Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Along the Shore

7:30 PM

A jagged line of fresh water formed the heart of the monster sanctuary that was Halloween Town. For many monsters the water was home in its own right, a place for merfolk and serpents and sirens galore to stay wet and fine for their land bound kin. It was also the early warning system, the point of entry and alarm against incursions from the Great River by the miserable marauders of mankind. Simple bandits and criminals seeking exotic playthings would find themselves slain and swallowed before they even reached the inner shores. It would thus to the discerning mind be quite concerning that such alerting did not take place.

That as the waters broke and rose with the girth of a behemoth it was not flesh, but metal - once. Twice.


And when the eyes of the innocent and the inhuman turned upon them, their guns turned - and where before was but the turning and tumbling of rotors, the push of waters, now there was the thunder and the fire.


A small squadron of candlemen gathered along the other side of the river, their unblinking stares cast into the distance.  In the face of the roar of the rotors and the threat of weapons, the lanky golems stood unflinching.  Indeed, they did not even seem worried for their own lives.  Only once the first shot was fired would they act.

The Invaders

Two of the behemoths, armored in gunmetal black, were compact and agile. Weapons pointed out of ports in their sides, and large turrets stood atop them aimed at the pumpkin-headed constructs who served as the district's first line of defense. They opened fire in a hail of bullets in all directions as they pulled off and away from each other, heading from the shore towards the streets. Their weight pushed them through the cement dividers like they were paper mache.

The third one, the largest, continued straight on ahead. It flattened any obstacle in its path, and it opened fire almost indiscriminately with its machine gun turrets and its forward facing main gun. An explosion struck a nearby group of Candlemen, and whatever was unfortunate enough to be near them.

And that was before the music started.

Candlemen defence force

The attack was quick, powereful and effective.  The hail of bullets pierced the legs and torso's of the candle-men in front, bringing them to their knees.  Even then, there was no change in expression.  They were mere drones in battle.  The ones not in the line of fire began glowing with power.  Fire collected around their eyes before being unleashed in several firey beams towards the oncoming enemies.



The young looking woman jumped in her seat.  Although her seat was more of a throne.  She reached into her pocket and posted a message on the bounty hunter forum. 

This is a call to all bounty hunters.  Please help us!  We are being attacked by human radicalists!  The enemy has not yet been confirmed, but we suspect it is a large squadron of humans who have come to despise our fair district.  If you can help us you will be handsomely rewarded based entirely on your efforts.  Cash rewards are guaranteed, but other rewards can be negotiated based on accomplishments in this battle!
A similar message was sent to their close ally, Serena.  Although it was a bit more direct.  I think its time we test that good faith gesture.  Prove your worth with your army.

The Invaders

The weapon ports closed before the flames were fired, and their heat struck against the thick metal plating of the armored vehicles like the tide against a cliff, only it also set everything around the base of the cliff on fire. In retaliation they picked up speed, and drove themselves with palpable hostility toward and over whichever pumpkin-headed construct stood in their path. Throughout, the hymns of freedom echoed through the streets and shores over the blast and bellow of cannon and gunfire.

More metallic monstrosities of war began to rise from the waters further afield.

The Defenders

Already? Well, I suppose I did say I would...

And then, as if to punctuate the message Harley was receiving, she began to receive reports of waterlogged bodies beginning to rise from the edges of the water, up from the silt and the soil, and shambled their way up onto the cracked and broken ground.

Serana had, evidently, left her end of the bargain somewhere convenient.

At first it appeared that the dead, rotten and wretched, were useless things. The armored vehicles of the enemy rampaged freely about, resisting the immense heat with their layers of metal and who knew what else, and there was no hope of the dead reaching them.

Then they burst out into a sprint, in perfect unison, and let out gurgling battle cries as they moved to swarm the enemy armor.

That should keep them busy while I send in something more... impressive


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