Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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The vessel's form swelled and compacted, begging for release. Guns blasted and fired at his hardened muscles, but bounced off his skin as if it were hardened armor. Good, this is very good.


His dash was too fast for the human eye to register. Why didn't the boom of his foot warn of the incoming attack? Why didn't the splitting earth warn of the soldier's doom? No, they must have foreseen this and chosen to show their fangs of rebellion. Even when all it took was ONE finger slicing through the soldiers like butter - like a ray of light suddenly burning through the Columbian squadron. And a row of explosions to crown his assault.

"War... is a terrible thing."

His index glowed, moving to slash at more. The Columbians must have known the outcome of this struggle, yet they threw their lives wholeheartedly. This meant that the point of their attack was not to claim military victory, but something else. How troublesome. To think someone else wishes to rise above the chaos. If thas is their goal... this is a shrewd strategy.

"But we have all taken away precious things. Things that can't be brought back. Broken hopes that can't be returned to how they were. We have lived the rotten life of animals. Is it fair for an animal to howl at the grip that tears its heart?"

Of course it was. To struggle and to lash even in the jaws of death was the only way he knew to live. These soldiers must be the same. Their struggles and abandon were utter madness. As a fellow madman, Zeke would honor their loyal wishes  - and turn them into loyal chunks of coal.


Harley sighed and said,  "Thats fine in straightforward battles, but in subterfuge and assasination, its best to leave assailants alive and trace them back to their leaders.  Growing power in the shadows is their greatest strength."

Once again, she sighed, then smiled.  "Well I am still happy you came to help young lady.  When you return home, you can rest easy knowing you helped defend the monsters of this city."

Mysterous gentlemen

A tall man with a lanky build approached Harley and Edelguard.  He had curly black hair, a black suit and tie with matching black slacks.  Glowing emerald eyes stared at the two through a human mask while a pair of black gloves covered his hands.  Indeed they were hard pressed to see any inch of skin on the man.

"Forgive me my queen.  I couldn't stay inside," he said, those emerald eyes fixated on the severed remains of the body lying on the ground.  Those same eyes glared at Edelgard for the briefest moments before softening.  "I hear the threat is being dispatched."



She sensed, the mechanical clicking of something else triggering the instant after she pushed the button and-


The blast consumed the vehicle as well as the Vampire King, leaving only scraps behind of either of them, could it be that this devilish trap had actually succeeded in eliminating a high value target?

"So you've chosen death."

The Vampire King crawled out of a hole dozens of meters away from where the vehicle had been, her form was completely covered in dust yet appeared otherwise uninjured and in her hand was still the now soot covered radio.

She'd recognized mechanical sound for what it was and by sheer instinct honed through countless battles, she had kicked off from the APC before the blast could reach her. The leap had been so violent though that she had cratered the ground upon hitting and that's why she had to crawl out of a hole like a mole.

"Now lets see who shall answer." Her red eyes glared at the radio with more than the slightest bit of annoyance, for its sake she had to make a fool of herself.


She had made no mistake in judgement, but when the queen before her named that kind of threat, she couldn't help but agree with the message. Saboteurs and schemers had to be torn out at the root. It didn't need to be repeated, so she laid her eyes cautiously over the arrival.

That slipping second was when the explosion occurred, and the warrior tore her gaze towards it while her ears rang even at a distance. It was the direction Sakura and the vampire king were.

Swallowing, Edelgard broke into a run, leaping like a gazelle over the fallen vegetation in the direction of the blast.

The Intruders

The soldiers nearest to Zeke's malevolent charge fell first, succumbing to the terrible outcome that inevitably followed his attacks. Peaking out from a side street though, as he massacred the entire squad with their useless weaponry, a tank that had hidden itself in the tight path peeked its cannon out, engines and treads maybe being heard from the sounds of shouting, screaming, and gunfire, and opened fire at him.

That was one attack he couldn't just ignore.


The radio let out nothing but static at first, seemingly shaken by the speeds Valerie had moved at in the wake of the explosion. Or possibly just from being shaken up by the explosion, at that. The stench of burning oil and rubber and flesh wafted up, contained by Sakura's shadow wall to concentrate all around her. Soon after she could register that, it began to let out short, abortive attempts at contact.

"... thirty three- ... mark, 114-" Static, again.


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