Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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To be approached by what at first seemed an unsightly presence left Serana irritated, but when it proceeded to throw her own lost soul back at her? That drew her interest to the almost-human creature before them. "A safe haven, was it? I suppose it must be if you can keep those... things, out of your streets."

She placed the soul back in its place, out of sight, with a flick of her wrist, and smiled politely.

"Tell us more of this Hollow Queen and her people, then. I have no interest in commerce with humans, so I may find this place worthy of my gold if I like what I hear."


So much for being subtle. Made a cutting sign  to his neck and shook it, as if to tell her to cut it out. I mean, its not like they knew if the guy they were talking to hated humans, and this was a trickly subject. Yeah, they suck, but its not like everyone is going to think your way even when you're right. So it'd be real nice if she could keep the hostility to a minimum.

Really he just didn't want to get blasted out of a district again. "I'm sure you will boss. I mean, this place has it all. Cute girls, pumpkins, good shade. What more can you ask for?"


A bit of his cheek seemed to drip down his face, falling to the cold hard concrete at their feet.  Strangely enough, the cheek maintained its shape, even if it looked a little mushy.  "The Hollow Queen is my master and mother, as well as the ruler of this district.  I am one of many candles roaming the district keeping the peace.  The people of this district are those exiled from other districts, either by choice or by the community.  As a candleman, I do not care about your views, just that you make my job easier by following this district's rules.  If you wish to learn more about this place, I am not one to ask, for my feelings are limited to my sense of duty and my love for my queen."

A short voluptuous woman with large hips, fox ears and a long snake tail winked at Zeke before walking into a nearby store.  Unfortunately, her tail got caught in between the sliding doors.


Serana let out a hum of amusement at the response she received. "Such an efficient creature you are, then. I commend your queen for your design - if it is indeed her who is responsible." At that, she laughed and quietly ignored You's attempts at enforcing unnecessary tact. "Worry not - I have no plans at this time to cause trouble."

She looked around to the other inhabitants on the streets, and their establishments. Anywhere interesting to go to...?


Something suddenly caught his attention, and his eyes literally glowed red as if they were laser beams. He smiled from ear to ear before dashing to the left, and in a heartbeat he hurried by the shop's door and opened it like a prince charming. He bowed respectfully like a knight.

"You should be careful. It'd be no good if something so cute would get damaged."


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