Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Halloween Town

Supernaturals, monsters, gods: all of these words are analogies for different.  For some, the gift of difference grants freedom and power, the ability to achieve their goals.  For others it is a burden, something that makes them abnormal, different, lonely.  No matter the perspective, nor goal, everyone needs some form of solidarity.  To those who identify with “monster,” Halloween Town is a place they can call home.


Halloween is a holiday born from the concept of Hallows eve, a day where the world of the living and dead grow close enough that spirits can attack normal people.  By wearing the masks of monsters, humans are able to stay safe on this dangerous day by fooling the spirits into thinking they are one of them.  In Halloween Town, people wear the masks of humans, typically in formal events or social outings.  This irony of wearing the mask of normal humans is sown deeply into the culture of the district, as it acts as a metaphor for many who have been marginalized by the normalcy of the city, or even those who come from another world with a culture completely different from the one in the Nexus.

This district has a sort of Mayor or Governor, the hollow queen.  She is a well known celebrity in this town as the living founder of this district.  Using her magic, she creates the infrastructure, sees to the concerns of the city and even helps the police defend this part of the city in dire situations.  She is well known as benevolent and kind, treating all the citizens as family, provided you are a supernatural, from another world or a monster.

Behind the scenes, the pumpkin queen seeks an opportunity to expand her power into the other districts.  Currently, she is devising a plot to grow her own abilities, expanding the limits of her magic so that she can outstrip the stronger residents of the nexus.  Moreover, she seeks to use the plight of supernaturals to raise her own political power, perhaps even take over the role of ruler of the police.  After all, who is more suited to managing the needs of those who migrate to the Nexus?  The cops or her?

Aesthetic:  Imagine a typical densely populated city, except all the homes are either orange, brown or green.  The windows of each building are shaped like sharp pumpkin eyes, the ones meant to evoke menace.  The streetlights have orange and yellow christmas lights wrapped around the poles and citizens are often seen walking around with human masks.  It is just as common to see a grotesque beast walking the streets as a normal human.  There are often loud explosive parties, with no concern for damage, as it is expected that the hallowqueen will happily repair any damages.

Defenses:  The defenses of this district are composed almost entirely of Harley’s magic.  Harley’s familiars wander the streets, keeping the peace and extending the hallow queen’s watchful eye across the city.  In times of crisis, Harley may ask the citizens or outside connections to fight for the sake of the city, which can include other district forces or bounty hunters.  The average citizen is actually pretty stong, with many having one or two stats in the incredible range, or highly varied powers.  The reason this district is considered a powerhouse is not Harely herself, but the idea of a fully functional militarized district.

Name: Hollow Queen Harley

Race: Unknown

Age: No one knows

Height: 5 feet

Weight: 200Ibs


Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic (Heroic after consumption)

Agility: Fantastic (Heroic after consumption)

Durability: Fantastic (Heroic after consumption)

Magic: Very High

Complete consumption:  Much like a snake, Harely is capable of swallowing people whole, using their bodies energy to empower her own body.  The strength of the subject does not matter, nor their abilities. By consuming a non human or monster is capable of strengthening her body one rank higher.  Unfortunately, her belly can only digest one body at a time.

Magic Resistance:  Medium- For a guardian, Harely’s magical resistance is not particularly strong, but she is still a guardian nonetheless.  As such, she can resist the potency of magic to the extent that damage done to her through magic is reduced by one rank.

Pumpkin magic:  Attribute wise, this type of magic is essentially fire magic.  It allows her to conjure explosive pumpkins to be used as explosive weapons.  The larger the pumpkin, the greater the explosion.  She can also conjure non explosive pumpkins to be used defensively.  The pumpkins are comparable in density to a brick wall.  With this ability, she has created the houses in halloween town for the people to live in, saving countless dollars in repair.

Teleportation:  A slow acting spell, Harley can teleport to any of her pumpkins.  This effectively means that she can teleport anywhere in the city, as the infrastructure was created by her.  However, the spell requires slow, deliberate hand movements, so it is not optimal for battle.  It is essentially just a fast travel spell.

Summons:  Harley is capable of summoning very weak familiars to seek out and repair damages to the city.  Outside of police presence in the district, these are the main sources of authority, even if they function more as construction workers than officers.  If destroyed, Harley will know intuitively.

Other Abilities:

Decent fighter:  The Harley can fight in hand to hand combat but she is no master.  Moreover, she cannot use weapons very well if at all.  If you get her in hand to hand combat with similar stats, you can beat her.

Equipment: None


Summons:  The fact of the matter is that the summons are more of a reliability than a help to the hollow queen personally.  Creating more cost mana, so if you destroy enough she will tire.  Moreover, because she is alerted when they are destroyed, they can be used to set a trap for her.  Moreover, if you do not want to be discovered, it is a simple matter of immobilizing them rather than destroying them.

Close range combat:  As mentioned in her fighting skill entry, she's not great as a close combat fighter and relies mostly on support in battle.  If you take out the person helping her, or manage to close the distance, it is a simple matter to take her out, provided the character has master level skill.

Possible quests: Taking power away from Harley through opposition groups, Assassination missions, Helping with citizen problems, defending against discrimination organizations,


3:00 PM

Well, it was a real nice flight. The wind was chilly, the sun was bright, and the view was even better than usual, courtesy of his queen. It was such a nice flight, that he took very good care to make sure he didn't go for the less populated routes, just so she'd get a niiice good view from above. And the others too. Well, he did have to show her around, no?

"Enjoying the flight?" It was hard to tell if he was making fun of her or not here, but he was definetely absolutely not enjoying himself in a sick way. Nope.


She was going to kill it someday. Its insolence was absolutely astonishing, and certainly appalling, when considered with the coldly rational mind of the undead. Benefits to the mind such as these were but one reason why Serana only felt comfortable allowing non-elves to serve her after she had reanimated them properly - death covered for the deficiencies of their origins, somewhat.

You was different in that regard.

"If you continue to make a spectacle of this, I am going to find a new way to punish you."

You was infuriating even when dead, with its inconstant behaviors and its sick sense of humor.


"And turn me into another of your stuffy rot for brains? Puhlease, you'd miss me." He answered to the threat smugly like it was nothing at all.  "I mean, it's cute and all, being a skeleton... but I find bones pretty rough in the conversation department. How do they go? Yes master, no master and uhhh.... bone voyage?"

Before she could even reply to that, he tossed her in the air. It was landing time after all.


Even from the sky, the gothic aesthetic was obvious.  Each building was decorated with a pumpkin face somewhere on the design.  Some had it on the roof, others on their doors.  Either way, the message was clear, Halloween was inserted into every aspect of this town's culture.  Citzens roamed the street, wearing masks of humans.  Some were towering monsters, others were little mini humans and some were just humans.  However, every single one of them wore the mask of a human being, a literal peice of plastic in front of their face designed to look like a human.

A few of them looked up at the two descending from the sky, but returned to their daily activities.  The sight was rather typical in their district, so the citizens were simply provided with a little bit of extra stimulus before returning to whatever they were doing.  It was just another boring day for them.


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