro sighed, staring up into the sky.  "I don't know.  Its been too long.  Before, when we saw the family..... would you want to toss aside your identity as a warrior to live as a mother?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1268 on: November 15, 2020, 06:09:05 AM »


There was no hesitation in her voice as she looked up at the sky as well.  "Sometimes I just get so bloody tired of all the death and violence and coming home to an empty house."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1269 on: November 16, 2020, 01:30:12 AM »

"Oh my...."

Alice eyed the treat that had been given her quite thoroughly, this new girl had quite the body and she wasn't afraid to show. The blonde wouldn't just give up a free show like that, especially one with nothing attached to it.

"So eager to please, but my advice is meant for when our King jumps you. And considering your incredible looks, that's gonna happen fairly often, although if you appease her too much you're gonna end up as a fuck toy like the Idol... Hmm hmm..."


Alice pushed her finger against Sakura's cheek as the other girl leaned in close. "I take it you're here because you want something? Come inside and we can have some tea but, whatever you want it's gonna cost you..."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1270 on: November 16, 2020, 01:52:01 AM »

"Oh my...."

Alice eyed the treat that had been given her quite thoroughly, this new girl had quite the body and she wasn't afraid to show. The blonde wouldn't just give up a free show like that, especially one with nothing attached to it.

"So eager to please, but my advice is meant for when our King jumps you. And considering your incredible looks, that's gonna happen fairly often, although if you appease her too much you're gonna end up as a fuck toy like the Idol... Hmm hmm..."


Alice pushed her finger against Sakura's cheek as the other girl leaned in close. "I take it you're here because you want something? Come inside and we can have some tea but, whatever you want it's gonna cost you..."

Sakura Edelfeldt

"Hehehe..." Sakura couldn't help but giggle from the poke against her cheek. "I'll be claiming the queen, not the other way around." Sakura laughed, but her grin was deathly serious. "Well, that was my goal, but maybe you're even better. Denying her my body would make her want me even more-however, that's not why I'm here-I'd be happy to accept your invitation."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1271 on: November 17, 2020, 12:49:27 AM »

"You will do no such thing." Alice's voice had gotten much sharper all of a sudden, there was a fierce lethal edge to it, almost enough to cut yourself on it. "Her majesty belongs to us all, and it's King, if you call her that again I will be forced to give you a thorough education." She grabbed Sakura's arm and pulled her along into the mansion.

"If you call her that in person it might end badly for you and I would be saddened to lose such a promising young Lady so soon." She didn't sound saddened at all, in fact it was almost like she was excited at the idea of Valerie going to town on Sakura.

The house however followed the overall gothic aesthetic of the district complete with pumpkin lightning. It was really large though and you might even get if you wandered around carelessly.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1272 on: November 17, 2020, 01:07:03 AM »

Roman took the slap to the face, rubbing his cheek.  His exposed dick twitched a bit as he staggered back, frowning as he realized something truly horrible.  Shit, I was into that.  Yet despite the pleasure resided a shame that forced his shoulders and wide back to slump.  There was a slight hump in his muscular back and that feeling of shame intensified as Valaire got on her knees.  Grabbing hold of the collar, he said,

"Is  this... ok?"

Well all that happened was he got a little restless and loose with his words.  Maybe...  No, he had done enough damage already.


"Do you want to take your King's innermost palace or not?" Valerie gave him a pointed look while still holding out the collar for him. "As powerful as I am, I still cannot control my muscles when I am orgasming, so you will need it unless you wish to see you magnificent cock get squished by my walls." She sighed and looked away for a moment before her gaze returned, although this time the intensity was gone, replaced with a warm softness.

"Go ahead and put it, I want some violence, just make sure not to be demeaning and you might get to repeat this...."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1273 on: November 17, 2020, 01:26:42 AM »

"I see.....  I understand why you would want to leave that behind.  The death, destruction, the pain.  There is a loneliness to that lifestyle too sometimes I think...  To sit down, have a family, to come home to none of that... it makes sense."

Taro's head tilted back down towards Forest, his smile fading.  One last time, he grabbed her hand and pulled him towards her.  There was nothing around them, no people, no animals, not even the sound of the wind.  Arms wrapped around Forest's back, gliding from her upper back to her tight ass.  The squeeze he gave her was gentle, but with her ear to his heart, she would hear him start to beat rapidly the more he squeezed.  No, it would be beating before that.  The second he felt her close to him, it started to beat faster and faster.  Although, even without her being so close to him, she would have been able to hear the sound of his heart.

"Forest?  Can you hear that?  Its the final song, the one playing when we first made love.  Do you remember it?"

Taro swayed back and forth, walking her around the tree, but never letting her go.  The leaves swayed in the wind, obscuring his own heartbeat from the world.  "Do you remember the last time you fought so hard, so desperately that you had to drag your body to move?  Do you remember ever being so helpless that your body wouldn't move even when your mind screamed at you to do so?  Do you remember a time where you were crushed without so much as a second thought, tossed aside like trash?  What about a time where you simply clawed at your opponent, looking for the slightest opportunity to strike them down so you could live?"

The hand on her ass slid back upwards, and his free hand came up, a thumb to her chin, pushing it upwards towards his taller body.  "I remember it.  My heartbeat Forest.  The song of my heart.  Every single time it sang, it never quit, it kept beating.  Through every single fight, it sang its song."

Taro growled, his fangs visible to her.  At last he slammed her into the tree, his eyes sizing up her body like fresh meat.  The tree swayed backwards, the roots underneath ripping through the dirt.  If she hit it like that again, it would likely fall over altogether.  "I want my children to know their song."

The one known as Yoko Taro leaned in, baring his fangs at Forest before resting his ear on her cute little chest.  "And I want to hear yours."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1274 on: November 17, 2020, 08:45:57 PM »

Roman held the collier in his hands, staring at it with curiosity, no trepidation.  His heart began beating with anticipation, his arms shaking from excitement.  With a simple extension of his arm, he slipped the collar onto her neck.  Valarie said not to be demeaning, but it looked like a dog collier, especially when worn like that.  The only thing left was to test it.

"Violence?  Like you want me to beat you up or just take you violently?"  As he spoke, a hand came down.  Every time he had spanked her in the past, she barely even registered it.  However, as his hand slammed into her ass, watching those cheeks jiggle, he wondered if maybe...

Maybe he was actually on her level now.