Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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As soon as the car exploded, Sakura used her shadows to create a wall. Even if she couldn't stop it from hitting her mistress, she'd be able to protect any bystanders from collateral damages. She steeled her initial impulse to rush in to protect Valerie, because it would have been futile as well as against Valerie's orders. She waited for the cloud of smoke to begin clearing before she rushed in to help Valerie, surrounded by her familiars and reaching into her shadow for Sapphire.

She listened for every cracked stick, the heartbeat of any soldiers still alive. "You ok?" She asked Valerie, relieved to see her unharmed.


A tank is a heavily armored and armed car. A complex piece of technology that requires an inestimable amount of work from several specialists or at least robots (intricate machinery created by experts in their craft) and you need hundreds, no, thousands of hours of practice to be not a simple driver, but a pilot dedicated to the art and discipline of manning this vehicle.

Let alone driving.

Driving, one of the most dangerous activities practiced daily by millions of people, in which a single mistake can cost your life and the life of other people around you. If using a sword, a simple 1kg piece of sharp metal, make you a martial artist, how does using a tank, a deep mix of metal, plastic, electronic, over 1 ton, not make you a martial artist?

0.01 Seconds

Zeke’s thick sculpted body was surrounded by flames and coated by shadows, with the eyes of a fighting machine glowing ominously.  A threat Zeke had never faced before, an attack Zeke had never experienced! And yet, the body moved on its own as if he saw the cannon behind him in advance and avoided its aim at the last moment.

Did that weapon do that? They had heard of those things, but never actually faced one in combat.

0.07 Seconds

"ORAAAHH!!" Zeke led with an uppercut, the follow up was a flurry of strikes that tested and slammed into the tank's chassis, as his <Reaper's Eye> observed every millimeter of the machinery. You see, what was launching blow after blow was no dumb brute. While the fists struck, Zeke watched for any weak points to open this thing apart - with the sun's endless power behind every punch.


Harley's hair fluttered in the blast of wind created by the warrior's sudden departure.  She simply watched in silent awe as she departed, walking towards the streetlight she had used to arrive at the park.  Its strange, the warrior had left with a sudden urgency or perhaps concern.  There was a sort of beauty to the silent, one that begged to be studied.  Perhaps that is the real reason she unconsciously swung her body to observe, turning her back on the man before her.

A gasp escaped the hallow queen's lips.  Blood splurted from her mouth and trickled down her exposed belly.  The drops of blood blended in slightly with the orange skirt she was sporting as she looked down to see a sword driven through her chest.  The last thing she heard before she blacked out was,

"Fall to the ground, forgotten amongst the bodies you have buried."


The candlemen, once chasing the army stopped and began moving towards Valarie, their blank eyes showing no emotion.  The ones already in her vicinity formed a circle around her.  The flames on their heads together coated the ground she stood on with a dim orange light, casting her shadow over part of the circle.



The radio had been crushed into pieces with a simple squeeze of her hand. "How boring." She turned her attention to Sakura and immediately brightened up. "of course, your King cannot be touched by mongrels like this. Oh and you did good too."


Her hand gently rubbed Sakura's head. Edelgard should be back any moment now, she could feel the girl approaching.


Then she turned around facing away from Halloween Town. "It is time to go before that annoying queen shows her ugly face, and if we stick around for too long we will be dragged into their political drama.... But more importantly, I really need to see what he is up to, I have felt his frustration mounting higher and higher since we parted and I am starting to really worry..."


Sakura, the Forsaken warrior called, through the link of the enchanted rings, before leaping into view. Edelgard cut the rest of the way between littering shrapnel and ongoing engagements and skidded to a halt near her friend and her friend's superior.

"Assassin dealt with," she said. "The leader met me there. She was unharmed."

Halfway to taking her place at the mage's side, she stopped, squinting towards the lines of approaching pumpkin constructs.


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