Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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Sakura gave a curt nod to Edelgard's assessment. It seems a bit small, doesn't it? She clicked her tongue, her fangs bared at the display of gorey violence. The scythe veritably dripped with blood, and it was admittedly enticing. However, she shook her head. "I'd rather taste more of your blood. Or hire one of those demons."

"Still, this can't be the entire force. Where do you think they're hiding their extras?"


"Over there!"

Valerie suddenly threw her scythe again, this time in the direction of the Hollow Queen, nay slightly above her. It would just barely miss her and deflect the projectile just before it could hit.

"Jump Edelgard, deal with the shooter."

Valerie barked out the order to what was basically the subordinate of her subordinate. If the girl understood the chain of command in a situation like this then she should obey something like that,

Then The Vampire King begun calmly strolling down the hill and headed directly into the path of the retreating invaders.


The order became action, and experience became automatic motion. Edelgard pulled her polearm from her back, crouched low in the probable direction of the attacker over the horizon, and with a nod to Sakura, hurled. Forthright End sailed away with a sonic boom, and a second struck as the Forsaken lancer blurred onto the weapon's haft like a skiiing board.

She crossed the sky like a rocketed anchor, and a whole line of trees split and shook in her wake the instant the tip of the spear passed into the park.

The Intruders

Even Valerie could not catch up to all of them the way the attackers were scattering about, not unless she were to pick up her pace from a simple stroll. However, going along a simple circuit around allowed her to intercept an APC that had managed to survive the initial counterattack, and it immediately began to open fire in her direction with a barrage of bullets.



Harley turned around, only to see the trees of the park splitting to make way for the warrior's path.  The young woman looked around, wondering where the attack may have come from.  Since it all happened before she could really process it fully, she couldn't pinpoint it.

"Yes.  Flee humans.  This is the power of solidarity, of unity through shared strife!" she said, finally ceasing her bombing.  "Flee to your leader and let him know the true power of the monsters they so hate."


"I don't think I can keep that promise...  Code black." the man said, looking at the figure coming right towards him.  Something capable of speed like that couldn't be fought in a head on battle.  The man's body turned tranlucent, his form melting into the background.  As trees fell and the ground unearthed by shockwaves, the sniper hoped that the chaos would allow him to slip away.  He moved to the right of her arrival, concealing his movement through soft steps.  After all, there was no point in running away.


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