Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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One half of a body fell to the ground, lifeless.  The man's horrified eyes stared blankly at Edelgard.  Strangely enough, his legs remained firmly planted on the ground, painted by the blood that splattered the ground beneath that body.

The hallowqueen emerged from a streetlight a few meters from Edelgard, a hand on her hip, her eyes lowered and a disappointed frown on her face.  "Valarie....  She and her people always go so overboard.  Don't you people know these types of agents are best captured?  I am going to have to spend the next few weeks hiding in my home afraid of assassinations because of this."

Somewhere in the district

A young bat woman sat in the corner of a dimly lit room, lazily holding the phone in her hand.  The screen read dead vitals.  With a frown, she turned to the men in the room, obscured by shadow.

"He's dead and Harley lives."

"The Columbians will attack again.  Maybe we should try during another assult."

The bat woman sighed.  "No this is more complicated than that.  We can't wait for the world to change to make our move.  We are moving to plan C.  Move out boys.  There is a lot of work that needs to be done."

Sakura Edelfeldt

Sakura's shield retreated back into her sleeve, and she ceased attacking at Valerie's order. Her shadows circled around the surrendering mob without approaching any closer, and she stood next to her superior, feeling pride in her ability to defend herself and her lord silently. "Shall I capture them? Or pull my shadows back?" She asked.


Over the link that connected the two vampires, Sakura would feel a cautionary tell, urging her to not make any rash move.

"Good boy"

She was there.

In the blink of an eye the blonde vampire had simply appeared before the armored man. When standing so close to him, it was easy to see she was barely half his the size of bulk. Even so, her presence dwarfed that of any mortal man, this wasn't some little girl standing before, no this was something more, something ancient.

"Now hand me your radio so I can speak with you leader, we are going to have a nice long chat and then everyone will get along, or else... You do not want to know that part hehe..." The blonde giggled in a decidedly non cute way the raspy undertone and the threats made it far from cute, and to make it worse for the poor soldier her fangs were completely exposed.

You could guess how powerful a vampire was by how long their fangs was, the further removed from the king you were, the more petite they would become. As for Valerie herself it was completely impossible to hide them once she got excited.


The wind died as Edelgard halted the arc of Forthright End with both hands, and she turned to the interjector with recognition. The warrior gave the fresh body and the trail of blood left on the weapon's edge a confirming glance, then answered.

"Hostages are luxury. Target a leader's life, and they lose the right to demand theirs." She sent the woman, who'd been at the head of the defending forces, a nod that could barely pass for a greeting. Right away, her senses recalibrated towards the battlefield that now stuttered.

The Intruders

The man stared her down, or at least as best he could with his face concealed the way it was. She could smell the sweat coming off him, see the way his body was tense with terror, and yet... He handed Valerie the radio at his side, and the moment she pressed the button to talk through it there was a flash.

The sound of the detonation came later, accompanied by metal shrapnel caught by Sakura's wall of shadows and prevented from being able to reach or do anything to anyone whose name didn't start with a V.


The Other Intruders

Civilians, most certainly, had been caught in the crossfire. Or the literal fire spread by the Candlemen.

Or both.

So it was that, amid the carnage and the chaos and the thunder and the threats, the men there and their metal boxes with their guns and cannons push forth in their desperate struggle despite the horror set before them. What was one more monster, after all?

Of course, that wasn't accounting for the corpses of their comrades slowly rising in the path they left behind...


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