Cross Effects > Areas

Halloween Town

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He can cut apart magic? Harley thought as she watched him rip through the pumpkin.  She shot backwards, a pumpkin gathering in her palm.  No matter.  I won't fall so easily...

As the light faded from the pumpkin's eyes, its upper half falling in front of Zeke, it was ripped apart by the fire enveloping its body.  The pumpkin had exploaded.  Its lower half exploaded right after, threatening to swallow Zeke whole.

The Hallow queen began using her hand to weave signs as she flew backwards towards off of the side of the building, falling towards the ground.  Her palm was pointed towards the sky, the pumpkin growing larger in her palm.  However, I do not think I am quite ready to fight you yet.


Zeke's eyes snapped to the carved creature, but it was too late. Flames hurled outwards his entire vicinity, swallowing him in a hellish vortex. Was that it? Was he swallowed whole?

The holes that ripped open from the flames declared an answer, like a scream against the world. No, compared to the flames of hell, this is far too gentle! Compared to the fervor of my dream, this attack is kind as the setting sun! And the sun immediately set for her, in the form of five dark blades spinning with monstrous speed. A strong throw, an accurate throw... fired straight at her limbs to pin her like a cushion and gnaw at the magic current in her.

"Wielding created life as a shield and deadly flames as a spear, all while annoyingly buzzing about the battlefield. Curious, are these my memories as well?"

The sound barrier boomed - but it was deafened by the explosion of his feet against the melting ground. The roar of plasma carried him like a comet to victory, swirling like a ravenous meteor, and even that trembled before the force packed behind his fist, shimmering with a gorgeous blue hue. But the glowing fist hid the intent... of the unreinforced kick aimed at her plexus.

Being ready or not has no bearing. As long as you have the will, I'll always be there to dance with you - Pumpkin.


Ineffective, weak, not enough.  But she wouldn't give up.  The Hallow queen fired magic from her feet, twisting and turning in the air to dodge the blades.

Even still, the frustration of her weakness was punctuated by the fist striking her muscular abs.  Her eyes widening as she heard him call her true name.  The leg that followed sent her flying into the ground like a comet.  Where any other person would crash into the ground with a thud, Harley instead sunk into it, her form evaporating as her back struck the concrete.  The hand signs had been weaved and thus she could escape into one of her many hideouts.  Nay she could have escaped the district if she so desired.

Not yet.... Not yet....  Enjoy this victory Zeke.


"Hahahahahaha!" The feral smile widened, Zeke readied to attack, but-!

She vanished.

Zeke blinked.

"Haaa?" You know even for a role, it still feels weird to be called that by a stranger... Escape? Not a bad choice. She was a better woman with her head attached to her torso. As the burning aura slowly waned, Zeke's face relaxed, and his smile turned into their calm and content expression. Was it a mask? Was it their real face? For a liar and a scoundrel who couldn't even protect a single comrade, playing along was just fine. They had no use for the dead.

Instead, the mysterious man turned their eyes to the living. As its - their tattered cloak swayed under burning winds, you could almost notice a bar code tattooed to the new vessel. Almost like he was less of a human and more of a product. An object. A tool. Something bred to be used and thrown away.

"Now then, I thought I heard someone saying something like..." Shadows swirled around Zeke's fingertips, forming a small bat that cried out with a familiar voice.

"I'd rather be slave to humanity than a slave to you!"
A darkness creased over their face, Zeke's face... and they smiled. A dark, evil glow burned in the vessel's eyes, making the earth tremble in its malice as the sun lowered and prostrated before the evil star. "That's right... so I guess you can't complain after all... if I have my way with all of you!"

The sun had already set over Halloween Town. The destruction, the decimation...

Was being slowly repaired. Dark organisms roamed the grounds and used their combined power to repair the smashed buildings and burnt streets of their own free will. As the dead and injured were tallied and brought to safety, beasts from another world soared across the skies, keeping vigilant watch over any survivors from either side so they may be brought to safety.

But while these resources were being salvaged, an unspeakable evil brewed in the heart of the district. It bubbled, burnt with anticipation, and-

"Pwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! This is delicious! So good, so goooooooooooooooooooooood~!" Zeke took a big bulp of the pumpkin soul, gorging it down greedily like it was the best and only thing they had tasted in centuries. Without any regard, dignity or pride, it munched and gulped down on fermented pumkin beer, pumkin  seeds, pumkin pies, roasted pumpkin, pumpkin risotto, deep fried pumkpin, pumkpin ice cream, pumpkin milkshake, pumpkin salad, pickled pumkin, barbecued pumpkin and more. And he wasn't the only one. The remaining resistance members and civilians had been summoned here to partake in this meal together, to speak and reassure one another, or just to recuperate while the wounded where tended to.

It was Zeke's idea, of course. After all, they wished to know more of this place and its cultures. Food was an important step to understanding this people. And to be honest, they were starving. But as Zeke kept munching on, the stares pointed at a single body finally registered, and a blush appeared on their... Zeke's face.

"Um, I mean, it's appetizing. Adequate. Uh, just forget what you saw, okay? And I'll have more of that pie please, it's simply scrumptious." Zeke turned to the bat girl. "Have you ever eaten something this delicious? You've gotta try it."


The batgirl stayed silent, as she had been the whole time.  Her sharp eyes stared at Zeke's every move, yet refused to say a single word.  It was clear she was upset about something, but also observing him.  The real question was why she agreed to come out if this was what she was going to do the whole time.


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