Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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The pumpkin men splattered, their mushy bodies slamming into each other, gathering into goop.  Remaining candlemen lit the corpses of their brotheren aflame, causing the massive piles of goop to expload, taking out whomever were recklessly barreling through them.  If the blobs became big enough, they could easily incinerate even the most powerful tanks.  Still, the candlemen were not intelligent. 

But the line had broken.

Candlemen emerged from the streets themselves, ambushing soldiers who had broken the line and blasting them point blank with blasts of fire.  Citizens huddled in their homes, the masks of human's placed on coat racks and tables, eyes focused on the streets in horror.  An alarm sounded and a loud blare echoed through the town.


Harley could feel it, the candlemen would not last long without direction.  They had their basic commands and could act to an extent without her will, but without her mind, it was like waging war with a simulator.  It would never really compare to the real thing.  Thats why she ordered them to start ambush tactics on those that broke the line, as well as use the dead bodies as bombs.  They were just extensions of her magic after all, no reason to worry about the "loss of life."

"Surrender invaders!  If you turn back now, there won't be any negative repercussions.  We 'monsters' aren't so barbaric as you humans.  We merely want a place to exist in peace.  If you insist in your fight, then we will be forced to show you why we were expelled from society in the first place...."

The Invaders

One of the armored vehicles was caught, inevitably, between the crushing press of sodden bodies against its tracks. Given a few moments of time, it would have escaped ably and continued on its rampage. The attackers within it even opened up their gun ports momentary to shoot at the grasping limbs and torsos to speed the process along.

But they hadn't expected the Candlemen to sacrifice the remains of their own, and the vehicle was shot through with a penetrating burst of heat.

Another fell to this fate too, fresh from the water, and slid back into it. Their crew began to crawl their way out against the pressure of the water after the teeming swarm of the dead tore an entry point open, and joined them in the defense.

Soldiers all in black and red poured out of the hatches of some of the other metal monstrosities now, and began taking the fight to the candlemen on foot with automatic weapons and explosives of their own.

They did not respond, save for the sounds of encrypted communication chatter between them.


"Oh my would you look at that!"

Valerie burst out in what sounded like surprise yet there was an almost forced ironic undertone to it. The Vampire king put down Sakura and observed the battle from up on a hill a few hundred meters from the conflict.

This distance was nothing before her enhanced vision and she could see every visceral detail of the clash happening, every painful exchange and every life lost, they were really going at it.

And they were so weak.

"I thought Harley was merely being dramatic, but that does look like an invasion force, does it not Sakura?"


She landed some feet behind them, some seconds after, carving a path of soil and uprooted grass under her feet. From here, Edelgard could hear the battle, could see the flashes of metal and fire like a crowd dancing with jagged lanterns. The great machines, the masses of soldiers, the tongues of flame and destruction licking about the battlefield.

Edelgard didn't grasp the finer points of this attack, but the urgency filled her with a familiar confidence.

Sakura Edelfeldt

Sakura hopped out of Valerie's arms before she allowed herself to be put down, landing gracefully upon her feet next to her. Edel, you lead armies into battle, right? She asked to confirm while surveying the carnage. Fanatic soldiers singing Columbia's praises fought unthinking magical golems which threw fire... What's your analysis?

"It looks a bit small to be a full throated invasion, I think. Isn't the Columbian military supposed to be massive?" She turned to look at Valerie questioningly. Mana flushed through her circuits, and her shadow began to pulsate beneath her as if it were boiling.


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