Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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She had scarcely taken note of the other woman getting caught in that manner. When her servant proceeded to go out of his way to rescue said woman from that fate? Serana just... watched. Her features were emotionless, neither judging nor condoning. It was as if she just didn't care.

But appearances could be deceiving.

Fox girl

The girl's face turned bright red as she scrambled to grab her tail.   She was so smooth for like five seconds!  How could she mess all of that up in even less time!?  Well, she managed to grab her tail.  Maybe he didn't see that.

"Raaaaa!" she roared, holding up her hands as if she were ready to pounce.  Well roar wasn't the right word to describe what came out of her mouth.  It was more of a gasp that sounded like a lion cub trying to sound scary to a predator.  "See that!  Thats what happens when....."

Oh forget it...

"I'm sorry..." she said, looking down at the ground.


"Relax, no harm no foul!" He grinned and laid back, flapping his hand over to ease the tension. "Well, I am new here. If you could show me around a bit, it'd be great!" He grinned from ear to ear, for a moment he looked as cute as a sunshine.


Silent and graceful, Serana practically glided her way across the ground to appear from out behind her servant's back. Her cold eyes and smile were directed right at the vulpine vixen who had drawn the chivalrous attention of You. "Yes, I do believe we would quite appreciate something of a tour. From a local."


"E-eh?" He blinked innocently before he felt a sudden cold chill. Something was staring down his back, like a dozen cold needles running through his bones. It was the cruel chill of death, and a smile he'd probably have nightmares sleeping over.

His lady was wonderful like that. He very discreetly moved to hush something in her ear, which hopefully would be big enough to get the memo. She was bound to scare the cute lady!

"Boss, with all due respect, don't you think we'd cover more ground if we split?"


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