Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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"Calling yourself monsters hah, cling to that moniker and you're forever a slave of Humanity!" That was something born of Human prejudice to willingly subjugate yourself to that label was to give in to the fear and the hatred.


The blonde Vampire leapt of Zeke's hulking form in order to avoid the crashing descent of the pumpkin meteor and it was in the impressive afterglow of its impact that she continued speaking. "NO! We are not monsters! We will rise above this, this silly notion the Humans impose on us. We will come together and with our strength and our wisdom, we will build a future they could only dream off!"


Oh no, my vampire shield.

As he quickly waved his hand, the projectile crashed straight into Zeke, blooming like the greatest firework. The flames stretched and roared, but suddenly froze in silence - only to shrink back as if sucked by something, and revealing a man bursting out freely. "You can't change your nature, Val. Winds will always blow, leaves will always fall... monsters will always be monsters."

In that brilliant explosion, no one could have appreciated the beautiful arcs the sword had formed, but there was no mistake that the spell had vanished. Two swords were gripped hand in hand, and his clothes swooshed against the winds as he rose up and towered over the former queen.

"But with a strong heart, you can overcome nature. Surpass it even. This will help me surpass myself. Wouldn't you agree?"

He said those words at Harley with a genuinely friendly smile, like he was looking forward to seeing how she'd get out of this one. It wasn't the kind of smile you should sport while drawing two swords against an enemy. The last generation's Zeke had met her, he had a handful of these memories, and more importantly, his hydra she gobbled up lingered with just enough of its strength to let him communicate with her.

And with no delay or pause, he threw a quick succession of jabs at the Queen, using the swords to extend their reach and hook her in with a nasty combination of slashes.

Looks like you've hit a streak of bad luck, Harley. It was hard to distract her enough to spare you the rod, but I wasn't going to dissuade her, this outcome's convenient for me too. You know what that means, right?

Halloween Town

Harley smiled, leaping backwards as he came forward.   With her palm held forward, A pumpkin formed, floating ever so slightly in front of her.  With another hand held in front of her, a candle appeared before morphing into the full form of a candleman.  The lightning jabs of Zeke's punches obliterated the body of the candleman and both of them were consumed with fiery explosion.  The shockwave sent Harley back and the pumpkin forward.

Oh so it was yours?  It was quite delicious.  Don't worry I am quite aware of what this means.  It is quite inconvenient that you brought the king of vampires here.

The batgirl closed her eyes and watched the fight.  It was beautiful, the two creatures finally engaging the hallow queen in combat.  If they killed her here then...  "I'd rather be slave to humanity than a slave to you," she said, spreading her wings.

Meanwhile, the candlemen fired on the pair, engulfing whatever remained in the flaming lasters fired from their eyes.


"All this talk of slavery is trite and boring, I have come to bring freedom...."

Valerie sighed and looked around her, the candlemen were attacking them now. This was all so pointless, this bloodshed really left a bad taste in her mout. some good old Yamada school of flexing was needed here.

Then the Vampire King blurred past the remaining Candlemen and destroyed them all before they could finish their attacks.

"JUST QUIT IT ALL OF YOU!" Valerie took a breathe before continuing, letting the rest of the combatants time to stop and listen to her.

"Columbia will be coming back in force and then they will burn this place to the ground. Yet here you are fighting over toys like children when your lifves, your very home is under threat of complete annihilation. Have you no shame? This is the time to set aside your differences and come together to save your home so what the hell are you doing?" Her glaring red eyes was aimed at all of them, Loyalists and Rebels alike.

"Zeke I trust you can handle things here, I have a very important matter to attend that I have been putting on hold for too long. But fear not I will be back!"

And with that, the Vampire King left with a leap.


Some brat I assimilated actually managed to realize it was in a new body, it was a wonderful little accident. It truly tried to tear me apart. I was fortunate you were there to clean up my mess, but I didn't think Salvation would also try to kill me, that was fun.

The flurry of blows didn't relent, calm as space itself. They'd suck the sorcerous explosion without pity. Thus, dashing forward head-on, Zeke slashed the Pumpkin in half- and its magic. He tossed a sword in the air, twirling it playfully. "That's right. Won't you think about me a little? What am I supposed to plunder if you waste it all biting your tail?" The sword was pointed in the direction of Harley's pretty neck, ready to rush and cut her to bits.

But he stopped. Wait, what was that all about? Some kind of sick joke? "Huh? Wait, don't just dump the job on me. Do I look like I am that-"

But she was gone before he could protest, leaving him blinking sheepishly in an awkward as hell spot.


He looked at Harley, like he was trying to put a finger on what just happened, and sighed with a tired smile. "Haha. Serves me right for being a traitorous rascal myself. Well, since I got this far, I'll be taking over your district. I'm sure you have your objections, I'll be happy to hear them once you're on your knees. Now then, since I've got to pick up the slack myself..."

His stance became as feral as his smile, and his muscles swelled with heat and power that raged so hard they could be felt meters away. With a look more intense than ever, he brandished his sword in earnest.

"Time to surpass my limits."


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